
Motorola DROID Bionic Specs Pop Up on Motorola Developer Site


Needed more confirmation that the Motorola DROID Bionic would be an absolute beast of a phone? The spec sheet – that really isn’t at all different from what we’ve known since this device was announced – is just strutting its stuff on Motorola’s developer website. It’s not showing up on the main product page, but somehow it’s been thrown into a comparison filter so folks can see how it stacks up to other Motorola phones. So yea, nothing we didn’t already know but there it is anyway. Now let’s hope we can get a release date that we can count on sometime soon. [Thanks Curtis!]

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  1. This is hardly a spec sheet, label me some what dissapointed

    1. I agree. I expected specs, cpu, ram, screen size, etc. This really tells me nothing we didn’t already know

      1. Click on the link

      2. Try clicking the link. They’re all there:

        4.3″ (540 x 960), 1ghz TI OMAP4430-1000 ( same as Droid 3 ), 1gig of RAM, 4gig of secure storage, ~9 gig of shared storage, up to 32 gigs microSD card.

        Plus tons more.

        1. thanks my fault. i clicked the picture not the link.

        2. Everything I’m seeing on the Bionic says 4.5″ screen… The Photon is 4.3″…

  2. Great specs despite its coming late, but I dont think too late.

    It is still one the best now!!

  3. That spec sheet is incorrect only in that it lists the Photon as having 2.3.3 when it came out of the box with 2.3.4.

  4. Well, that “spec sheet” says it’s a 4.3 inch screen, not 4.5.

    Very disappointing if true.

    1. .2″ is only disappointing if your a woman.

  5. the spec sheet also has the model number as XT865 thought the latest release was expected to be XT875

  6. Now from reading all the specs. it looks like it’s just a Droid 3 with a LTE radio. not saying its identical but pretty close (minus the keyboard)

  7. i’ll wait till 2012 for Verizon to come with a great lte phone

    1. Looking forward to seeing the Tegra 3 LTE devices myself. However, I probably will go for a Nexus Prime when it comes out later this year.

  8. I thought the Bionic was going to have an Nvidia Tegra 2 chip or am I wrong? Also, if the Droid 3 display is pixelated due to a Pentile Screen. Wouldn’t the Bionic be worse considering it is .3 bigger? I’m going to assume it is also Pentile.

  9. I was hoping for something really exciting with this phone, but I ain’t seeing it. 4.5″ screen, 1.2 or > dual core, 12 mp camera, something that was right smack in the middle of the safe zone for high end smart phones. The gig of RAM is nice but not a deal maker. The mundane character of these specs has me taking a looks at possible alternatives like the Vigor or even the SGSII, as much as I’m not a Samsung fan. I’ll be patient and hope they surprise me, or that I’m missing the forest for the trees, but it doesn’t look like it.

  10. Clicked the link and the Droid Bionic disappeared from the list. Secondly, the Photon comes with 2.3.4 contradicting the spec sheet.

  11. I no longer see the Bionic in the comparison.

  12. This is also on the motorola site


  13. This is also on the motorola site


  14. Has anyone else lost faith in Motorola? After seeing these specs and knowing the specs of phones coming out at the same time, who is going to actually choose this phone? I am an OG Droid owner from day 1. SGS2 is a much better phone. HTC Vigor has specs that destroy the Bionic. The iPhone 5 will be at least as good. How will this phone have a chance to compete?

    Should have released in June.

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