
Myriad Alien Vue Gives Access to Google TV Apps without the Google TV Hardware


Myriad is bringing their Alien Dalvik concept to the living room with the introduction of Alien Vue. Alien Dalvik is a software emulator that allows non-Android devices such as the iPhone to run applications designed for the Android ecosystem. Alien Vue takes the next step, giving TV service providers and manufacturers the ability to run apps built for Google TV and HTML5 on already existing hardware. While it won’t enable the a full Google TV-like experience, Myriad will offer its own applications market and other tools to help cable companies bridge the gap between the user and Alien Vue. Myriad will have the new technology on display at CES.

[via Engadget]

Kevin Krause
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  1. not this one!

  2. first one here one secret hope I win today entered like 8 contests or more

  3. Pretty Interesting. See how it progresses

  4. Has anyone else noticed that the Google TV update allows you to select a General user agent that then allows you to view sites that were previously blocked?

  5. This what Eric meant when he said half the televisions would have Google on them by mid year?

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