
MIUI 4 Preview (Ice Cream Sandwich-Based) [Gallery]


Lots of people have been wondering what the MIUI team would be doing for their Ice Cream Sandwich rendition of their beautiful ROM. We already have a few early looks thanks to independent developer work, but the MIUI team has been making lots of progress and are ready to show the ROM off. They’ve uploaded preview photos to Facebook.

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It doesn’t look like much has changed from the UI we’ve seen on other early ICS MIUI ROMs but we’re just glad that progress has been quick. I have a feeling some MIUI fans would rather spend some time with the native ICS interface before jumping in, but if you just want your MIUI fixed it should soon be waiting for you. Check out the rest of the gallery at their Facebook page. [Thanks Dan!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Damn they work quickly

  2. Looks pretty sleak

  3. Loving MIUI on my Droid Inc.  Not sure what version I have but it works well! 

  4. I have never seen the appeal of MIUI… 

    To each his own…

    1. I tried it out, and I don’t get it either. If you want a boring UI get an iPhone.

      1. I don’t see how the UI is boring at all, especially when there’s a ton of themes for it and you can always download a new launcher.

        I do find it to be buggy so I don’t use it, but I miss cool features like being able to receive/answer a text while using an app without having to leave and the quick flashlight at the lock screen is nice too.

        1. I’ve been using MIUI for a while on my vibrant and it’s never really all that buggy I guess it depends on which rom you’re running and what phone you’re running it on. Now in regards to the appeal, it’s appealing because its a far more polished UI, yes it has a few similarities to IOS but overall it looks amazing and functions great! It’s full of features that the stock UI should come with in a nice neat aesthetically appealing interface. I mean lets face it android has always had the functionality but It’s only recently with ICS that it feels like google actually cares about what the operating systems looks like. 

        2. “to receive/answer a text while using an app without having to leave”

          FYI Handcent SMS allows for what you miss. Best android app on the market in my opinion has made my life easier.

      2. I have miui but i have adw. i don’t get it for it’s skin, i get it for it’s features. some basic stuff over Stock but still nice features which make some things faster on my phone.

        It’s the small stuff that counts for me.

        1. That’s what she… bah, never mind.

    2. Me either. Same appeal as an iPhone with skins/themes, and restrictions removed, and android of course.

  5. MIUI isnt boring, it just tries to collab some of the hard to find options in android together and polishes it. i agree its very iPhone like, but theres so many themes for it that you can make it look any way you want it to. 

    i used it for a while and loved it. but D1 blows now lol so no more of that

    1. I agree, its a very nice ROM with a ridiculous amount of customization that leaves CM in the dust. Only 2 areas where it falls short though, the stock launcher is shit and it is a huge battery hog; at least for the Thunderbolt its a battery hog. 

      1. You must get 2-3 hours of battery life then, because the Thunderbolt is a battery hog… Doesn’t matter what rom you have.

        1. I’m so tired of seeing people complain about the battery life on the TB.  I’m running MIUI (CM7 before that) and don’t even have to try hard to get 20 hours/charge on my standard battery.  I stream music through pandora all day on 4g while at work too.  I loose ~5% battery/hour depending on what I’m doing with it and if the screen is on/off.  It’s a great device, MIUI runs great (only thing that sucks is that MMS is broken).  With the way this phone performs and the options is offers me, I have yet to see a device worthy of my available upgrade.  Just my .02

      2. ON my mytouch 4g it went from 16 hrs of battery life (CM7) to about 60 hrs (current miui)

  6. Just put MIUI on my original Tab and I’m loving it.  All the themes and UI tweaks migrate into Go Launcher, so it’s the best of both worlds.  Looks awesome, runs fast and smooth, and customization galore, I’m hooked on it now.

  7. So… where’s the link to their facebook page?

  8. it looks great if you love looking endless icons on your homescreen.  I do like the interface of the sub-menus and that kind of stuff, but the main homescreens….blah.  And I do understand that you can run seperate launchers just like any other rom, but they never seem to work 100% with miui.

    1. MIUI has folders – removing the need for a pointless app drawer.

      I’ve used Launcher Pro and Go Launcher with MIUI – they work perfectly. 
      YOU must be doing it wrong

  9. MIUI release update every couple weeks, which is pain in the butt, i need to wipe and install the update and setup everything again.

    1. No. That’s wrong. You can just update through MIUI itself. I don’t even bother backing up half the time, it just works. MIUI bakcup is pretty good too – SMS, apps, cookies, you name it.

      1. Remember you don’t have to update every week! I think if you looked into it you would realize you don’t need to wipe and install everything again.

    2. Wrong – they release EVERY week – every Friday. And, no you do not have to wipe, just install over the top.

  10. MIUI is fantastic. Used to be a CM boy, but the market like theme engine / service makes it unbelievably customisable and unbelievably easy to do so.

    It’s the most stable aftermarket rom I’ve used, but I guess that depends on device.

  11. Miui does not receive the props it deserves as there are too many iphone bashing zealots out there.  If they see anything that resembles crapple they run a mile.

  12. Miui does not receive the props it deserves as there are too many iphone bashing zealots out there.  If they see anything that resembles crapple they run a mile which is unfair for Miui.  excellent and underated.

  13. Andrew Hoang Poshington? ;)
    MIUI is pretty slick. Just not a fan of the launcher, but thats the appeal of android isn’t it? There is something for everybody. :)

  14. I really like MIUI ROMs too. My only complaint is their large file size. Its twice as big as some of the other custom ROMs available. There is a reason that the Xiaomi M1 comes with 4gb of ROM space. Unheard of.

  15. MIUI is awesom with the extensive themeing options…………Samsung Fascinate, Samsung Mesmerize, Droid Xe

  16. So glad to finally see comments from people that understand how customizable MIUI is. So many people see the default screenshot and assume it’s and iPhone clone. MIUI is the most customizable rom I’ve ever seen. Thank you people for not being close-minded and ignorant.

  17. Awesome roms, once you go miui so hard to go back to anything. Customisation is amazing, and so many cool hidden features. Yea the interface is iphonish, but most phones on the market take cues from the iphone so I don’t see the problem. ANyway you can change the theme in a second and make it look completely different.
    It is strange how much coverage cm9 gets, had to share this story to get any coverage of miui…

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