
Can the HTC Rezound Be Ordered Today? [Forum Talk]


Although the HTC Rezound is not coming out until November 14th, one user at AndroidForums.com claims to have been able to order one today. “VZWDJ” claims that if you ask the representative to check their inventory and order one from there they’ll be able to set you up with one. We’re not sure how truthful this claim is, and if it turns out to be true we’re not sure we’d bet on being able to get one shipped until they come out next week. If any of you are up to it, be sure to give a call and see if you can catch lucky break.

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Quentyn Kennemer
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  1. I called and attempted to preorder….No Go :(

  2. Can someone point me to an accessory list for this phone? I’m pretty sure I want one, but I’m gonna need a suitable case and a fat-ass battery.

    1. That’s a good question ‘cuz I haven’t seen ANYTHING regarding accessories for this phone.  I really hope there’s a dock for it, and not an overpriced BEATS dock.  HTC is backwards sometimes.  I really don’t know what those dudes are thinking most of the time.

    2. We made TPU cases for it and are working on our extended battery TPU case for it right now. Regular sized cases will be available on our website later today and the extended battery cases will be ready by the end of the month. diztronic.com

  3. I’m not really buying this but you just never really know. Would love to hear that a couple people were able to call and do this, pretty sure it has nothing to do with being  preferential treatment…

  4. i called in on Saturday for another issue and i told the Rep i wanted to order the Rezound and she tried 3 different things.  It says that it is available to them but there are 0 in stock

  5. called last night around 4:30pm told supervisor on phone was going to cancel my contract cause my current phone is acting up, which it really is stupid fascinate! N e ways my contract was up and they offered me the phone overnight my rezound should be here by 3pm today…will post you tube link once it arrives for you non belivers

  6. inside tip stores will have limited stock sometime friday the 11th

  7. http://youtu.be/pFe0D9DGU_o
    here is proof for all you trash talkers.. we just got in via fed ex and oredered it yesterday on the 8th

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