
First Look: Motorola Droid RAZR for Verizon [VIDEO]


Just when the the Samsung Galaxy Nexus seemed set to steal the Android show, Motorola had to go and announce the Droid RAZR. Sure, the Motorola Droid RAZR doesn’t come with a fresh new install of Ice Sandwich — the soon-to-be-unveiled update to Google’s mobile OS — but with a spec sheet including a 1GHz processor, 4G LTE connectivity, and a battery life of 12 hours (though not removable), there isn’t much to complain about with the new handset. Did I mention it comes in at only 7.1mm thick? I can’t emphasize how ridiculously thin this thing is. Even the trademark bump out housing the camera sensor gets shaved down a few millimeters.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

And they still managed to cram in 1GB of RAM, a steel core for durability, and a gorgeous Super AMOLED qHD display. The stylings of this device are just plain beautiful. The tapering glass of the display, a subtly textured back made of woven kevlar, and sharp lines make the RAZR a real treat to behold. The handset is everything you would imagine a marriage of the Droid and RAZR brands would create.

And what about performance? The OS? While it will soon feature an Android version one behind the latest, the improvements Motorola has made to their custom user interface actually offer a rather compelling experience. We now get MotoCast, a solution for syncing your videos, images, and music to the cloud and quickly retrieving information stored on a connected PC. The RAZR will be among the first devices to offer HD Netflix video streaming via the devices HDMI output. The interface is is ultra responsive thanks to the ample processor power and RAM, and when you want to go for a more full-fledged computer experience just pop the device into a multitude of Webtop docks and accessories. The software there has been improved, too.

Droid Bionic owners, I can only say sorry. A couple more months of waiting would have brought you a vastly improved smartphone. While the Droid RAZR might get lost to the announcement of the Galaxy Nexus coming within the next 24 hours (at least for those that follow the tech world as closely as we do), the RAZR will be super appealing to consumers for its ultra slim design, brand recognition, and good looks. Oh, and it performs like a beast as well.


Kevin Krause
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Motorola DROID RAZR Does Have a Locked Bootloader

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  1. IIs that “1ghz” processor a typo? It’s 1.2ghz correct?

    1. Yeah its 1.2 ghz..

  2. How is the build of the device all around? Plastic, aluminum, metal, etc? Loving the KELVAR textured backing.

    1. stainless steel frame is what it says on moto’s site

  3. Did I understand correctly when he stated that in the 16gb card, 8gb would be reserved for the system? That seems like a lot of space…

    1. It has 16gb of system memory which 8gb is for the system/webtop stuff then that leaves 8gb for the user and it comes with a 16gb SD card

      1. Got it, thanks!

  4. No removable battery??? dang, that’s inconvenient

    1. Not sure why you need one question mark, let alone three. It’s pretty simple really – no removable battery. Surpise? No. Not your cup of tea? No problem – get a SGS2.

    2. Yeah, kinda weird for an Android device. This thing better get GREAT battery life or it could be super inconvenient..

    3. A lot of people don’t swap their batteries.

  5. This is a beautiful device

  6. would have been nice to see how the camera worked.

  7. Being that I’m a Honda guy, the “carbon fiber/Kevlar” looks ricey to me. The fact that it’s 7.1mm vs my Galaxy S 4g isn’t that big of a deal either. .3mm wow.

  8. It’s 1.2 ghz Not 1 ghz

  9. Video at 2:40 guy says it DOESN’T have a removable battery?

    1. I think that’s a deal-breaker for me. I actually like the fact that I can carry an extra battery with me on trips where I can not recharge – camping or fishing trips, etc.
      Exchange the battery and your instantly back to 100% life. I love that! I’m concerned that this cannot be removed.

    2. Would make since for the fact that it’s 7.1mm

    3. Bummer. I was really getting wood for this phone before I heard that.

    4. I would much rather have a phone with splash guard than a removable battery..

  10. no gsm version

  11. HD front camera is pretty hawt

  12. The first thing you should do before photographing a phone is to at least wipe the fingerprint smudges off on your shirt :)

    1. Seriously, dude. Looks like Samir sneezed on it.

  13. Finally! Finally! FINALLY!!! A smartphone that finally dethrones the SGS2 as the King of all Smartphones! Nicely done Moto! Took you long enough, but I always knew you had it in ya’ :-)

    1. Only areas its where its better is LTE and maybe a better screen…….maybe.
      blur + non-removable battery + locked bootloader = junk.

      Also Exynos > OMAP 4430

      1. Uhm, it has a better screen, its using Samoled+ with a 960×540 resolution. I think thats better then the sgs2 screen which has the same technology, just a lower resolution. And the processor is a 4460 not 4430. But I agree with you on the rest of it. Except blur, but thats because my knowledge of blur or touchwiz isn’t much.

        1. actually the Exynos still beats the 4460 because of the GPU. Mali still reigns king. and that’s not a Samoled+, it’s just Samoled. i have to agree with DEGRION here.

          and as far as straight benchmarks go, the SGS2 is likely going to still be on top even after Nexus Prime is announced. why? because it has a res of 1280×720 which means the SoC is going to be working to push out more.
          here’s to looking forward to SGS3!

          1. Never said the 4460 was better =P
            And benchmarks don’t always mean real performance. I’m not gonna try and argue which one is better based on specs. Never ends well.

          2. yeah dude, everything is pretty much on par. i mean dual-core is dual-core, right? =P
            i am selling my international SGS2 for a Galaxy Nexus. i just can’t keep away from a Nexus phone any longer.

        2. I’m fully expecting to get attacked for this but I can’t help it lol. Here’s a small grammar lesson people. Something can’t be better “then” something else. Then refers to time, the word you are looking for is better “than”. Sorry I know it’s way off subject but it bugs the hell out of me when I see that. :)

          1. Sorry its the internet I’d rather not take the time to have perfect grammer I mean it should be easier THEN school right? ;)

      2. ITS NOT RUNNING BLUR!!!!!!!

        1. I think you just say that so you have something else to bitch about!!

  14. Dont feel bad for this Bionic owner.. No removable battery? good luck

    1. Whats wrong with that?? Oh no I cant take my battery out.. GTFO!!!

      1. When your phone freezes up…and it will most likely, especially with the god awful motoblur

        1. Im sure there will be a way to reset like the Iphone. You really think the didnt think about that? Oh and another thing, its not motoblur anymore.. The OS is leaps ands bounds better than what blur was…

    2. I actually really like the looks of this phone.

      I’m not sure the Nexus Prime really looks like it has a 4.65 screen in the videos I’ve seen.

    3. Yeah… this Bionic owner isn’t sorry at all.

  15. Motorola, I am screaming for a UK release here, Can you hear me!?

  16. I have only been blown away by a smartphone four times: Nexus One, iPhone 4, Galaxy SII, and this.

  17. I’m no MOTO lover… Actually I hate MOTO blur and think their x series have been some of the most unstable androids ever made. That being said as a practical matter this phone will out shine the Galaxy Nexus/Nexus Prime. I just can’t see the every day consumer buying a 4.7″ screen phone.

    1. If this is significantly thinner than the ICS Nexus, and can outperform it in battery life, I agree.

      As much as I want a 720p screen on my phone, requiring to have 3 chargers (work,home,car) isn’t very appealing.

      If the Razr gets confirmed for a future ICS upgrade, I think that’ll seal its popularity over the Nexus. In addition to having better accessories.

  18. Hey it’s the Droid X 4G!

  19. Besides the super amoled qhd screen how much better is this compared to the Bionic. Not much.

  20. I no is is a thin phone but all this moving the ports to the top then whats the point in buying a dock when another new motorola most probably wont fit.

    This is why ipod/iphone docks are so popular on dock for ALL devices.

  21. Honestly, if this had an unlocked bootloader, Id be in line right now

  22. Loving this. Seems me not having the money to get the Bionic worked out just fine. Non removable battery for this, no sd slot for Prime.

    Seems like there are gonna be trade off for these newer phones, just like always. The battery life thats stated puts it squarely at the top of my list tho.

  23. Wow…!!!!really 5 stories about the same phone .
    I think we got it the first time .great phone get on with it …smh

  24. No removable battery? Did they say how big battery is?

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