
Early List of Today’s 10 Cent/10 Pence Apps Revealed


It’s the second day of Google’s 10 day blowout of applications and games for dirt cheap. If you haven’t heard, the Android market recently hit 10 billion downloads and Google’s celebrating by offering different premium apps every day for 10 cents or 10 pence, depending on where you live. Some great apps and games were featured yesterday and today’s crop of apps are already starting to show. The known list so far:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Beautiful Widgets
Fruit Ninja
Reckless Racing
Star Chart
Read It Later Pro
Christmas HD
AirSync by doubleTwist
Flick Golf!

A lot of these are worth a look and for $.10 it definitely couldn’t hurt. These are only 8 apps, though, and considering we saw 10 to start yesterday (those are still on sale, by the way) we wouldn’t be surprised to see two more pop up today.

Google hasn’t added these to the 10 Billion Promo category under the banner yet so be on the lookout to see what other apps they end up adding. Get started with the links above. [via EuroDroid]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I always wanted Air Sync!

    1. from the reviews, no… no you don’t :p. 

      1. I paid for it in the app and when I decided in 10 minutes that I didn’t want it I found out that I couldn’t get a refund! I sent them an email and they never responded. Damn assholes!

    2. Get TuneSync.  Better!

  2. one is nfl rivals

    1. It’s weird this game is rated so low and with so few downloads when compared to the rest of the 10 cent apps. I wonder if Google is letting all devs lower their app prices to 10 cents if they want.

  3. <3 Beautiful widgets

  4. nice!  i just bought Beautiful Widgets for 10 cents!  what’s weird is that the Market on my PC said price was 10 cents.  on my phone the Market said $2.89 (regular price).  anybody else see this?

    1. Same here, just bought it for ten cents on my computer though. :)

    2. I posted about Paper Camera being 10 cents to my facebook yesterday and one person responded with that they still saw it for full cost.  I had her check to be sure she was in android market not verizon or amazon or anything, had to MMS her a screenshot of my market to show her.  Fiancee and friends got it at 10 cents no problem same as me though.  Weird.

    3. Same thing for me :) I just bought it on the PC lol

      1. i have a launch date EVO 4G which i love but i am preparing for the day when Sprint gets the G-Nex.  the one thing i was afraid i would miss from the EVO is that big HTC Sense Superclock!  but now i am prepared with the BW Superclock!

    4. I use the online market. So easy to navigate. Can push to whatever devices you wish.

  5. if the shopping bag on the home page means anything I think Flight Track may be another one.

    1. i think you’re right!  that would be sweet.  but i don’t see it yet. regular price is $4.99!

  6. Apps are already available. Just not listed on the main page.

  7. Im a big fan of read it later.  Works great.

  8. If anyone did not get SoundHound… Make sure you get it… It’s sooooo worth .10 cent.

    1. better than Shazam Premium?  why?

      1. SoundHound is definitely more accurate than Shazam for me.

      2. I get better results and it will even pick up singing… 

  9. Picked up the games in the list. Anything I THINK I’ll ever want on these lists I’m picking up. Since I just got a tablet I am loading it down with cool apps and games.

  10. You know that you’ve bought too many apps when all of the 10 cent apps deals are marked as “purchased” already :P


  11. I know with the Amazon Marketplace I can download these apps now, and they’ll be there for me to use when I get a new phone … is it the same for the Google Marketplace?

    1. Yes it is.

  12. How are they supposed to fight piracy when most of the apps are available in the Market page but cannot be installed in one’s country?? It cant be almost 2012 and Google/Devs havent figured out that this is nonsense… While I can see BW and Sketch from Adobe, I cant instal them because I live in Serbia… -.- And Market Enabler cant do jack sh*t about it…

  13. Phone says one price. Web browser market says other. I’d rather just do it from the Web Browser. For this price, I’m just buying them all. If I don’t want to use them, I’ll uninstall them and keep them on the back burners.

  14. The whole list is up in the market! :)

  15. Also Adobe Sketch Book is at 0.10 euros/cents/pounds. Just bought it using my Greek sim-card… >.>

    1. You mean “Autodesk sketch book”

  16. HERE IS THE 10TH

  17. I got most of these already, gonna get them for my girl though, her phone is sooo boring lol.

  18. Still not updated in the UK yet for me…

  19. Ive gotten some of these apps for free from Getjar, but they never got updated. When I’m in the Market, it gives me a notice to update, and when I do it says, “sorry you haven’t purchased this app.” So I uninstalled and bought them in the Market, for 10¢, it’s definitely worth the updates.

  20. half of the apps from yesterday i already bought :[ SO I BOUGHT THE REST. i love this.

  21. Don’t miss
    – NFL Rivals
    – BB – Bedtime Battle

  22. Bit of a sleeper list today. Lookin forward to tomorrow.

  23. Perhaps I’m crazy as I will not use all of them, but I’m going to rob a bank and purchase five of today’s apps.

    You know, I may not use them, but at $0.10 a pop, you really can’t go wrong.

    1. You know, I just went ahead and bought five more apps from yesterdays’ offerings. 10 apps for one buck, you really can’t go wrong with.

  24. Android is ridiculous.  I still can’t buy apps online on my computer, keeps asking me to sign in over and over.  Then when I go to my phone to buy them I can’t because my phone can’t play the games.  Do Android and Google really not want my money anymore?

  25. Be wary.  I just went to pick up Sound Hound Infinity which was $.10 yesterday and is still listed as such, but when I went to complete the purchase it wanted to charge me the full $4.99.  The price is worth it, imo, but if you’re looking to pick up something specifically for that ten bits deal and you’d be unhappy otherwise just keep a close eye on those apps that are no longer in the spotlight.

    1. Exact same thing happened to me on Asphalt 6.  Showed $.10 on the download page, I clicked on install and got billed for $6.99.  I’ve requested a refund as I don’t want it at full price- and wasn’t aware it required a 500MB+ download after install just to play the game.

  26. Today i woke up, at 5am, bought the apps at 6pm. I have finals next week, and have a lot of studying head of me. but im more concerned about whats going to be on sale tomorrow more than anything…

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