
Sega Announces Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II Headed to Tegra-Enabled Android Devices in 2012


[Update]: No exclusivity to Tegra devices except for the special version being made for Tegra 3. Rejoice!

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Our friends at NVIDIA in conjunction with Sega have just pinged us to announce that Sonic the Hedgehog is coming to Android! More specifically, we’ll soon be seeing a release of Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II and they’re partnering with NVIDIA to bring the game to Tegra Zone.

Initially Tegra 2 and Tegra 3 devices will be able to access a common version, but a version specifically for Tegra 3 will come a bit later down the line that adds enhanced visuals thanks to the quad-core GeForce-powered chip.

Unfortunately we haven’t gotten a solid release window outside of “2012” but we’re hoping it’ll be sooner rather than later. The teaser trailer above doesn’t show us much of anything but still gets us excited for its eventual launch.

NVIDIA nor Sega didn’t mention if this would be exclusive to Tegra phones for a certain time period but we’ve reached out for clarification on that matter. Whatever they may end up doing we’re just glad to see Sonic making his way to the light side. Read on for full press details.

Get Ready to Run in the New Year! SEGA Announces Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II


New Entry in the Smash-Hit Sonic 4 Series Speeds onto Consoles and Mobile in 2012


SAN FRANCISCO & LONDON— December 30, 2011 — SEGA® of America, Inc. and SEGA® Europe Ltd. today announced a new year’s resolution that’s sure to please gamers worldwide: the iconic blue hedgehog will be making his 2D return in Sonic the Hedgehog™ 4 Episode II in 2012. Following the award-winning success of Episode I, which took the world by storm in 2010, Sonic will continue his journey through the epic Sonic 4 saga on Xbox LIVE® Arcade for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®Network, as well as mobile platforms including the App Store, Android Market and Xbox LIVE on Windows Phone 7.


Fans have been eagerly anticipating the next episode in Sonic’s new side-scrolling adventure, and SEGA has been listening closely to their feedback. Armed with all-new character animations and a completely reworked physics engine, Episode II will expand the Sonic 4 storyline with new areas to speed through and new challenges to face. For a sneak peek at what’s in store, including the arrival of a certain high-flying, twin-tailed pal who’s sure to be of assistance, check out the all-new teaser trailer here.


“After twenty years in action, it’s clear that Sonic hasn’t slowed down one bit,” said Haruki Satomi, Senior Vice President of Digital Business at SEGA of America. “The first entry in the Sonic 4 saga was a major success. We’ve listened to the fans and been hard at work making sure we recapture that same spirit of fun in Episode II. We hope the fans will enjoy it.”


Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 2 will support Android mobile devices powered by the NVIDIA® Tegra® mobile processor. It will be available on the Android Market and featured on the Tegra Zone app. In addition, SEGA and NVIDIA are working closely together to develop an even more enhanced version for Tegra 3, the world’s first quad-core mobile processor.
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Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. What about episode one? Do we miss out on that port?

    1. We didn’t miss much.

  2. Woo.. another special “Tegra” game that supposedly cannot run on other devices, can’t they just stop making these versions.
    There wasn’t even a single Tegra 2 game my Nexus S couldn’t run, not even one.
    Ohh well.. At least we have Chainfire 3D.

  3. I’m tired of game fragmentation…  especially while owning a Galaxy S II.

    Whew disregard that!! but still.

    1. Chainfire 3D, my friend.

  4. You’d swear 99% of phones have a Tegra 2 in them when that’s not even close to the case. I mean, I like the support Android is getting with Tegra 2 devices but which phones even have Tegra? =/

    1. I have a Droid X2 (with Tegra 2) so i don’t have to worry about it. But if you have a phone (such as SGS2) that is powerful enough to run it but isn’t tegra, use Chainfire 3D to get it to run. You’ll need to be rooted, but that’s an upside as far as i’m concerned.

  5. If the download is anything like what I’ve just been through for Sonic CD for the additional files they can run and jump. Over a week to download!!!

  6. Episode 1?

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