
Verizon Reportedly Won’t Sell the Samsung Galaxy S II; Are You Disappointed?


If you were waiting on a Verizon Samsung Galaxy S II with 4G LTE – hell, if you were waiting on a Verizon Galaxy S II at all – we’ve got some  not-so-great news for you. According to the Wall Street Journal, Verizon will not be carrying the dual-core phone by Samsung. When Verizon spokeswoman was asked to comment, she didn’t decline to comment and instead stated that they “have an extensive portfolio that offers customers a great variety of devices, including the Samsung Droid Charge.”

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Wall Street Journal claims that Verizon confirmed this news to them, and have confirmed from a source familiar with the matter that Verizon will be not be on hand at the August 29th event in New York. Sprint, T-Mobile and AT&T are said to be the only carriers present.

It would be a huge 180 from what we’d originally thought that saw the nation’s number four carrier – T-Mobile  – not carrying the device as they would be getting the powerful Samsung Hercules. If the verbiage in WSJ’s report is correct, it appears T-Mobile will indeed be getting their own Galaxy S II-branded device.

With that, it makes us wonder if Verizon has something else under their sleeves from Samsung (if this rumor is indeed true). We’d hate to think that one of the best phones of 2011 (even if it has been out for a while now) won’t be picked up by the nation’s largest carrier. According to recent rumors, that next big phone from Samsung might be the so-called Nexus Prime.

So were you looking to pick the Galaxy S II up on Verizon or does this news not affect you? Let us know below!

[Update]: Other outlets are saying that this news is 100% true, as well. Verizon is said to be getting  “similar” device, but we’re not exactly sure what’s meant by this. (Will it be a Tegra 2 variant of the same phone? One with an added 4.5 inch display instead of the normal 4.3 inches? Or just another dual-core phone from any manufacturer?)

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Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I do not want a plastic phone

    1. platic phones are durable.

      1. not as durable as Aluminum…

        1. Aluminum conducts heat which drains your battery faster.

        2. plastic has better resception,for the most part..its fact.

    2. Yeah because all plastic phones shatter into uselessness as soon as you drop them… s/

      Use a fucking case.

      1. Wow, be a giant douche!

        1. The plastic complaints are old and its not like Samsung is the only or first manufacturer to use plastic casings. Yall act like the phones are brittle or something. Have you even seen how you can bend the GS2’s back in half without damaging it?

          1. I don’t give a shat since you decided to act like a twat earlier.

        2. So sensitive.

    3. It doesn’t feel cheap at all. It’s very thin and light.

  2. No big deal. Just as T-Mobile is releasing the Hercules which isn’t “exactly” the same as the SGSII, Verizon is taking the same cue.

  3. IDIOTS!!! Words cannot express my ire.

  4. Yeah, I’m sure Google will choose Verizon this time around for the Nexus Prime. I wouldn’t worry too much about it if you’re on Verizon.

    So don’t freak out (yet) guys! :D

    1. now “that’s” what I’m holding out on is Nexus Prime.

      1. well i have been waiting for almost 4 months now and i really just need a new phone

        1. You should have purchased one of the dual core phones out there, the Samsung was not better than any of those phones. Waiting for it was a mistake in my opinion.

    2. Not sure if you’re implying it here, but in many places people seem to talk like the Nexus Prime will only be going to Verizon. Did I miss something here? The Nexus S 4G went to three carriers, wouldn’t it be likely that the Nexus Prime would go to that many or more?

    3. I AM on Verizon and it’s freaking dissapointing! We’ve been looking forward to this particular make/model for months and now they’re not going to sell it! It effin blows dude!

      1. This is penance for all the SGSII people blowing up the comments for every single Bionic article with “SGSII will be better – I don’t want a Bionic, stop reporting about it”. Not saying you were one of them, but there were numerous people who did it.

    4. GOOGLE won’t EVER chose Verizon for the Nexus program because Verizon wants to fill it up with Bloatware and GOOGLE won’t agree. The Nexus Prime on VZW is not only pure speculation on some random tech writers part it beyond stupid to believe.

      1. Just like Verizon (and soon Sprint) will never get an iPhone for the same reasons…. #FAIL

      2. Just like the OG Droid and the Xoom, right? All that bloatware… *shudder*

        1. Those are only two devices though. For each one in between, they’ve been ridiculously bloated.

          1. Just pointing out the flaw in the initial argument’s logic. Those are two valid devices that disprove his point, regardless of what every other phone in their line-up shipped with.

          2. The Xoom was supposed to be the flagship tablet which explains why there was little to no bloat, but otherwise the other devices that have been released suggest that VZW has no intentions of de-bloating any phones.

          3. And so was the OG Droid. And isn’t the point of the Nexus program to build flagship devices? Again, don’t let my logic stand in the way of your anti-Verizon bias.

      3. AT&T loves bloatware yet now carries the Nexus S.

      4. iPhone doesn’t have bloat. What makes you think the Nexus Prime will?

        1. iPhone is all bloat

      5. my original DROID didnt have alot of bloatware on it..

    5. Anyways the Vigor is going to CRUSH the GSII and it’s release is only scheduled a few weeks behind Samsungs. Anyone who buys this phone out the gate is gonna be pissed they did a few weeks later.

      1. No way in hell; that old A8 pales in comparison to the Exynos and OMAP 4 that the GSII and Bionic use.

    6. I dunno Chris… it’s like lusting after the prettiest girl in school. After much flirting and subtle hints you think she’s into you. And then she crushes your soul by dating the star quarterback and telling you she’ll never be with you. If Verizon chooses not to offer this phone, they better find a LOT prettier girl to be my girlfriend. lol.

      P.S. I’m so glad I’m married and not in high school anymore. haha

  5. Just got the DX2 in June so by the time I’m able to upgrade, the GSII will be old news.

  6. disappointed!?? are you kidding? i have this LG enV3 and an upgrade available since APRIL!! (when europe got the SGSII). wtf am i gonna do now? the bionic is not an option – ugly and thick as all heck. should i switch to sprint?

    1. I have the enV. Yes. The original enV. Feel my pain and taste my tears.

      1. Palm Treo 700w running WinCE for phones. The wait has been total agony ending in bitter disappointment. Unlike some other folks, I don’t trust Verizon to do the right thing anymore.

    2. “should I switch to sprint”


      1. switch to tmobile and get any simcard device you want in the first release day without stupid contracts

  7. This is so disappointing. I’m frustrated and very upset! :-(

  8. Best news I’ve heard in the past week. Gimme dat Verizon-branded Nexus! <3

    1. “Verizon-branded Nexus”

      This my friend is what you call an oxymoron.

  9. What I love is that AT&T is rumored to get two different versions of the phone, but Verizon can’t offer a single one. Is it just me, or has anyone else thought that Verizon has been giving it’s customers some pretty crappy options compared to other carriers since they’ve started selling the iPhone?

  10. Hell yeah I’m disappointed!! :(

  11. Switch to Sprint or T-mo. VZW is so in bed with Apple at this point that they don’t care about their Android customers.

    1. I’d go with T-Mobile, Sprint is way too slow. I for one cannot wait for 42mbps , and I’ll without a doubt pick up t-mobile’s gsII unless the nexus prime also supports 42mbps

      1. Just hope AT&T doesn’t gobble you up.

        1. There have been rumors that if they change bands around that they will give free phones to people. Now if only they don’t screw people over by giving them a crappier phone, that’d be fine…

          1. Free phone…maybe, if you accept the new, higher priced tiered data plan

    2. Lets hope they get the Nexus Prime.

      1. BGR is reporting that Verizon will get a very simmilar phone just not with the Galaxy SII branding. http://www.bgr.com/2011/08/25/exclusive-verizon-passes-on-galaxy-s-ii-but-similar-samsung-phone-launching-soon/

    3. So are you choosing to ignore the talk that there’s a very close variant to this, by Samsung, possibly coming? And you actually think this has more to do with Apple than it does the Bionic being competition? Really?

      Also, people can’t just “switch to Sprint or T-Mo”. There are these things called “contracts”.

      How incredibly dense.

      1. You act like buying out of a contract is expensive. I have done it a couple of times, it was 80 bucks one time and 100 bucks the other time. No big deal.

        1. the ETF at Verizon is 350 dollars. Thats more than the phone will cost with contract on Tmo.

      2. How incredibly dense of you to think that people don’t have the brain capacity to know what a “contract” is. Thanks for pointing that out…DUH! You also state “people can’t just switch to Sprint or T-Mo”…REALLY???…stand back and WATCH MY DUST! Let’s see…I pay the outrageously expensive Verizon phone bill each month…I’ve been eligible for an upgrade for months waiting for the Galaxy SII and now Verizon has pulled the plug, so they don’t have any phones that interest me and my contract is up in November…Sprint has the reliable coverage areas I need, the phone I want, and a cheaper monthly calling plan, which will save me money in the long run. I have been with Verizon for over 10 years and have done my homework in terms of comparison shopping. If Verizon doesn’t pull their head out by November, then it’s ADIOS Verizon and HOLA Sprint! How about you let people make their own choice rather than speaking for us all?


      NEXUS P.R.I.M.E

      (Or one hopes..)

    5. Sprint is getting the iPhone 5, so that shoots your theory. Besides, what carrier wouldn’t want a piece of the iPhone action? Android has done well for VZW. They likely have something better in the wings and don’t think the Galaxy S II is necessary.

      1. The Galaxy S 2 is not necessary at all at this point. Like I’ve stated, it is too close to the release of the next gen of phones. Don’t waste your time or money worrying about this phone.

  12. Was expected. Especially with the crap over-hyped Moto Droid Bionic around the corner. Let the flaming begin!

    1. The irony in this post is awe-inspiring

      1. The sad part is Francisco doesn’t even realize the irony.

        1. ……wait for it………wait for iiiit…………..yup..just got it lmao! :P

    2. Yeah, that crap over-hyped phone with dual-core and 4G that ALSO has a nice battery life.

      Such crap!

  13. First thought that came to mind was Nexus Prime. It only makes sense.

  14. I have to wonder if this is in any way the result of Apple throwing its weight around.

  15. No because I’m switching to Sprint as soon as my contract is up.

    1. Enjoy the slowest network ever. I’d go to At&t before i go to Sprint

      1. Slow where you live perhaps. Runs A-OK in NY.

        1. Not where I live, practically non-existent up here.

          1. That sucks. Why didn’t you go with another provider?

      2. My friend has Sprint and it isn’t that bad. Besides, I want the unlimited plans. The only way I would go to AT&T is if they are the only ones with the Nexus Prime.

  16. Eff me… This had better be a Cartmanland type scheme (for those South Park fans).

    Ugh. I will be pretty pissed if this phone does not come out on Verizon. I DO NOT WANT A NEXUS PRIME!!

    1. Why? it would be the same phone withouth touchwiz on it and better specs

      1. Because it’ll be a less-capable phone without Touchwiz on it, and probably the same specs.

        1. Less capable without TouchWiz? Touchwiz was absolute shite on the Fascinate. Is it really that much better on SGSII?

          1. It wasn’t shit on a real SGS, don’t know what the Binged-out Fascinate was like. And it’s pretty damned good on the SGS2.

    2. What is wrong with the nexus prime? the nexus phone have always been awesome phones…

  17. Maybe Verizon will release a giant middle finger for customers to upgrade to…Oh wait thats the droid Charge

  18. Verizon is in a bit of a rut lately…no really good phones that don’t require major tweaking. I’ve had the droid, droid x, thunderbolt, and charge. Good things about some stuff…really annoying things about all of them, even after rooting.

  19. F it…..I’m getting a Blackberry!

  20. They gotta be saying to themselves, screw this phone, Prime will blow it out of the water.

    1. If Prime is a Samsung, it’ll likely just be a bland-ass AOSP version of the SGS2 with ICS.

  21. Maybe waiting for the LTE version?? If not F!@# YOU VERIZON!!!!!

  22. why do u forget that Verizon will be the first one to get Google Nexus Prime in about 2 months time. it do not make sense at all to have to high end phones from same manufacturer. they are playing card for nexus prime which is not a bad move.

    1. Just tell us Verizon or give us a map. At least give us some glimpse of hope.

  23. Bionic with LTE. Better option anyway.

  24. Great news I hate Verizon HA HA

  25. In the back of my head, i knew verizon wasnt getting the SGS2. Besides the iPhone, does Verizon carry any of the same android smartphones that att and sprint carry?

    I just hope the Vigor does hold true to that early Oct launch.

    Verizon wont see Prime either.

  26. It’s cute that people still believe Verizon will want to carry the next Nexus (or any Nexus, for that matter).

  27. I think this sums up my sentiments:
    MAJOR disappointment that I won’t see a GalaxySII phone in my hand on @VerizonWireless GTFO @SamsungMobileUS #FAIL #TakeMyBusinessElsewhere

    1. By the time we figure that there is no VZWPrime and hopes are dashed again, the BIONIC will be a bargain. Some consolation.. o_O

  28. didnt wsj say month ago verizon will be the first to get sgs2? who cares what the rumors are?

    Things are getting clearer now but still I wouldn’t believe anything until the 29th. Its only 4 days away from official statement. Its not that long till we know for sure.

  29. Verizon…I promise…I will never be your friend…no matter what…ever.

    Unless you get the Nexus Prime…maybe.

  30. I’ve been off contract with an OG droid since January. I’ve spent literally months watching websites like this waiting for the Verizon Galaxy S2 news and well… here it is.

    The Bionic isn’t my cup of tea and while my Droid has served me well, I don’t feel I have to be loyal to Android in my next smartphone…especially since there hasn’t been a single Android phone I’ve handled that didn’t stutter somewhere. We’ll see what’s available when the Iphone 5 is announced.

  31. I am more concerned with Verizon offering Nexus (vanilla Android) phones. I currently have an Incredible and my contract ends this coming April. If Verizon does not get a Nexus phone by then, I will more than likely jump over to Sprint.

  32. Newegg has the samsung gal sii for $629 free shipping no tax

  33. This is fairly disappointing as I was looking to compare the GS2 to the Bionic but with the Bionic still existing, is it really that big of a deal? Not really, as the Bionic looks fantastic.

    However, people need to calm the hell down as reports ALSO say Verizon may get a “not exactly the same thing but close enough” variant. Wait for Samsung to make their big announcements before flipping out.

  34. What if Samsung didn’t offer the SGII to Verizon and Verizon is saying oh we just passed on it? After Verizon “binged” the first 2 Android phones in their lineup, if I were Samsung I’d say go F yourself. The Charge is the only Samsung Android device Verizon has given a chance to.

  35. I knew something was wrong when there was absolutely no leaked info for this “Function”. This news definitely makes me want to break something.

  36. I am so surprised that so many people were looking forward to the GSII on VZW. As much as VZW screwed up the original GS in the Fascinate, I was not going to touch the GSII.

  37. I love the plastic light weight build.. My brother accident left his vibrant on to of his car. We took off @ 55mph. A minute later we heard something rumble in the roof of the car.. *brother reaches out for phone, realizes he left it on top* we go back for the phone and everything is normal. No cracks, a few scratches. I believe the plastic helped absorb the impact. The same reason why your car bumpers are plastic.

  38. Maybe, Verizon is really excited to advertise the new nexus prime phone. And they want it to do good. Or apple said “iphone 5 or galaxy s 2, only one”

  39. It is not a matter of VZW not having the SGS2. It is the reasoning behind it. Did VZW sell out and have a contract with Moto to only have the substandard Bionic. The only thing I can guess is Moto contracted or Prime is around the corner.

    1. Substandard? Right bro they got the same specs



    (Or one hopes..)

  41. i honestly dont see the appeal of this phone
    if i wanted an iphone i would of bough an iphone

  42. My guess is because of their history with the SGS1 on Verizon, they don’t want to repeat it. Completely Verizon’s fault though because they had to make a deal with Microsoft for more money to include Bing integration, which apparently made the phone into a POS. I gave mine up because the thing kept crashing, even after the Froyo update (which Samsung had released a month before Verizon decided to roll it out). None of the other SGS phones on the other carriers had similar problems, so I place the blame squarely on Verizon’s shoulders. Verizon even had an exchange program for people having issues with the Fascinate to trade up for a Droid X2 or LG Revo.

    I’ll stick with T-Mobile for my personal phone (Nexus line baby!). As long as they stay T-Mobile that is and don’t merge with AT&T…

  43. From different people on different blogs like drid-life and android talk people said that Samsung would not redesign it to fit an LTE chip. They did not want this high end phone on 3g and want to start moving people over to 4g. So they said fine if your not going to redesign it with LTE we will not sell it. Not saying this is true at all, but that is what people are saying.

  44. I can think of three reasons why Verizon is not getting the GS2:

    1) The release date will be too close to the Bionic, and they do not want two high-end phones coming out at the same time. On top of that, the little barbie toy from Apple is also coming at around the same time. They cannot and will not saturate the market with three high end phones at any given time.

    2) Verizon cannot have a GS2 with no LTE capabilities. It will make them look bad if they release a high-end phone that cannot take advantage of the 4G speeds they are so proud of.

    3) They are putting their eggs on the Nexus basket. They know the hype and anticipation that comes with the Prime. And if the Prime is indeed made by Samsung, it just makes even more sense for them to pass on the GS2.

    One thing I do hope that comes with a Verizon Nexus is some sort of an advertising campaign. It’s about time Google admits that half of this game they play is advertising and marketing their product effectively (see: Cupertino).

  45. Even with unlimited data grandfathered in VZW is making it very hard to stay with. I could switch to AT&T on a family plan, get the GSII and save close to $700 over the course of the contract. I would have to switch on wifi when ever possible to avoid going over 2 Gigs of data but I don’t think VZW has a single phone I want and the Prime sounds like the screen size is a little over kill.

  46. Not buying any Samsung phones unless they come out with unlocked boot loader or vanilla Android. I HATE THEIR FREAKING UI!

  47. Man seriously thinking about going T-Mobile after this Verizon Debacle

    1. Hercules. ;)

  48. Its funny that people will jump to different cell phone company because of phone I’m on Verizon and I will stay they have the fasts 4g

  49. I am sorry but how can you be disappointed? First the phone isn’t so much better (if any) than a number of phones that you can already purchase (and have been able to purchase for a long time). The fact of the matter is it took too long to get the phone over here to the states and it is no longer impressive enough to blow away the competitors. The other problem with it’s delayed release is that in only a couple of months (or so it’s rumored) the Nexus Prime and similar devices will start to flood the market. At this point it only makes sense to wait for those phones as you will just have purchaser remorse once you see those phones. I actually wouldn’t care if the GS2 is released for any carrier, it serves Samsung and the carriers right for delaying a phone that was released in May all across the rest of the world.

  50. For October releases:

    Tmobile gets the SGSII
    Verizon gets the Prime
    Sprint gets the iPhone 5

  51. There’s something fishy going on here… I don’t know the mobile industry well enough to make any solid assumptions. I’m thinking that Verizon will be getting something very similar to the SGSII, but it won’t be called that. Maybe the SGSII Plus? It’ll probably come later than the other carriers too.

  52. HTC Vigor is also going to be a nice phone coming up.

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