
The Sims FreePlay for Android Now Available


It wasn’t long ago that we told you guys EA would be bringing The Sims FreePlay to Android and it’s finally here, just as promised. As the name implies, the game is free to download and play. You can create up to 16 Sims, design their homes, give them pets, take care of them and more. One of my favorite pastimes on mobile? Definite win. It’s a 13MB download initially but you’ll need to set aside an additional 640MB so be sure to free up some space. [Android Market]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. No support for the Galaxy Nexus? Boo!

    1. Yeah, very strange considering it does support the TF Prime (ICS)…

  2. What gives? It says my device is not compatible…I have the galaxy nexus…

  3. Not available for the galaxy nexus :(

  4. Is this MMORPG or is it generic computer play only like the last one?

  5. No support for g-nex major fail

  6. not supported evo 3d but i grabed the apk and it works fine don’t get the market at times 

  7. Another not support sgn app.

  8. Damn, I was like al yea when I saw this. Then I go to download and it says I cant cause I have a nexus: /

  9. As stated before no support for the g-nex…been waiting for Sims just to find out I can’t have it

  10. Not available in the Netherlands.. when it comes to us?

    1. Phandroid only link to North American versions of EA stuff, here’s our link:

  11. Another comment to add about no Gnex support. Major FAIL!!!!

  12. every day EA gives me a new reason for me to hate them

  13. When I first read about this I am so excited.

    But when I went to the android market it says It’s not available in my country!

    Very disappointing!!

    1.  Phandroid always link to the North America version of EA software, which comes up as unavailable or uncompatible for everyone else. Do they not even read comments on this site?

      Here’s the link for everyone else:

  14. As usual for EA stuff, Phandroid have put up a link that’s limited to North America. Try this link if you’re elsewhere:

  15. I have an Epic 4g with a custom ics rom and it works amazing for me. It has great graphics and the gameplay is reallllllly good.only problem I seen was that the file was huge but other than that great game.

  16. Seems to support my SFII and Country for the free version, though only on the download so far.  Yet I paid for the full version some time ago and it won`t let me use it, not for my country. Even though they said it would work on the phone and let me pay for it and download too.

    EDIT: I swapped ROMS on my Crescent (SFII) phone and it now shows as 02 ZTE Blade 2. I can now confirm the free Sims is working on my phone, pay one still is not.

  17. Doesn’t support my Rezound or my old Incredible.

  18. Not Fair..Says My Phone es In compatible

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