
Samsung Galaxy Nexus Listed for $289 at Costco, Training Materials Arriving at Verizon


While we still aren’t 100 percent sure on a date, Costco will carry the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. According to the above screenshot, they will sell the handset for $289.99. That is about what we would expect, as Verizon hasn’t been shy about moving past the once-standard $199.99 price tag, especially for handsets packing dual-core hardware and LTE support. Speaking of Verizon, that’s the only carrier listed for the Nexus in Costco’s systems. Are people still questioning a period of exclusivity?

Training materials have begun arriving for Verizon employees and the wording is plain and clear: Verizon will offer the Samsung Galaxy Nexus LTE exclusively. The internal literature also covers the Motorola Droid RAZR and HTC Rezound, providing a nice comparison between Verizon’s big holiday handsets and the rest of Big Red’s lineup.

[via The Droid Guy. AndroidCentral]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Well if its only Verizon exclusive, thank you Google for pulling a dumb move

    1. Well it does say “exclusive launch partner” so it’s not quite as awful as that.

      Still really dumb though. Just hurry up and give everyone the Nexus goodness. 

      1. Damn this whole thing is confusing but I am still not convinced that “exclusive launch partner” means anything, I don’t remember seeing those words for the Nexus One and Nexus S launch, both of which I bought on day one.

        1. If it was gonna stay on just Verizon I think they’d be making bigger fanfare about it. Exclusive just for launch doesn’t really mean a -whole- lot and I doubt they’ll grab that many people who just gotta have it first.

          Course, this could just be me trying to rationalize to myself that I’ll get it eventually. Cause srsly @!#% you everyone involved if it really is a Verizon exclusive.

    2. doom and gloom, they are the exclusive launch partner of the GN LTE phone. to me, that reads very specifically, and leaves opportunity for others to sell the HSPSHDFKDFJDA phone at the same time, and not have lied to their customers about exclusivity.

  2. Would like to make sure that he internal memory on the nexus was 32 gb on the comparison. I am looking at getting the GN and was hoping that a 32gb model would be released in Australia, as all online stores currently list as 16gb in Aus and also Uk. 

  3. As long as they release a T-Mobile version before the year ends I’ll be happy. If not, I guess I’m importing it.

  4. Will it have removable SD card and battery?

    1. Sd, no
      Battery, yes

      I almost didn’t buy the Nexus S because of the SD thing but after a few days I found out that I was ok with it and if not I could have taken it back.

  5. been waiting to see the dimensions of the fatter LTE version

  6. 21st sounds like it, which ties up with the marketing leak which starts on the 25th, right after Thanksgiving.

  7. I am wondering if I will have to give up my unlimited data plan when I renew my contract.  I remember reading somewhere that if you are already on a data plan, you can renew and keep your unlimited data.

    1. You have unlimited data as long as you don’t cancel your data plan, its called grandfathering, to always be sure your keeping unlimited call verizon or go in store to make plan changes and always ask them before.

  8. They’d better release this on AT&T. I’ve waited too long for my next Android phone and I’m startin’ to get the itch.

  9. Wish it was coming to AT&T too, but I guess we’re getting the Nexus S…

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