
Facebook for Android Updated to v1.7.2


Facebook for Android has received yet another update, this time to version 1.7.2. The update looks to be mostly a bug fixer update with little to no changes in terms of interface or functionality. Given the app’s history of not always playing nice with all Android handsets, the under-the-hood tweaks should be more then welcome. The changelog lists nothing more than “various bug fixes,” and from a few minutes of toying around with the app no immediate differences are noticeable from the previous version. Still, if you have been running into any snags while using Facebook on your Android device, you will want to move up to the latest version for best performance (especially with all of the front-end changes Facebook has seen lately). Head over to the Android Market to snag the update now.

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Android Market Link: Facebook for Android

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  1. They should add the Android icon to the posts, and also setting profile pics.

    1. Why? iPhone dont have any icon or anything else.
      It only says via mobile. They have made that change on all phones and brands.

      1. …but Blackberry does. I think it would be a nice touch. Tons are people are wanting that little feature.

        1. Well, that sucks.

  2. I wonder when we will see the app they talked about that would have instagram-esque filters for photos built in.

    1. What for? The history of Facebook apps drives me to think that third-party tools with ability to share, such as picplz or recent Pixlr-o-matic (a hit for me!) are quite a decent thing with no need to be replaced by embedded FB app.

  3. You know what, I have been an avid fb user and one of the first to download the fb App for Android. These guys need to get it together! On first launch, the App was very very basic. Then some additions almost year later. Now still more needs to be done.


    > Still can’t share postings without having to go to mobile site

    > Still can’t masquerade as a page. We run an entertainment Co & use fb as one of the means to update our fans. But I can’t do that on the road :(

    > The events in the App only show minimal details. Doesn’t show comments made. It doesn’t even show who’s attending, just all that was invited.

    > plus more!

    Sorry but had to vent a little. Guys, if your going to be developers and build a fb App, keep up on it or hand it over to Facebook!

  4. Yes and is anyone else noticing that when you scroll to the bottom of the posts it jumps back to the top? Definitely a bug!

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