
USA Today Brings App to Amazon Kindle Fire


USA Today has already been available for Android but, as we know, the Kindle Fire is different. They’ve heavily customized Android 2.3.x and, as such, the tablet-specific apps designed with Android 3.0+ SDKs can’t work. It’s up to application developers to bring apps that take advantage of the Kindle Fire’s screen real estate, though, and USA Today has done just that with their new application. It’s a free download but be prepared to see some ads throughout your daily perusal of their content. Grab the download at Amazon’s Appstore here. [via AndroidGuys]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Of course USA Today was going to jump on this bandwagon! It better be free if it’s coming from USA Today! I wonder if Star and TMZ and Perez Hilton are going to come up with this app, too?

  2. They need to support the Rezound. I can’t get on my phone. And what’s funny is I work for USA Today too.

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