
Toshiba Coming With a Keyboard-Equipped Regza Phone for KDDI


Toshiba is set to bring us another Android. This time, they are bringing a keyboard-enabled Regza-branded phone which they say will be targeted to those who like to text and post on social networks. It has a 1.4GHz Snapdragon processor, an 8 megapixel camera, a 4 inch display and more. This one’s headed to KDDI in Japan and is unlikely to see a release un Europe or North America. I must admit, though – that keyboard looks plenty nice and I wouldn’t mind having that as an option on any of our carriers. Video’s above. [DigInfo]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

HTC Puccini Tablet Pictured

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  1. Did anyone else almost fall asleep watching this video?

  2. ive got a toshiba regza tv. its pretty good. sounds like an interesting phone. it looks a bit bland and plasticky but the specs arent bad.

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