
Kindle Fire Software Update Rolling Out Now – Warning: Breaks Root And Re-root


Kindle Fire owners should be well aware that software version 6.2.1 is rolling out for Amazon’s latest tablet and just as before, root will be completely removed from the device. The only difference is this time around, it will pretty much be impossible to re-root using SuperOneClick utility. Yep, it looks like Amazon has patched up root ability (for now). So what can you do if you’re a rooted Kindle Fire user? Well, aside from avoiding connecting to your WiFi network, not much. Well, you could always read up on the latest method for installing Cyanogen Mod on the tablet will prevents official auto-updates of the Amazon variety.

If you’re curious what new additions software version 6.2.1 brings, there’s reportedly smoother scrolling, password protected WiFi access and the ability to remove recently used items from the carousel. Once again, if you do decide to jump into the rabbit hole that is custom ROMs, make sure you read up good and well before diving in. Anyone rethinking a Kindle Fire purchase if a new root method can’t be found?

[XDA | Liliputing | Via Engadget]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Did anyone expect anything different from the company responsible for the first bloatware on android?

    1. It’s funny how people honestly believed Amazon was “cool” with them hacking the heck out of their product =p

      1. Some companies learned to accept that some people would hack the heck out of their product.  I would point no further than home/office WiFi routers.

        The Linksys WRT54G was the first popular router to be hacked to heck with an alternate installation of Linux.  This made the router far more capable and powerful.  So much so that it affected sales of Cisco (parent company of Linksys) routers that were hundreds of dollars more.  It’s not that the hardware was any better on the expensive routers.  It’s just the software.

        Fast forward several years skipping the wars, and here we are today.  Most major brands of home/office WiFi routers openly embrace that websites offer alternate firmware for their devices.  In some cases, the stock firmware is open source.

        So why would it be unsurprising if Amazon had been okay with a few hackers modifying their own devices that they had purchased.  (When I say “their” I mean the device is owned by the customer, not by Amazon, since the customer has paid a price for that ownership.)

        If Amazon doesn’t like this, maybe they should google for iOpener (about a decade ago).  Remember that one?  If only a few people hack their Kindle, it doesn’t really affect Amazon in any substantial way.  If many people do, then it indicates a problem with Amazon’s business model of subsidizing the hardware — ala iOpener.

        1. The WRT54G/GS/GL soho hardware wasn’t subsidized by the software on it, so, not the best analogy, but good enough. I just recently retired my ~8 year-old WRT54GS w/ ddwrt for a 802.11n Netgear WNDR3700 (also running ddwrt).

  2. suddenly Amazon receives 4 million kindle fire RMA requests tomorrow, lol..

    1. Should have bought a Touchpad…..

      1. No updates ever FTW!!!  

        (rolls eyes)

        1. Funny someone who cares about being able to root a kindle fire wouldn’t know that the touchpad has Android roms which are updated frequently.

          I don’t use webos but HP has stated that it will continue to receive updates. It’s also open source now.

          (stares with desire)

    2. pretty much. I was considering buying one but more and more I’m leaning towards buying the nook to support B&N fighting microsoft (plus less ridiculous root situations involving the kindle fire)


  3. Amazon is just another name for apple. Dealing with their app approval process seems like it.

  4. Is anyone planning to even buy one of these color e-readers?

    1. If I had thought about it before, I am not thinking about it now.

  5. Sorry Chris, their product?! Once bought and paid for, I want to do what the heck I like with MY product!

    1. This belief is annoying, ignorant and wrong. You may own the device, but you don’t own the fucking software that’s on it, so no, you don’t get to do what you want, moron.

      1. Dude get a life your wrong you buy the kindle you own it. GET OVER YOURSELF YOU SOUND IGNORANT.

      2. Actually, you do. You at least own the copy of the software that is on the device. You buy the product, you are also buying a license to the software that is on the product. In this case, since the software is free to obtain and open source, you do not even need a license. So yes, I’m pretty sure that buying the hardware means you also own the software that is loaded on it at the time of purchase.

      3. You definitely own the device.  You can do whatever you want with it.  You can use it as a door stop or boat anchor if you wish.  Amazon has no legal right to stop you from doing this.  Similarly, you can alter or modify it.  Put stickers on the back.  Paint it.  Even pry it apart and make internal modifications.  Break it.  Anything you want.  Use it how you want.  Even as a full function Android tablet with alternate software.

        As for the software, yes, Amazon licenses it, but large parts of that software are open source in which Amazon is not the copyright owner.  Even if Amazon owned copyright in a substantial part of the software (which they do not) the first sale doctrine means that you own the copy on your device.  You have the right to resell that single copy of the software, rent, lend, transfer ownership, etc just like any other physical product.  That includes disposing of the software, just like any physical product.

        In short, the belief that you cannot alter your own property is wrong.  This needs to become well settled law as we move further into the 21st century.  Companies need to know what is theirs and what is mine once I buy it.

        Amazon might not *like* the fact that their subsidized advertising device can be turned into a useful non-advertising gadget.  But that doesn’t change the basic principles of property and ownership that have been the foundation of civilization for thousands of years.

        Amazon is within their rights to try to make it more difficult to change the software on the device. I am within my rights to try to change the software a the device I own. I am within my rights to tell others the results of my work.

        1. People need to start comparing ownership to a computer. Once you buy a computer it’s yours same thing goes with all these mobile devices. I’m not sure why some people act like we are leasing cars

        2. It might help if you gave legally current analysis of copyright law.  The first sale doctrine is not as clear or robust as you suggest.  See, e.g., .  And I am sure that Amazon’s license agreement for the Kindle Fire addresses in detail the many ways in which your “ownership” of the software is limited. 

          Nor does “open source” mean that you can do anything you want with it.

      4. This belief from Wayne is 100% factual. Just because you don’t own amazon’s software doesnt’ mean you somehow give up control of the device itself to do all the things you expect (and know it is capable of) it to be able to do.

        Try not to be a goddamn moron, Scott. Amazon would not be able to sue Wayne for daring to flash cyanogenmod on his Kindle fire. In fact, if amazon withdrew support (which is thankfully impossible), due to running cyangenmod on the fire, they’d be facing serious gov’t issues.

      5. Idiot got wrecked. 

      6. Sorry but you do own it. When you “buy” a product that is a legal contract of ownership. If their intention is for you to have something for a short time, then it needs to be spelled out in user licensing agreement. You are in effect leasing parts of the product. Buying a car and leasing has 2 very different implication. Nobody can tell you what parts of the car you want to replace if you own it. But do that on a lease and see what happens when you return the car. There are things you can do to a car that voids the warranty. But if you wanted to replace the backseat with a wet bar that in no way voids your coverage of the motor.

  6. My main concern is that if root gets broken I’ll lose access to the apps I installed using it.  Mainly Google Currents.  I don’t mind using their software, but I would like the freedom add the apps that I see fit.

    1. If it updates and you lose root you will not lose your installed apps unless the update wipes data. You just won’t be able to update those apps using the Android Market anymore

  7. If you dont wanna lose anything, install the latest cyanogenmod and be done with it. Sheeeesh

  8. I would not even consider this device without root.  I’d spend money with Amazon but without root they’ll get $0.  I figure I’ll wait out for a Nexus tablet and pray it isn’t $500+.

  9. Amazon designed this to be a “closed” device. Sure if you want to hack it or whatever go for it, but stop bitching when they dont make it easy. Despite all of the experts here that can hack a device without issue how many people will try it and then expect Amazon to support their failed efforts? 

    If you want open there are plenty of other options out there besides the fire. I mean the fire is missing some key attributes that make a good general tablet. The fire is a reading device with some added perks, no more, no less.

    Besides, how many unrootable android devices are out there? Even if amazon unroots you now, most likely you’ll be back in business in a few weeks at most.

  10. Wow, this is great. Sounds like a bunch of Occupy protesters here. You know, the want something for nothing crowd. I doubt Amazon will miss a few thousand sales to people who don’t want this product for it’s intended purpose. So whine on. It’s actually pretty amusing that you think you are any more than a pimple on Amazon’s ass.

  11. If its running Android, there will always be a way to root.

    1. Not unless you can get to the bootloader.

  12. @DannyB2:disqus …,…,
    Тhis is сrаzу…Мy friеnd`s sistеr mакеs 78/hr оn thе intеrnеt. Shе hаs bееn unеmрlоуеd fоr 11 mоnths but lаst mоnth hеr incоmе wаs 7985$ јust wоrкing оn thе РС fоr а fеw hоurs. Read about it here ……. 

  13. Courts have ruled that it is not a violation of copyright to jailbreak iPhones or root your phones.  It’s not illegal.

    It seems like someone could make the argument that companies cannot push involuntary updates that break your ability to root or jailbreak devices that you had already purchased without your consent, but the case hasn’t been made yet in court.

    I say get a good lawyer (or call the EEF) and go for it.  You never know.

  14. The Fire really isn’t the device to choose if you want to root or install an alternate OS. Return your Fire and get either a refurbished Nook Color for $130 or a new Nook Tablet for $250. I choose the refurb route and couldn’t be happier, but if you need the dual core go for the Tablet. Either way you get a device with a micro SD and a real volume control and you’re supporting a company that’s willing to fight the patent trolls…a double win.

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