
ASUS Transformer Prime Rebooting After ICS Update?


While some are having problems getting their ASUS Transformer Prime units to pull down the Android 4.0 updates, others are having problems post-update. One of the bigger issues being noted is the device’s tendency to randomly reboot itself. There seems to be a mixed bag of users who do and don’t have this problem so it’s a bit difficult to pinpoint what exactly is causing it.

Some users have reported being able to successfully exchange the device with ASUS or their retailer of choice but if this is a software problem we’re not so sure that is worth the trouble. Be sure to add your +1 over at the big thread that XDA is hosting. Even if you don’t have the issue it’d be good to get more variables figured out. [Thanks, Jody!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I do not have this issue with my TPrime 4.0.3 (though I do with my SGN 4.0.2)

  2. I have the TPrime, and I also do not have this problem.

  3. this is clearly a ICS software issue since Nexus users are having the same issue

    1. Nexus owner since release day.  I have never had a reboot.

      1. Nexus owner since minute one (walked out of the store at 9:10…took a little while to get my stuff from my BB to it)…several reboots

      2. Nexus owner since mid December. My phone has rebooted maybe 5 times the first couple days (heavy use), but hasn’t in awhile.

    2. Exactly. Gnex,prime, vibrant 4.0.3 kang, Sensation AOSP 4.0.3 all a few random unsolved reboot. Hmmm what’s in common? 4.0.3 ICS

  4. Mine reboots occasionally when the browser gets stuck.

  5. So glad I returned this tablet, nothing but problems DOA gps, very poor wifi performance in my experience, I’m waiting for something better and not jumping on any release day tablets, I’ll be smarter and wait to find out any issues first.

    Asus was always a trusted manufacturer, I’m very disappointed in their brand.

  6. Happened last night twice!

  7. So sad that I had to give up my Prime. I really do miss it, but glad for BB’s return policy. Probably going to retry again when the TF700 comes out. For now I suppose I will be okay with the Wifi Galaxy Tab 7.7 I have on order…;-)

  8. I have both a T-prime and g nexus with ICS. neither of my devices reboot randomly.  they both perform as expected.  My t-primes wifi and gps both seem to work fine too. i dont understand all these problems people are having, am i just lucky?

  9. I have prime and I love it, never any reboot problems, wifi is fine. there

  10. I have no idea what anyone is talking about with the T-Prime problems.  I got mine four days ago.  I updated to ICS no problem, connected with wifi no problem (better then my droid x would, and last night I tested the GPS.  I got my GPS to work, accurate up to 30 feet with like 8 satellites (and no I did not have my wifi on).  My GPS connection was just as good as the one i get with my gps navigation unit in my car.  I think people need to understand that you can’t compare the performance of a phone’s GPS (which uses cell towers to aid the GPS in locating you) to a tablet’s GPS (which you’re asking to locate you with just the GPS).  I imagine that the GPS in all tablets is not an awesome one either. 

    1. You are so special Chucky, goody goody for you.. You wouldn’t know of a problem if yours works would you? BRILLIANT!

      I as well as many others spent $500+ for a tablet that has been obsoleted before it hits store shelves and then had insult to injury by having the thing reboot and lock constantly once we get the coveted ICS update.

      So na nana boo boo stick your head… ehh you get my point.

      1. Wow I was having a bad day, but not after reading your reply.  I couldn’t stop laughing by the end.  Thanks for cheering me up.  You might want to proofread your replies.  I’m not sure if you meant to sound like a twelve year old but you did.  Read it back out loud to a few people you’ll see what I’m talking about. 

  11. I’m not having the reboot problem.  However when I click on the recent apps button (when there are about 8+ apps open) I get a diagonal screen flicker on my home screen.  Other users are reporting this as well and claim it starting happening after the ICS update (I’ve only had mine since the ICS update).
    So it seems like it is a software issue but why then do only some of us experience the problem?  Anyone have any thoughts on this?  I’m somewhat new to the Android world, especially in regards to tablets.

  12. Every once and a while after the update I get long black bars go across my screen while in apps or just playing around with my TFP. A simple touch to another part of the screen makes them go away but it is still annoying. Yes I have done a factory reset did not help!!

  13. Galaxy nexus now Prime sounding to me like a ICS problem. More then anything. Note that GSM Galaxy Nexus phones are having the random reboot issue but one thing common is ICS. Yes Asus could be the problem but random reboots on 2 separate devices and the common factor is ICS. Google you got some explaining to do

  14. i was going to say! my nexus has nearly a daily reboot. i thought it was my bofa application. least it reboots though. rather than powers off. 

  15. Have had Prime since Dec 22 via Gamestop. No issues other than GPS in GPS only mode. Have had random lockups, maybe 3, since. I am quite certain that is app/os related. If ICS has a built in task killer like alledgedly my EVO does, I suspect it’s that stupid thing choking the system down.

  16. I have an issue with mine, where I get horizontal bars going across the screen randomly. 

  17. I guess I should add I haven’t been on stock rom since the day I got it.

  18. I had the rebooting issue and returned it to BB. The whole process has been deflating. This was my first Asus product and will more than likely be my last. Here is a list of negatives with 1 single product

    1. Cannot find anywhere to purchase a month after it was “released”
    2. Get the product and runs moderately well at best on Android 3.0
    3. GPS and WIFI issues experienced and no real fix in place
    3. TF700 “Upgrade””Fixed Unit” announced 3 days after purchase and tf201 still not available in stores
    4. Got Ice Cream Sandwich 2 days Early as consolation on t 700 announcement. A bone if you will.
    5. Download ICS to find that my tablet is now unusable.
    6. Call Customer service and of course they have no knowledge of any issue and have no real fix. Told I would have to pay for shipping for RMA,
    7. Got email from ASUS Customer service basically saying yep, once the t700 hits stores we will be discontinuing the tf201

    I am sorry but this experience has made me not want a tablet at all, and the fact that ASUS is so cavalier about this issue is beyond me. I was so excited for this item and was given as a Christmas gift from my wife. What a terrible overall experience.

    Good luck to you all if you keep in and the warranty runs out and you have issues.

  19. I had the rebooting issue and returned it to BB. The whole process has been deflating. This was my first Asus product and will more than likely be my last. Here is a list of negatives with 1 single product

    1. Cannot find anywhere to purchase a month after it was “released”
    2. Get the product and runs moderately well at best on Android 3.0
    3. GPS and WIFI issues experienced and no real fix in place
    4. TF700 “Upgrade””Fixed Unit” announced 3 days after purchase and tf201 still not available in stores
    5. Got Ice Cream Sandwich 2 days Early as consolation on t 700 announcement. A bone if you will.
    6. Download ICS to find that my tablet is now unusable.
    7. Call Customer service and of course they have no knowledge of any issue and have no real fix. Told I would have to pay for shipping for RMA,
    8. Got email from ASUS Customer service basically saying yep, once the t700 hits stores we will be discontinuing the tf201

    I am sorry but this experience has made me not want a tablet at all, and the fact that ASUS is so cavalier about this issue is beyond me. I was so excited for this item and was given as a Christmas gift from my wife. What a terrible overall experience.

    Good luck to you all if you keep in and the warranty runs out and you have issues.

  20. I purchase my t-prime and so far so good. On ICS and no problems yet, but this is my first Asus product and maybe my last. This is already an outdated product and with the tf700 around the corner doesn’t give me a good feelings about the support for the t-prime.

  21. I was so exited about this tablet and after going through hell to get it, the whole experience has been a HUGE disappointment it is a sexy looking device but it is plagued with issues, this is the second Asus product I own and for sure will be the last one I ever buy from them…

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