
Apps of the Day: Open Sea and Screencast Video Recorder


Another apps of the day entry for you guys today. While we aren’t really dabbling into the halloween-themed apps out there, always feel free to suggest any you’ve been using or will be using in the coming days. With that said, there are demo versions of each app we feature so give them a try and see if they are worth your money. Go!

Open Sea – Our friends at The Pixelerz have opened our eyes to a new game they’re touting. It’s a unique game called Open Sea, a beautiful action game that tips its hat to a certain religious story and its associated characters. “Mo” parts the sea to help the folks get across (see where I’m going with this one?). “Jess” helps you walk on water and you are also joined by “Abe,” “the Lovers” and “El.” Even “Noah’s NoNo” is here to help keep some animals afloat. Stay away from this one if you’re sensitive about religion, but even with references to Christian stories it’s still quite a fun and good looking game. There’s a free version with 8 different levels but the paid version gets you 50+ missions with 5 different heroes to use along the way. [Market]

Screencast Video Recorder – As there are few apps of this genre, there can never be enough. The genre I’m speaking of is screen recording software. While a couple of other options exist, Media Solutions is touting smooth framerate and ease of use as reasons why you should pay $5 for their product. The interface looks great and the only negative we can think of is that you need root (but so do other applications that provide this functionality). They have a 24 hour refund policy as they understand 15 minutes is not enough and a demo version will help you see if it works well on your phone. Unfortunately, Tegra 2 devices are not supported here. Find the demo version in the Android market at the link ahead and see if it works before buying it. [Market]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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1 Comment

  1. I bought screencast a week or so ago and love it. Yeah I don’t have many uses for it other than showing off but hey, nothing wrong with that. :)

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