
Clove UK Begins Presales for Transformer Prime, Expected to Ship in January


While we are still a bit of ways away from an eventual ASUS Transformer Prime launch, UK users can stake their claim to one at online retailer Clove. They’re offering two different variants of the device – one with a keyboard (32GB) and one without a keyboard (64GB), both for £550.80 including VAT. Head to the previous links to check out this quad-core Tegra 3 beast. [Clove via Droid Dog]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Went into a gamestop here in Texas yesterday
    Me: When are you guys gonna get the Transformer Prime in?
    Clerk: Ummmm we dont sell tranformers, try toys R us.
    Me: its not a toy, its an android tablet
    Clerk: We dont sell tablets here.
    Me: I know you dont now but you are going to start to
    Clerk: I have no clue what you are talking about!
     Epic fail gamestop I will just get mine at bestbuy!!

  2. I had the exact same experience in grove city ohio… Then they looked it up on the computer and was like Ohh I guess we do have it for preorder… Get with the game I thought they were supposed to have demo units.

  3. One store here in Tampa FL said they would have one soon but its also one of the largest game stops around none of the smaller stores knew what I was talking about ether

  4. No matter how big or small the store is, this tells me that Corporate is failing their employees, their customers and the companies that choose gamestop to carry their products. Since Gamestop has not sold tablets in the past, someone might want to educate their employess so they dont lose more business, like they did mine. Gamestops main headquarters is here in TX so I expected more I guess

  5. 20 bucks say that most gamestop employees wont even know the specs of  this beast even when it hits stores……how sad!

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