
Vector Unit Continues Water Racing Excellence with Shine Runner [Video]


Need another water racing game to keep you on your toes? Vector Unit – makers of the game Riptide GP which we’ve covered extensively here – have announced a new game called Shine Runner. Instead of the cool jetskis we were treated to on Riptide, this game features flat-bottomed fan boats. The game adds a twist as you’re racing to smuggle contraband that you can buy and sell. Try and get there before your competitor or you’ll be on the low end of the profit charts. Amazing water physics and destructible environments come together to make this a game you won’t want to miss. It’s now available in the Android market with OpenFeint support for $2. Get to it!

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Let me know when it hits for free…

  2. FYI in cajun country, we all them air boats.

  3. The game is 1.99 how cheap can people be. I bought it cool game well worth it even though I know were to get it for  free

  4. Thanks for that LT006, saved me the post except I was going to say the southeast

  5. Fast paced racing game, but each track is short. Time limit is short, cops and other boats have little impact on race. Limited replay ability.

  6. Fast paced racing game, but each track is short. Time limit is short, cops and other boats have little impact on race. Limited replay ability.

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