
The Oversharer: Hilarious Huawei Vid Promotes $8,000 Facebook Contest


Guess who’s been to the gym? RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! This whole video is pretty funny but the gym growl really gets me. It’s all part of a Huawei Facebook contest that will tell you about after you watch. No talking, cell phones off, popcorn please, and please walk don’t run to emergency exits.

We all know people who “share” way too much stuff – usually the same crowd who plays Farmwville – and I love how Huawei branded this contest towards a pop culture reference with which everyone can relate. The contest is held through Huawei’s Facebook page and one winner will win a trip for 2 to Japan valued at $8,000 USD. It includes round-trip flights, 2 nights in a luxury hotel, $1,000 spending money, and two Huawei Honor smartphones.

You’ll probably want to use that $1,000 on additional hotel accommodations because I doubt many people will fly 18 hours only to return 2 days later. All you need to do for entry is visit Huawei’s Facebook page, like it, enter your details, and you’re good to go.

Did you like the promo video? And if so, what part was your favorite?

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Waiting for the bus and the desk push ups.  Awesome.

  2. The look at my cute cat and stupid dressed up dog.


  4. Am I the only one who sees the name Huawei and just squirms? I mean, these are the people who stole Cisco IOS source code, made their own routers and then tried to sell them in the US. It was so blatant that the Huawei instruction manuals still said copyright Cisco Systems at the bottom of each page. I wouldn’t give them a single penny.

    1. In this day and age you can find a story like yours about Apple, Google, Microsoft, HP, Cisco and more. Yup I said Cisco. Cisco had an ex-employee who owned a competing company jailed in Canada, in an attempt to stop him suing them. Look up Peter Adekeye. They all do stupid bad things. About the only way to get away from it all is to become a hermit in the mountains of Ecuador, or stop buying tech.

      1. Is Peter Adekeye also bank rolled by the PRC?

  5. Funny commercial, but it’s not going to make me join Facebook. 

  6. Guess who went to the Gym?

    LMFAO I’m sexy and I know it!


  7. Haha. Some people just love to share too much on Social sites. Not so good in the real world.

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