We’re not sure why Cricket didn’t just include Muve Music in the Samsung Admire that launched last week, but they’re reportedly set to bring out a new Samsung phone which looks almost exactly like the Samsung Admire and has almost the same specs. It’ll be called the Samsung Vitality and its big selling point for Cricket subscribers will be the carrier’s Muve Music platform that allows them to listen to all of their favorite songs via streaming.
As for specs, we’re looking at a 3.5 inch HVGA display, a 3.2 megapixel camera and an 800MHz processor which should put this thing somewhere between the $100-$200 range as far as price goes. So choosing between this and the Admire, the only tiebreaker you’re getting is Muve Music. If that doesn’t interest you, then just get the Admire. [Engadget]
Admire came from MetroPCS, not Cricket.