
Amazon Now Selling the Purple HTC EVO 3D for $50 & $100


After a period of exclusivity at Best Buy, the purple version of HTC’s EVO 3D is now available from Amazon. It’s really not much different from the black and white versions. It all still has glasses-free 3D, a 1.2GHz dual-core Snapdragon processor, 1GB of RAM, a 4.3 inch qHD display, an dual 5 megapixel rear cameras for 3D content capturing, Android 2.3 and more.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

We normally wouldn’t care to post news about availability of different colored phones that have already been available from other retailers, but Amazon always has an edge with pricing and they’ve managed to get this thing down to $50 for anyone interested in a new account or line and $100 for existing customers. Click here to get started.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. srsly … does anyone really like the glasses free 3D phones? what is the ‘3D’ experience like?

    1. I love my Evo3D. I don’t use the 3D feature often, but it’s nice to have & fun to use. A phone that does not have 3D has no advantage over the the phone that does. So, it’s a nice feature to have included for free. =)

    2. Had a play with the lg optimus in the shop the other day…. In 1 phrase, ‘not yet’ springs 2 mind. Looks like an awful hologram gone wrong, not to mention my eyes ached a little… Technology isent yet perfect IMO.

    3. I’m with ArmageddonX on this one – the 3D on the phone is surprisingly much better than I’d anticipated – it’s actually very good, and I don’t mind surfing around for interesting 3D YouTubes at all. The Evo 3D is higher res than the LG Optimus – and the trick is to not look at the screen surface, just go with it. Images can either come well out of the screen or well within.

    4. it’s just an extra feature that’s all. I rarely use the LG Thrill.

  2. The 3d aspect is cool and fun, just icing on a really good cake

  3. Bestbuy will now price match Amazon starting Nov 1st.

  4. I’m just trying to get that battery cover on my black Evo 3D. I wonder where I can get a replacement? A the one from the white version would be nice too :D

    1. Did you root it yet? Eternity Rom awaits. It is awesome.

      1. It’s on my to-do list for this weekend =p

        1. Nice. Eternity rocks. You can customize your lockscreen ring to something different, or different boot screens. Good luck on rooting it. It’s a breeze.

  5. If the wifey sees this I’m going to have to get her one also. Please remove this article. Ty for understanding. Love my rooted 3d.

  6. I saw this person on xda that was doing custom battery covers for EVO 3d but don’t know whatever happened with it. Would be cool if someone could make one with a kickstand as part of battery cover

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