
Googlighting – Microsoft Pokes Fun At Google Apps


Last time, we had an internal corporate video poking fun at Gmail and now Microsoft is at it again, this time, taking a jab at Google Apps for businesses. While this isn’t exactly Android related per say, it is our papa company being attacked by big bad Microsoft and when that happens — I tend to get a little defensive. I also found it interesting that Microsoft has uploaded their parody video to YouTube — a Google company — as a means of promoting their video. Ballsy.

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Still, I suppose Microsoft brings up a good point. Are any of our readers actually using Google’s business apps in favor of similar Microsoft cloud services? And how feasible would it be if someone wanted to conduct a good portion of their business on an Android-based tablet or device? Any must-have office or productivity apps lacking from Android?

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. BAHAHAHAHAHA. that was retarded Microsoft, you big meanies. I did smile a little though. 

  2. Wow.

  3. My company switched from Office to Google Apps because we were sick of dealing with the constant Exchange crashes, we loved the collaboration of Google Docs, and frankly we were sick of the Microsoft BS. Google apps is light years better than office and Exchange in a lot of ways and I would never want to go back. Oh, and Google’s support for paying customers is outstanding. They were more responsive and faster to call back than Microsoft ever has been.

    As far as Android, it could use a more native Google Docs app. The current mobile website skin is clunky, especially on a tablet.

    1. Collaboration through google docs is really awesome

    2. You hit on it.  This isn’t about business’s moving away from Office products.  This is about GMail.  Exchange and Outlook are horrible compared to GMail.  I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to go from GMail at home to Outlook at work. There will be cases and a lot of them where you need to use Word or Excel.  For me not so much but others who use Excel to it’s full extent(the 20%) will need to.  

    3. That means you had a poor exchange support team.  In 5 years at my current company I’ve experienced one two hour outage.

      I like my android but if I were running a business I’d be MS all the way.  While I find this video entertaining… I do think it’s kind of silly for MS to do this kind of stuff.  They have a good product, there’s no need to get snarky the way apple has traditionally done.  That works great when you are marketing a consumer device to teenagers but I can’t see any business owner placing much weight behind this kind of stuff.

  4. I’m an IT consultant, and I’ve personally seen several large, nation-wide businesses using Google Apps. MSFT has to be a little creeped out; their mindshare and marketshare are being eroded from many different directions. 

  5. A SWING and a MISS!   Nice production value though.  They were reaching there a little to knock Google Apps.  She asks “What if my employees need to make changes on the road, can they do that?”  He replies “Yeah, if they have internet.”  Duh!  Last time I checked the internet was the sole way to connect people and their devices when away from the office.  How else would you do it?  My computer, with Windows 7, needs the internet to connect to the office, facebook and this website.  Another reach was asking if the software would be different from one day to the next. Umm, yeah.  That’s called improving the software.  He replied with it could be gone.  Really?  I’ve never seen Google Docs disappear.   
    And why exactly would Microsoft be taking a pot shot at Google?  Yes, they’re competitors but Google hasn’t taken any shots at them that I know of.  Oh wait, I know why.  When you’re the best everyone wants to tear you down.   
    And it’s on Youtube, LOL!!  Gotta use a Google product to get the word out.  LOL!  I find that hilarious.  

    1. preface: I use a Google apps 95% of the time and think their awesome. I am just generally a big’ole Google Fan Boy.

      That being said, I disagree with your comments.  If you have a mobile device, say a laptop, you can use all of your MS office products without any internet connection.  Google is working on offline mode, but not that readily available and powerful on every device yet.

      MS office does not change in a significant way unless you buy a new version and install it yourself.  Google apps can roll out a significant change overnight.  I haven’t had any issue with this, but others may have.

      Google has pulled the plug on many products when they weren’t received well.  You have to remember there were probably still users who like those platforms and wanted them to continue, although limited in number I am sure.

      I still like the Google solution the best for my needs.  But looking at a large business, with many “offline” needs, Google apps may not be the best choice at this moment.  The mobile editing platform for tablets has a long way to go. Although, I don’t know that any one has a strong offering in this category.

      1. For Google apps for business, you have to approve the changes before they effect your account users.  No different from MS Office, except changes and improvements come faster.

        Personally, I have tried to use MS Office online services for collaborative work, and since it was limited to people with Office 2007 and higher, I found it useless.  Too many people switched to Libre Office or use the pre-ribbon versions of Office for this to be useful to smaller business people and families.  We use Office 2007 in the office, but share through Google apps – it works very well that way!

        Also, what is a “pivot table”?  She makes it seem like a big deal in the video.

        1. In data processing, a pivot table is a data summarization tool found in data visualization programs such as spreadsheets or business intelligence
          software. Among other functions, pivot-table tools can automatically
          sort, count, total or give the average of the data stored in one table
          or spreadsheet. It displays the results in a second table (called a
          “pivot table”) showing the summarized data.

          Thank you Wikipedia!

        2.  Pivot table IS a big deal when it comes to the data analysis. I’m surprised there are people who don’t know that.

          1.  Pretty much the main reason I still use excel.

          2. Why are we ignoring that GDocs has pivot tables?


            I’ve used them, and they’re more user friendly to new users than MSO’s is, IMO.

        3. @Andy_in_Indy:disqus 

           Your forgetting the MS solution comes with both the “thick” client tools and the web based, not just the web based as with Google.

          I would rather all my tools be web based, but until “strong” offline support is available, this may not work for everyone.

  6. Microsoft is just getting scared.

  7. Obviously Microsoft is staring to take Google more serious now that Google docs just got contracts with two of Microsoft’s very large clients.

    1. Really? With who?

  8. Microsoft make a, well let’s be honest, a toe curlingly bad video which is trying to channel Mac vs PC but misses completely.

    Google’s response.

    That’s a left hook to the jaw :)

  9. Much as I hate to say it, I never use Google docs; I’ve been using MS Office for longer than I care to remember (and MS Works before that), that using anything else feel very limiting. As a writer/editor and beginning the venture into ebooks, GDocs just doesn’t cut it for me. Nor do any of the “office” apps currently available. 

    1. Thanks for sharing

    2. Micro$oft Works, I love that oxymoron.

      As for writing, don’t you think M$ Office is overkill? Forgetting GDocs there are *FAR* better streamlined apps for that.

  10. Yes, the last 3 companies I’ve worked at used Google Apps

  11. Microsoft produced a dorky video and I’ll be glad if I never have to see it again. I respect Bill gates, and when he was in charge (day to day), he would not have approved it. To the consumer what’s better. Overpriced software that only changes if you buy an upgrade, or software that’s high quality and frequently upgraded based on consumer input. I’ll take Google everyday of the week and twice on Sundays!

    1. Amen brother.

  12. biggest thing google docs needs by far is offline mode. let me choose what apps i want to use offline similar to the way i “pin” my music in the cloud to listen to when i don’t have internet and google docs will be perfect for me

  13. Google Docs weakness is in: 1. Offline availability. People wants and need to check their presentation on airplanes, subway, and countless other places where there’s no free wifi. 2. Spreadsheet. Like it or not, Google Docs spreadsheet is not on par with MS Excel 2010.

    On the otherhand, Microsoft should implement automatic sync of MS Office products, that is accessible in one centralized platform, just like Google Docs, minus the sucky apps.

    1. Sorry dude…but Offline IS possible with Google Docs…

      As for Excel vs. Spreadsheets in G-Doc, well only 10% of users actually use ALL the features in MS Excel. The 90% of users use features that you will find more than satisfying in Spreadsheets for G-Docs…

      1. Riiiiiiight…….

        -Presentations, drawings and other items from your Documents List are not available offline at this time.
        -Documents and spreadsheets are only available in view-only mode. –You must restore your Internet connection to make any edits.
        -You can’t create new documents and spreadsheets while you’re offline.

        How is this on par with dedicated apps installed in one’s laptop?

        And for spreadsheets, that 10% of the users that use ALL of the features are usually the critical employees in a big company. I worked at IBM, and the financial reports are done in Excel, with formulas linking to older files, going years before current date. Migrate that.

        1. You are absolutely right. not all of it is accessible on-line…for now.

          Regarding the 10%, you are also right, our company sells Google Apps and we have come across these companies that have power users that “need” to have MS office. For these clients, we suggest a hybrid model so that the majority of their user base goes GApps and the minority on MS Office. The cost savings are enormous and the implementation is pretty painless.Until Google comes up with a solution for these power users appart from Cloud Connect, we will always see MS Office where it currently is. Also, we need to think of the data implications. Some of these power users are dealing with very sensitive data that companies are still not comfortable in hosting on Google Datacentres or even MS O365 Datacentres.

  14. My old company used to use Google Apps for its clients. It was very useful compared to the Microsoft Alternative. 
    Although our internal staff used Office. I wish they all just used Google Apps I would have had a lot more free time as theres nothing that can go wrong with that other than a browser issue :)

  15. Hahahaha!!! 

    I have been selling MS products for the past 10 years and I actually specialise in them. I have to say that MS is full of unreasonable folks.Their Office 365 solution simply does not work. They had a solution called BPOS which was the precursor to Office 365. Customers that want to migrate to the latest and greatest cannot even do that simply because BPOS technology lies on Exchange 2007 and Office 365 is on Exchange 2010 and MS cannot even work that one out! Resulting in a worldwide mess in transition.Also:- regarding the on the road argument. Well…last time I checked, you can work on G-Docs offline and then synchronise when you are back on-line.- regarding users that are familiar with MS office and a bit scared of the new layout in G-Docs, well…Microsoft, sorry but there is Google Cloud Connect which allows you to use MS Office applications and collaborate with other Google Apps users…via G-Docs.I just think that MS are just stirring crap from their own gutter. This does not inspire respect. The Redmond Team is just as low as write wing politicians and ignorant red-necks.Shame on you Steve…shame on you.

  16. We really need Google docs offline!

    1. Click the little gear icon on the top right
      Click “Set up Docs Offline.”

      I think you need Chrome… but if you’re a good Google minion, you’ve already got Chrome installed.

  17. I ditched MS word a long time ago for GDocs. It’s free, fast, and always saves my work.

    Excel still has its strengths, but once the Goog gets a better spreadsheet and better offline mode, then MS is in trouble and all the lame attack ads in the world won’t help it.

  18. I was not expecting Microsoft to be this childish with their attacks.

  19. I’m definitely pro-Google in most things, and I’m a raving Gmail advocate,  But Google apps just don’t cut if for me.  I see the upside in the collaborative stuff, but beyond that the Google product isn’t as robust now as Excel was 12 years ago. 

  20. Sad that MS actually spent money producing something so cheesy.  Seems like MS is paranoid, their once great empire is being eroded on many fronts as people start to realize there are other alternatives out there.

  21. Disclaimer: I work in IT at an accounting firm. I am a huge fan of Google. I am a realist, and try and use logic whenever possible.

    Google Docs are great for people who don’t use Excel for all of the functions of Microsoft Excel. Confused? Well, let me ‘splain.

    If you use Excel for making a list of groceries, Google Docs can work for you.
    If you use Excel for keeping track of your mileage, Google Docs can work for you.
    If you use Excel for a D&D character sheet, Google Docs can work for you.
    If you use Excel for a list of websites with passwords for them, Google Docs can work for you… Albeit not recommended. Lastpass. That’s all I’m saying.

    If you use Excel for calculating the amortization over 10 years with
    compound interest and trial balances for your taxes, Google Docs won’t
    work for you.
    If you use Excel for pivot tables, Google Docs won’t
    work for you.
    If you use Excel for charts and graphs, Google Docs won’t
    work for you.
    If you use Excel for integrating with any Tax Software (GoTax, Engagement, UltraTax, etc.), Google Docs won’t
    work for you.

    Most of the ‘business’ world of accounting NEEDS those functions or there are software companies out there who basically make a single add-in for Excel that flat out won’t work in Google docs. Could google add it? Sure. Will they? MMMmmaaaaybe??? But then there is the issue that most clients won’t want their data stored off in the cloud somewhere, and there’s local Google servers but who knows where it’s saved–and they’ve never had a breach, but seriously that isn’t a good security policy…

    In short, it is the issue of Microsoft has been around longer and that is what the businesses TRUST to work. Google is working toward goals, but there are some hurdles to overcome first. I’m not saying they can’t, I’m just saying that they need some time to work on it. Home users are FINE. Businesses are a littttttttle bit more complicated.

    1. What is a pivot table?  They make it sound like a big deal.  

      My job doesn’t use Excel much – mostly to automate some table look ups and calculations – so I have no Idea what that is.

      1. you could google it?

        1. Or M$ Office it… Oh, wait, can’t office look things up? LOL

    2. Sorry if I’m ignoring something. I’m happy to admit that there are deficiencies with GDocs. I find your examples odd, though. Can you explain more?

      “… calculating the amortization over 10 years with 
      compound interest and trial balances for your taxes …”
      I’ve done this myself a couple of times on GDocs. What function is an example of Excel working for amortization but GDocs is not?

      “… pivot tables …”
      Except it does?? What does one need pivot tables for other than this? I find GDocs’ pivot tables very easy to use, IMO.

      “… charts and graphs …”
      This was the really confusing one. GDocs has had charts for a long time, and they’re pretty good, too. Could you demonstrate where Excel does a common thing that Google can’t?

      “… integrating with any Tax Software (GoTax, Engagement, UltraTax, etc.)…”
      I’ll admit that I don’t do business taxes, so I don’t know what these packages are expecting. But if Excel can output an XLS that these products can use, I don’t see a technical reason why GDocs’ XLS file couldn’t match it.

      Furthermore, GDocs does many spreadsheet functions better than Excel. GDocs allows you to nest array formulas (and keeping array formulas as a function rather than the Ctrl+Shift+Enter mess turns out to make a lot more sense). GDocs has a practically infinite function nesting allowance (versus Excel’s relatively small limit). GDocs can easily pull in live data from other sources using the import functions. 

      Sorry if I’m obtuse, but I don’t see these features being the big difference for businesses between Excel and Google.

  22. I have completely switched to Google business apps, but my line doesn’t require a lot of fancy work I never do power points or longterm graphs. Just simple record keeping. It’s a lot easier for me I can pull it up anywhere anytime on my phone or laptop. Microsoft keeps picking on the needs Internet thing but when you have a 5″ screen with full Internet in your hands as you walk around town, moot point. Google docs is a great tool. I don’t think it will ever fully replace Microsoft but it is an excellent alternative

  23. This is actually pretty funny. Nice job with the “Moonlighting” theme.

  24. The wife and I switched all our office type stuff (for personal use not business) over to google docs/apps over a year ago.  It’s been great.  No more installing software, no more files getting corrupt/lost/accidentally deleted.

  25. Lol @ per say  

    1. That was great.  Your post made me LOL.

  26. I love google apps, on a PC. On Android it’s usable, but clunky (but MS Office isn’t natively available either). The one application I still need to use from MS is Visio, not only because it’s what everyone in my corporation uses, but because nothing else will open the myriad of Visio diagrams I work with from vendors and other business groups.

  27. I’m a teacher and use Google apps extensively with my classes.  Google has been very good about getting back to me with any problems I have (actually it’s my own it department that gets in the way most of the time, as I have to go through them).  I do have Office Live as well, but don’t use it as a lot of my students don’t have Office at home.

  28. Honestly I love android and the phones running android but when it comes to school, nothing beats a good ol laptop and office installed. I just don’t see Google beating Microsoft in this game.

  29. Micro$oft usually doesn’t use F.U.D. unless they are worried.
    So what is MS worried about then?

  30. The only products from the Office suite I use on a regular basis outside of work (I work in IT and we still heavily use Office in our workspace) were Word and Excel. Word I haven’t opened at home in YEARS and all my documents live in Google Docs. Excel has been a tough one. I’ve done a little on both platforms. But the most I use Excel for at home running my household budget and like another poster above mentioned, a grocery list.

  31. My school uses business google apps and emails along with docs etc.. very useful  btw, who is the nigger that agreed to sing this gay song?

  32. While I’m a *HUGE* Android/Google fan (apart from chrome, I hate not having a menu-bar), she did have a point about Google pulling the plug on useful stuff.

    I used to use AppInventor as a teaching aid to start people programming, but they pulled it. I also used to love Google Health, but that also got pulled (and I still can’t find a replacement I’m totally happy with). But having said that, I really can’t see them doing that with enterprise stuff.

  33. I tried using Google Docs Spreadsheets to develop a quote for a customer last month, and I can honestly say that Google Docs spreadsheets are severely lacking. I noticed some weird behavior with updates to a cell not propagating throughout the spreadsheet. Specifically, cells with formulas that pointed to cells with formulas that pointed to cells … (you get the idea – and no, no cyclical dependencies). This failure to propagate lasted through numerous edits.

    I’m not sure what the deal was – but it nearly cost me a bunch of money, and I’m loathe to experiment further.

  34. Microsoft has cloud-based app services?  I didn’t even know. :-)  My company uses Google Apps on a daily basis.  From Macs. Who’s Microsoft?  I never deal with them.

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