
SlingPlayer for Android Tablets Shoots to the Android Market


All you SlingPlayer fans with tablets can finally get your DVR on the go as SlingMedia has pushed a new “made for tablets” app to the Android market. Alongside the functionality you’re already familiar with, you get an on-screen replica if your cable or satellite remote that can be used to perform any function your real remote can.

There’s also an enhanced program guide that mirrors the listings you get at home. You’ll also get to set favorite channels for easy access later on. Unfortunately they didn’t package this one into the existing app for phones – you’re going to have to pay another $30 if you want this one. For new users, you’ll need a SlingBox Solo or SlingBox Pro-HD to hook up to your set-top box. After that, you’re good to go. Find the tablet-specific offering in the Android market.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Mother^$#%
    Not only do you have to shell out $29.99 for the Phone version, but also for the tablet version. So if you own one do you still have to pay for the other?
    My pockets hurt!

  2. I love SB but i aint payin another 30 bucks for the tab version. Ill find the APK somewhere, thank you very much

  3. This company is greedy. Plain and simple. They also have !@#$ customer service and honestly the devices are moderately flaky. I have a SOLO and its kind of crap.

  4. I have been using my phone app on my Xoom from day one. I see no reason to pay for a tablet work. The phone app works perfectly.

  5. Why couldn’t they just update the already existing app for better tablet support?
    Why force people to buy the same app twice for their phones and tablets? Retarded.

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