
Santa Booth Transforms You Into Santa Claus [Holiday App]


It’s that time of year again, folks – the big, jolly guy known as Santa  is about to drop into everyone’s chimneys (or climb into everyone’s windows? That’d be creepy) and chow down on milk and cookies. If you want to see what you’d look like as Santa you can download Santa Booth.

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It’s simple – take a photo of yourself and it’ll show what you’d look like with the white, coarse beard and hair covering your face. It saves a photo of the result so you can send it to your friends and family – would make a nice Christmas card without having to dress up in a hot Santa suit. Find the free download in the Android market here.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. wait santa isnt real? hopefully at least the elfs are to make all my android devices im hoping for for xmas.

    1. Of course he’s real. You can get a police officer, fireman or batman costume… does that mean that these folks don’t exist?

  2. I’ll have to check this out. I’ve always wanted to resemble a pedophile…

    Quentyn, I know I’ve been asking you this a lot, but I’m just afraid that you may not have seen my other comment. I sent an email to both of your accounts regarding the galaxy nexus I won and the contest coordinator, and it would mean a lot if you could get back to me. 

    Thanks again, 


  3. needs FFC support

  4. What? Incompatible with any of my devices?

  5. Fail. Oh yeah, and its not in the market anymore. 

  6. Wierd says not found on my gs2

  7. Not compatible with my HTC Inc., huh?  Weird.

  8. The web version of the Android Market says not found as well . . .

  9. uhhhh…yeah so the link doesn’t work. It’s not available in the market either…

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