
Android Overload: Galaxy Note Heading To Australia In 2012, Most Moving “Steve” Story On The Net and More


T’was a sad day in the tech world today. Although emotionally distraught, we continued to do our best in bringing you all the latest Android news. Still, there are always those stories that slip through the cracks and we pool them here, in the Android Overload. Best wishes and prayers go out to Steve’s family. Take care, everyone.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal
  • The most moving Steve Jobs story I read on the internet today. [TheWireCutter]
  • Samsung Galaxy Note will be available in Australia in early 2012. [PCWorld]
  • Adobe distinguishes itself from HTML5 with Stage3D. [RWW]
  • HTC Runnymede/HTC Sensation XL (PI39200) made its way past the FCC? [PocketNow]
  • Trend Micro discovers even more Android malware. [Register]
Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Steve Jobs always seemed like a cool mannered guy. His vision may have been different from what I would have liked it to be, but at the end of the day, the tech world has still been greatly influenced by him.

    1. I miss seeing your comments around here, Micah! And very true. He did a lot for us gadget fiends =p

      1. Cause I’m mostly up late at nights doing school now as apposed to lurking all these wonderful tech sites. :)

        Smartphones have come a LONG way thanks to the great push from apple. Who would’ve thought we’d be comparing ghz, core counts, pixel density, and the large plethora of both hardware and software features that we do – in a smartphone.

        There’s a lot that both iphone fans and android fans have to thank Steve Jobs for.

  2. Steve Jobs – 1955-2011
    Yes, Jobs always seemed like a cool mannered guy. His creativity and genius is what led other competitors to stay up at night working on a competitive product (next iphone killer, next apple blah, blah killer). The tech industry has lost one of its giants. I just hope that apple is able to continue deploying good products in order to keep the competitors delivering excellent/better ones(HTC Evo4g, Asus Transformer).
    Without Steve we would still be rocking pagers and a pocket full of quarters :)
    My prayers go out to Steve’s family.

  3. I’ve never owned an Apple product in my life. I don’t even use itunes or own an iPod.

    But I was really sad when Steve Jobs died. He wanted to make computers more accessible to more people instead of just selling the same stuff that everyone else sold, but in a slightly different box.

  4. Wrong link to RWW’s article about Adobe.

    1. I’ve been noticing a lot of links have been broken lately. Will have to get to the bottom of this. For now — http://www.readwriteweb.com/hack/2011/10/adobes-strategy-to-distinguish.php

      1. Thank you.

  5. which steve jobs story?

  6. Steve, the world’s greatest salesman / pitchman. Where would he be without the hard work of the open source community? Sorry, but Apple bought, stole and borrowed their way into the smartphone business. Let’s not get carried away here. The iPhone was surpassed in features a long time ago.

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