
Keek for Android Now Available – Share Short Video Messages With Social Networks


I came across this neat app for sharing small video clips with your friends and family. It’s called Keek and instead of updating your status with a boring typed out message, Keek allows you to record up to a 30 second video clip and upload it to their site. After creating a Keek account, you can then connect it to either your Twitter or Facebook account where you will be able to immediately tweet/update your friends with a handy link to your video. Pretty handy if you’re an exhibitionist (like me) or like to Tweet

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Keek was just updated in the Android Market yesterday and although it fixed a couple of issues some users were having with the app, it still can be a little buggy. I found that on my Evo 3D, it actually records my videos sideways although they appear upside down in the thumbnails. Also, I’m getting trouble having my videos show up on my account. The app is very new so this is to be expected. Still, if you guys want to try it out you can find Keek for free right now in the Android Market.

Follow my Keek profile here.

[Market Link]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. I love these little amazing apps you always find, Chris Chavez. x)

    1. Thanks! I try my best :D

      1. Do you remember that Great Little War Game you posted yesterday?
        It didn’t work on my DroidX… .-.

        It kept force closing! Dx

        1. Did you send an email to the developer? He’s really good at responding and trying to fix people’s issues. He was saying it could have been a Market issue.. Either way — EMAIL HIM! :)

  2. sweet. makes money on apps.

  3. chris chavez I need to root my phone and the links that you have on youtube does not work anymore any help

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