
ASUS: Relax, Statement Regarding Locked Bootloader Coming Shortly


ASUS has taken to Facebook to quickly acknowledge that they’re hearing the discontent with their new tablet’s (ASUS Transformer Prime) locked bootloader. They didn’t say much but did mention that a statement would be coming soon:

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Official statement on bootloader for the Prime coming in a bit. Hang on tight guys.

In the mean time, relax.

Relax, they say. We’re not sure what to make of this, though. Does “relax” mean “please bear with us as we try to explain our reasoning behind this” or “we’re going to be giving you guys what you want in the neat future?”

Can’t say for sure at this point, but at least they won’t be shying away from talking about it. We’ll be eager to hear what they say whenever the statement is issued. [Facebook, thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Mine is coming today… I really hope they unlock it or I can’t justify keeping it if it’s always going to be running the Asus Android build they put on.

  2. The “relax” definitely seems to imply the ability to easily unlock the bootloader at one’s whim.

  3. Well you can disable the Asus customization and use the stock HC through a setting from what one of official Android top dogs said a few days ago. Im getting mine today as well. Hoping for the best as this is my very first tablet that ive ever owned and I would like a good experience with it…keeping my fingers crossed.

  4. Lets hope “relax” means “easy unlock” instead of “Relax, theres nothing you can do about it HAHAHAHA”.

  5. I know two people ( myself included ) who specifically cancelled our orders due to this  complete travesty of an open source OS. 

    I WISH ASSus would take not from HTC and embrace developers not hinder them. we make their devices worth while

  6. “Regarding the bootloader, the reason we chose to lock it is due to content
    providers’ requirement for DRM client devices to be as secure as
    possible. ASUS supports Google DRM in order to provide users with a high
    quality video rental experience. Also, based on our experience, users
    who choose to root their devices risk breaking the system completely.
    However, we know there is demand in the modding community to have an
    unlocked bootloader. Therefore, ASUS is developing an unlock tool for
    that community. Please do note that if you choose to unlock your device,
    the ASUS warranty will be void, and Google video rental will also be
    unavailable because the device will be no longer protected by security
    They posted an update regarding the Jan. 12th FOTA of ICS 4.0 on Transformer 1 I believe as well.

    1. I’m perfectly fine with that. The fact that I will have that choice is all we wanted ASUS. I’m a big boy and can make adult decisions on my own and is why I chose Android.

      Thank you ASUS. 

  7. The statement is out check out it now on Facebook. I am happy but I know that there are going to be a lot of you that are not!!

  8. Does “relax” mean “please bear with us as we try to explain our reasoning behind this” or “we’re going to be giving you guys what you want in the neat future?”
    I agree…  the future is pretty neat :P

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