
New Google+ Update Now Available


Google has released a pretty decent update to Google+ in the Android market. In this new version we’re being given the ability to +1 photos and comments, search, upload high resolution photos, see who’s online and currently typing in messenger conversations, be taken to someone’s profile inside of the app when clicking a link and more. Take a look at the full list of changes below and grab your update here.

  1. Search
  2. +1 photos
  3. +1 comments
  4. High resolution photo upload support
  5. See if someone’s online and currently typing in Messenger conversations
  6. Start Messenger conversations by just entering a phone number
  7. Links to posts or profiles can now open inside of the app
  8. Instant Upload supports videos again
  9. Several stability improvements and bug fixes
Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Jeez. New fb, new twitter, and now g+?

  2. Was this supposed to be posted yesterday when the update actually came out? :P

  3. I miss the old icon : I don’t like the red/white. 

  4. At least Google+ is the only one that actually matters.

  5. nice!

    now they just need to allow +1 of Comments in Photos.

  6. G+ ftw!!

  7. Integration with Picasa is still pathetic and second application is still needed.

  8. Like if you dont like the new icon

  9. Force closes constantly on toshiba thrive doing anything other than reading the stream.
     Fine on OG Droid.

    Edit- reinstalled g+ and seems to be better.

  10. At least G+ is putting out better apps than the FB for Android.

  11. I have this but I have 150+ real FB friends and only 2 G+ friends. Lol.

  12. Totaly messed up my Picasa Web Albums! No frends, no action, no need!

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