
Android Overload: Everyone Is Guilty Of Patent Infringement, Google Plus Is On The Decline and More


Greetings, Phandroidians. There was a lot of legal news (generally the kind that I hate) so I decided to dump a lot of that into the Android Overload for tonight. This is your one stop – place to shop, for all the little things that didn’t make it onto our illustrious front page. ITC has been busy with all these patent lawsuits. Apparently everyone is guilty of patent infringement in some way. When are they finally going to call a truce and end the madness!? Good night!

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal
  • Packard Bell LibertyTab now available in the UK. (Rebranded Acer Iconia Tab). [EuroDroid]
  • LG Optimus Net passes through the FCC with NFC chip. Headed for the UK. [WirelessGoodness]
  • Unlocked Motorola Droid 3 available for pre-order. Works perfect on AT&T’s 3G network. [Negri Electronics]
  • ITC judge rules Apple’s OSX (Mac OS) infringes on HTC owned patents. [ArsTechnica]
  • International Trade Commission to investigate Samsung’s patent complaint against Apple. [Electronista]
  • Law firm is trying to block AT&T/T-Mobile merger. [Reuters]
  • Google+ traffic is on the decline (down 3%). Sign of the social network’s early demise? [RWW]
  • HTC Wildfire S is now available at Sasktel Canada.
  • Twitter for Android has received an update to version 2.1.2. Mostly minor enhancements and fixes.
  • The HTC EVO 3D will be $599.99 off-contract through Rogers in Canada. The LG Optimus 3D will run $474.99.
  • HTC Status finds a home on Telus Canada this Friday, July 29th. [MobileSyrup]
  • The Samsung Infuse 4G is now available at Rogers in Canada.
Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Google+ will not take off until everyone’s 20-3000 friends join Google+ because atm it’s an inconvenience to them that their friends won’t join and stay on long enough to find and recruit friends to Google+ so no one uses it and people leave to FB.

    I’m glad that Apple infringed on HTC, it’s always good to see Apple become more of a humble Apple Pie by the day. (:

    1. Haha! Apple pie! :D

    2. HTC bought S3 after the judge had already ruled on the case. So if you want to say Apple infringed on HTC, take it for what it is worth. They were grasping at straws to brace themselves for the inevitable.

    3. no shi.. g+ is not out of beta yet. Once it comes out of the invitation mode u bet ya it’ll beat facebook. facebook is for teens and children and moms

      1. So you mean 3/4 of the population?

  2. Google + declining only 3% means nothing, especially considering the majority of us that want to use it can’t , because only the lucky 10 million or so can actually use it. When it goes live finally there should be a huge difference. I’m sitting here reading blogs about how great it is for a month now and all I can do is sit here with my thumb in my ass and wait for it. Until we can all partake in the wonder of google+ I think its premature to say its nearing its “demise”

    1. Yankeesrule587, give me your email and I’ll send you an invitation.

      1. Its [email protected]…… thank you so much

        1. Done. Have fun.

          1. Alphajoe, can you swing another my way?
            [email protected]

          2. Done as well. Maybe you guys can care about possible other people asking? Best regards!

  3. It’s much like google chrome. I think it had like 10% marketshare at the start and quickly declined, because it was mostly just people wanting to give it a try.

    1. Google Chrome’s market share is at 20% world wide. It’s had pretty steady growth. http://thenextweb.com/google/2011/07/01/google-chrome-has-20-market-share-firefox-in-its-sights/

  4. I sent G+ invites to 4 of my close friends and only 1 of them actually signed up. My girl signed up but didnt use it so I had to go back to FB. I think there will be a lot of cases like that.

  5. im in the uk, and i cant think of anyone whos even heard of googleplus. (ive only heard about it because its mentioned here occasionally) and if they did hear about it i dont think they would really care anyway.

    1. That’s no shocker….people in the UK are always behind the times with whats going on in the world as it is, so it makes perfect sense that you haven’t heard about it. Now back to your fish n chips young chap! Cheerio mate!

      1. Please tell me you’re not American. I, as an American, don’t want to be associated with douchebag ignorant comments like this one.

      2. umm the ARM architecture that’s part of every smartphone and tablet is British

  6. I’m on G+ and I’m waiting to start using it in anger, waiting for my friends to sign up but, as it’s still limited spaces, none of my friends and family have joined up yet. I’d like to organize a couple of events through G+ and think it would be an ideal place to do so with the closed invites that Circles offers. In the meantime though, my interest in G+ wains, thus when Google do open up G+ to all I probably won’t be that interested.
    Google need to open up G+ to everyone now and quickly implement the corporate tweaks to allow business to start up G+ accounts.

  7. I can’t get anyone on google+ either so I don’t bother to go on anymore.

  8. None of my 100 plus friends on FB care to join Google plus, for them the process is way too hard to transfer all their friends, as well as get their friends to do it also. as it is not easy for non geeks, and none of them use google very much, ie gmail, google search or even chrome.. had no problem tho, i used a temp yahoo account and linked it to FB and then it all synced to Google plus, most of my Fb friends only know how get online, check email and post to Fb, im about the only geek in my circle

  9. Brilliant move by HTC to buy S3 Graphics after the Apple lawsiut.

    Makes you wonder what in the hell was Apple thinking by not trying to buy S3 themselves. Did they fall asleep at the wheel on this one or they just underestimated the outcome? Maybe S3 didnt want to sell to Apple?

    I would like to know more about that purchase, might be interesting if all the lil details come out.

    1. More details did come out yesterday. The judge ruled that OS X was the product that infringed, not iOS. And only devices that did not have NVIDIA chipsets in them, as NVIDIA is already licensed with S3.

  10. I’m waiting for Google’s Social Network take 6!

  11. i actually have g+ and use it a lot (i’ve been using chrome as my primary browser over ff and safari for awhile now)…most of the people i’ve added to it use it. i actually want to use it exclusively.. i’m tired of fb as it’s getting way to cozy with microsoft/skype guys.. i’m hoping they would integrate some of the features of wave into g+. adding another collaboration component to g+ would make really make this more attractive to people looking to move from fb. another critical thing google will need to do is integrate g+ into android .. it’s a must to sync my g+ contacts within my device.

  12. Hmm… I didn’t know Apple had a desktop. o.O
    I mean, because all I hear about are the overpriced notebooks. -.-

    o.Oh my go.Ogle!! After hearing about a desktop, I’m afraid to look up the price of one.

  13. I wonder just how different and “non-evil” Google is really trying to be.
    I like Google+, but I’ll be damned if I ever give out my real name on a social networking site. That’s all cute, well and good if you work at a social networking site, or in a soup kitchen, but some of us value and by the nature of our work, require privacy, but would still like to post a message to a friend, i.e.

    1. Actually I’m really happy that Google is requiring real names. I hate nothing more than people joining my friend list but I’m never able to contact them again because they decide to change their name to “You-Know Me” or “Awe Some”. Or “Alphajoe”.

      Pseudonyms are great to communicate freely in the open web, but when it comes to your personal contacts I hate it. Thx, Google+.

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