
Verizon Allegedly Getting the Galaxy Tab 7.7


To add to their family of Galaxy devices (which still doesn’t include the Galaxy Nexus yet) it has been revealed that Verizon may be gearing up for a 4G LTE release of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7. For some people, a 7 inch device is far more ideal size-wise than a 10.1 inch devices which is why we always appreciate options. For those who think Verizon’s current offerings are a tad unwieldy you might be seeing something in your range sometime soon. We just have to figure out when. [via Droid-Life]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. FINALLY an update on this fabled unicorn. Glad to know it hasn’t been relegated to Samsung’s bin of abandoned prototypes. Now PLEASE don’t make me wait 10 months for a Wi-Fi only version.

  2. I will sign a 2-year contract with Verizon to get this with ICS pre-loaded!!!!

  3. take a couple hundred of the price,and give it ICS,and i’ll think about it.but it really depends on how much ICS improves the feel of the tablet

  4. Don’t expect them to release it any time soon!!

  5. judging by the current state of things, this’ll land on verizon about the same time the rest of the world is eating banana splits off of flexible, $100 tablets.

  6. WIFI only.

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