Affordable carrier MetroPCS has announced that their $40 rate plans will now be available to customers using 4G phones. Folks who opt for this cheaper plan will get unlimited text, talk and unlimited web data. The “web” part is emphasized because anything other than that will go against a 100MB cap. It’s great for folks who don’t do much on their phones but visit the web and use minor applications.
Customers will still have the option of going with either $50 or $60 rate plans with got you 1GB of multimedia streaming and unlimited multimedia streaming, respectively. Head to MetroPCS’s website today if you want to take them up on this offer. Here’s one last look at what you’re getting:
- Includes unlimited talk, text and 4G Web browsing so consumers can surf the web as much as they’d like
- Includes 100MB of multimedia streaming access for consumers making the shift to mobile broadband and discovering new ways to access their multimedia content
- A good option for users who can occasionally connect via WiFi since multimedia access – streaming content and downloads – over WiFi does not count toward the 100MB allowance
MetroPCS website link is actually pointing to your competitors blog post where you stole your content from :-)
Ouch that is embarrassing, especially since they didn’t give any credit to AndroidGuys. LOL
Has anyone else noticed that sites like Phandroid and AndroidAndMe are nothing more but articles taken from other sites and just re-posted on their own. There is very little to no original journalism. Everything is taken from sites like Engadget and Verge and just re-posted here.
I wonder if sites who pay writers for original content get angry when these sites like Phandroid and AndroidAndMe just copy and repost here, making their own money off traffic to the site but by original content from someone else.
I dunno. Funny though.
Metro 4g Sucks Bad.
Your comments are rude and ignorant. You could have phrased it differently as to not come off as a complete douche bag.
sorry but i just really hate them sooo much. i use to have them and the first phone i had was a pos kyocera domino but that was before i knew anything about android. once i got a taste of android i never looked back
You buy a new phone every six months? Jesus christ. Imagine if you put that money into something with long lasting value.
yes but i resell my old phone to offset the cost so i dont waste too much
Oh, carry on then.
For a second there I imagined a museum of progressively older Android handsets being built on a bookshelf somewhere.
I used to do that, but recently had to cut my budget to pay down some debt, so I’m actually waiting for my next upgrade in November to get a new phone, I did this for a few years new phone every 6 or so months. I’d buy a new phone and sell the old one, it doesn’t seem that expensive, but when you add up what you spend over the course of 2 to 3 years it’s a lot more than spending $200 or so every 2 years.
METRO PCS has a smart marketing plan here,something for everyone,including unlimited data.As long as the 4G LTE is fast & reliable,what’s not to like about this.
If METRO PCS was in my area,I’d give it a go.
I find it funny when people say Metro sucks. Because here in the Detroit area my metro 4g is blazing fast. My wife’s bosses all use Verizon 4g phones and she laughs that she can dl stuff faster than they can. Metro PCS works for me.