
Android Overload: Verizon Seeks Injunction Against Strikers, Google Loses Mt. Whitney and More


Hello again, everyone. It is time for yet another wonderful episode of the Android Overload. This is the place where you can come and feast on a smorgasbord of semi-Android related news that didn’t find its way onto our front page during the day. On the menu tonight is the usual carrier news and a funny story on Google having trouble locating Mt. Whitney on their maps. Have a great night!

  • Google misplaces largest mountain in the continental United States. [GelatoBaby]
  • Verizon seeks injunction to prevent strikers from blocking access to buildings. [Reuters]
  • FCC says LightSquared will not be allowed to operate if they interfere with GPS. [Reuters]
  • Law firms says 1,000 customer arbitration cases filed seeking to stop AT&T/T-Mobile deal. [AllThingsD]
  • Adobe Flash Player 10.3 has been updated in the Android Market to version Provides important security and bug fixes.
  • HTC CloseConnect is believed to be HTC’s wireless communications platform that also encompasses NFC-centric features. [Engadget]
Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

Android Market Bug Leaving Developers Underpaid for App Sales

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  1. This is off topic-but I feel a strong need to say this, you or one of the other guys should do a post called “Do you like the Phandroid Android app And if not why not?” …I am sure alotttt of people would reply to that…maybe your most commented post of all z times alol…

  2. $50,000 worth of benefits on average for a Verizon employee? Holy crap I need to get a job their since that’s absolutely insane. I think we just found where all the overpriced contract money goes for cell phones.

    1. Let’s not confuse Verizon with Verizon Wireless…

    2. It goes to the CEO who makes $55,000.00 per day!

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