
DroidDoes.com Terms and Conditions Reveal Droid Bionic Retail Pricing of $589.99


Astute member of Android Forums thatguy188 used his mighty eagle eyes to pluck the off-contract retailing pricing of the Motorola Droid Bionic from the DroidDoes.com ‘Terms and Conditions’ page. Winners of the contest associated with the site could take home the brand new 4G LTE superphone, which is said to be valued at $589.99. Those who don’t manage to snag one as part of a giveaway will more than likely settle for the two-year contract pricing, which is looking more and more like $299.99 as the Bionic’s September 8th launch approaches.

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[DroidDoes.com via AndroidForums]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Thats about the same amount of money Squaretrade gave me for my broken Droid Charge Insurance payout. I’ll be first in line on the 8th to but this phone.

  2. what!!! they want an arm for a soon to be outdated phone????

    1. You can say that about every single smart phone that comes to market…

      1. Come on ! Face it . Bionic is nothing but a Photon minus the global phone capabilities on Verizon’s LTE

  3. People are so ridiculous with all this crap about it being outdated. Clueless. This phone will be the nicest phone for the next 6 months!

    1. Word man…there won’t be anything this phone can’t do comfortably for at least the next year. People who hate on it ’cause it won’t be the absolute #1 in terms of every possible stat within a week of launch probably jack off to pcmag

    2. except when people want a 720p icecream phone and this isn’t it, and they go “man, I spent $300 on that”.

  4. the GS2 sells for $700 at Fry’s right now

  5. This doesn’t seem higher than a lot of the phones within the last year. I’m wondering how Verizon can justify charging $299 on contract for this while other phones have gone for $199. I’m guessing it’s just pure greed.

    1. Its Verizons equivalent to Sprint’s Premium Data Fee of 10$ every month . They compensate for their 4G LTE costs by selling the phones , a100$ more

      1. I’ll buy that even if I don’t necessarily like it. It’ll be an easier pill to swallow when I pull the trigger on a new phone

  6. $299 + $350 = $649… OR $589 full retail. Verizon: “We dont make money off the sales of phones.” BULL CRAP, Verizon, bull crap.

  7. Like it or not, the market will drive the price that VZW commands, NOT some arbitrary, pulled out of their azzes, on a whim pricing shenanigan that VZW extols on the masses. Blame each other if you don’t like the price. Or better yet, don’t purchase it; there’s always that option. This sense of entitlement that some people exhibit is sheer folly.

  8. Like it or not, the market will drive the price that VZW commands, NOT some arbitrary, pulled out of their azzes, on a whim pricing shenanigan that VZW extols on the masses. Blame each other if you don’t like the price…Mike, i cant believe this,me and my friend just got two i-phones for $43.78 each and a $25 gift card for $4 the stores want to keep this a secret and they dont tell you go here http://bit.ly/grab273

  9. Wait 30 days after launch and it will be BOGO or some other discount

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