HTC Sensation Android 2.3.4 OTA Update Rolling Out NOW


It’s like Christmas in August! Hot on the heels of the Evo 3D’s Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread update, HTC Sensation 4G owners now have something to get excited about. Seems HTC is on top of it today and is issuing an update for the Sensation as well, that will bring the device up to Android 2.3.4 just like its Evo 3D cousin. You will find a slew of bug fixes and improvements and here are a few them as listed by T-Mobile today:

New Features

    • Software stability
    • Improved battery life


    • Improvements to Trace dictionary
    • Improvements to screen responsiveness
    • Improvements to video playback
    • Improvements  regarding device reboot / power off
    • Improvements to icon  pixilation
    • Improvements to Wi-Fi connection
    • Improvements to screen/photo resolution

Manually Check For Software Update

You may check your phone settings to see if it has received the  software update. To check for updates, follow these steps:

  1. From the Home screen, press the Menu key.
  2. Touch About phone.
  3. Touch HTC software updates.
  4. Touch Check.
  5. Follow the on-screen prompts.
  6. Wait as your phone restarts and updates to Android 2.3.4 / software version 1.45.531.1.

[Via TMoNews]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Ugh my phone doesnt have it yet.

  2. no updates available …FAIL… this better work cuz this phone is extreamly buggy !

    1. downloading now ! this better work!

      1. wow takes 4everrrrrrrrrrrr

        1. phone is still shit ..every time i hit home button it goes to the htc then a “loading screen” i will be returning this terrible terrible device mt4g slide possibly or jump ship to evo 3d

          1. +1 I just returned mine after getting dust under the screen… Sensationally Failed

  3. No update on my phone either. Is it regional? I’m in the silicon valley.

    1. Yeah, they usually are. It started today so give it some time =)

  4. Nothing yet. This had better be true or else we are getting our torches and pitchforks and are going to find you Chris.

    1. LOL! Hey, I’m just the messenger. Remember, T-Mobile said BEGININNING today, and the rollouts are usually regional.. =p

      1. Shoot the messenger! j/k! Hope it gets to everyone soon.

        1. You can’t kill a messenger! This… this is madness!

          Madness? THIS IS PHANDROID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. My mom’s HTC sensation is also a no-go on the update.

  6. For gawd’s sake woman. You just don’t stop! >:O

    1. any chance of you backing up your device and uploading it somewhere?

      or still have the update file on your SD?

  7. i’m in LA, the suburbs to be exact, nothing yet -_-
    come one messenger, do something! haha

  8. Not yet! Does anyone else feel like a kid on Christmas when phone updates come down??

    1. you have a nice device

  9. can i use this if im s-off or will it brick my device?

  10. Does anybody know if Netflix will still work with this update?

  11. “Software stability” this is a “New Feature” WTF?

    1. oh, you’d rather your phone be (un)stable? makes no sense.

  12. Still haven’t been able to update though I have an unbranded Sensation in Ireland and my friend on Vodafone IE has got it, what gives?

  13. I litterally just got this on my phone now and went to look up what the updates our, cheers for the blog post about them! Do you have any idea on the percentage improvements…for example 5% battery life improvement?

  14. nothing for me… lame
    Edit, got it all 45 MB of it

  15. Got. Vodafone uk.

  16. If you’re on Vodafone UK – you should have had it two days ago.

  17. downloading now

  18. Before I even knew there was a software update I wanted to restore my Sensation to factory defaults. Then I read this thread and forced it to check with no luck. I went ahead and restored it to factory defaults and then checked for the update and it came up immediately.

    Soooooo…if you want the update now, restore to factory defaults. It worked for me

  19. Install took about 5minutes with a couple of reboots,
    its 2.3.4 software number 1.45.531.1

    Netflix prompted for an update, and works perfectly. Still have the old market, hope it updates soon.

  20. Got mine in NY

  21. Phone moving faster

    1. I noticed that also, it better uses the dual-core 1.2ghz now. nice!

  22. I haven’t found my phone buggy at all, but I just got the update in Seattle.

  23. just got my OTA update in sunny cali. sofar it is looking good.

  24. Just got it. Much better.

  25. Got it on mine in Los Angeles

  26. just got my update right now lets see how it goes!

  27. Loving the new update its working better then ever and looking even more beautiful there is also a new app included

  28. I was heading to Disney world low and behold my update came through and my phone is working great no lag faster and pixel r great way to go tmobile tested it against the g2x blew it out the water that dual core is ready!

  29. Does anyone know if Netflix still works with this update?

  30. me no chance of getting it in india i guess :( waiting very badly

  31. Since getting the 2.3.4 update for the HTC sensation , there is now a 15 sec lag going from the web to the Home screen. What gives?!

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