We’ve already given away a Motorola Droid X2 and a T-Mobile G2X and now, in Part 3 of our blowout contest, we’re giving away none other than the T-Mobile G-Slate Android Tablet.
What do these three devices have in common? They’re all powered by a lightning fast NVIDIA Dual-Core processor that ensures optimal Android performance. But they inherently have something else in common, too.
NVIDIA has harnessed the power of their processor with an app called Tegra Zone that is available EXCLUSIVELY on Tegra-based devices and offers access to games that are optimized specifically for the Tegra 2 Dual-Core experience. Games found in Tegra Zone are console quality games with ridiculous graphics and super smooth animation. Simply put, they kick you know what.
Gaming is my absolute #1 favorite tablet activity so having a Tegra powered device not only ensures the best Android experience but also gives you access to games that alone make buying the tablet worth the investment. My personal favorites include:
Bang Bang Racing
Pinball HD
and Riptide GP
But there are many, many more.
Alright, now that we’ve got you aboard with understanding how NVIDIA awesomifies your Android experience, I’m guessing you want to know how you can win the NVIDIA powered T-Mobile G-Slate in our contest? This is the part where we explain.
This week we’re giving away the T-Mobile G-Slate!
What’s your favorite Android Game?
Answer that question as a comment on this post by Thursday, July 28th at 11:59PM Eastern Time and you’ll automatically be entered to win. Make sure your comment is tied to an account with an e-mail address or some way of getting in touch with you… otherwise we’ll have no way to contact you and will have to randomly select a different winner.
You may only comment ONCE. Anyone who leaves multiple comments, either with the same account or multiple accounts, will be automatically disqualified and we reserve the right to disqualify anyone at our sole discretion.
It won’t help you win this contest, but you may want to follow NVIDIA on Twitter and/or Like NVIDIA on Facebook: they have some contests of their own every now and then not to mention you’ll get some inside info from own of Android’s top supporters.
Will be notified on Friday, July 29th by E-Mail.
On Monday, August 1st we’ll be giving away one of the remaining Dual-Core Android Beasts. Which one? How can you win? Those questions will go unanswered until the 18th rolls around. For now, see if you can’t snap up the T-Mobile G-Slate and keep your eyes glued to Phandroid every Monday (and all the other days too, of course)!
Game Dev Story is the best.
Angry Birds of course.
I’m a big fan of Apparatus. Very detailed, constantly in development, fun to tinker with.
My favorite? I’m not 100% sure but I’ve really been enjoying Burn the Rope recently.
My favorite game is Angry Birds
Tank Hero
Angry Birds!
My favorite would be Robo Defense. It reminds me of my ‘Total Annihilation’ days!
Peggle is my favorite right now.
Nova 2 hd…so insane
The Impossible Game… Something about making an orange box jump over deadly spikes is both addicting and hugely frustrating. Either way, im glad i have it.
Star legends from Spacetime studios. Its only in beta, but its very good.
Game Dev Story as well
SOLITAIRE~ b/c I’m a loser ;)
I am loving Air Attack! Brings back the good ol’ days.
X Construct FTW!
As of right now, my favorite game would be asteroid defense due to the fact that I have not been able to try any nVidia games…
PewPew 2. May not require dual core power but it’s still my favorite. :)
I love me some Fruit Ninja! :D
Cut The Rope Has Me Addicted At The Moment
Beer Pong HD… I keep the party going all day…
Zenonia 1 2 and 3 are one of my top fav games. Spent a few hundred hours in each capping out levels and getting best gear.
PewPew 2. It may not require dual core power but it’s still my favorite. :)
Backbreaker Football
My favorite game is Riptide GP. Runs great on my Thunderbolt with Chainfire 3D.
Gun Bros or Hextacy….I find myself migrating back to them an almost a daily basis…simplicity works man.
Fieldrunners HD
My favorite Android game is definitely Spiderman: Total Mayhem. Bar none.
I’m a Plants vs. Zombies guy.
My favorite of the moment is NinJump. Its a simple game but addictive.
Either Angry Birds or Peggle for me. I can’t decide :(
Angry Birds here.
Though I was initially kind of upset seeing it preinstalled on the Xoom, I really like Cordy. It’s kind of like LittleBigPlanet for Android.
Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection. The puzzle games it has never gets old.
I’ve always loved Gamevil’s Baseball Superstars series. Best sports game on Android hands down, and Baseball Superstars II is even more impressive. I love sports games and RPG’s, and the “my player” mode has an awesome RPG feel to it! Gamevil makes great Android games.
Enjoy Sudoku
Gun Bros fo realz
I have tons of games on my Evo 4G best free app from Amazon so far has to be “Archipelago” simple game but challenging and fun. Thus being my favorite game to date.
Words With Friends
Plants Vs. Zombies!
Hmmm – that’s tough. I think I have to go with Cut The Rope right now
A oldie but a goodie: Robo Defense HD
Robo Defense
asphalt 6 . awesome graphics.
After all this time, Spira Defence is still one of my favorite go to time wasters on Android.
Samurai II
My favorite android game is Jewels. My phones an Eris, so that’s about the best I can do.
At this time, my time is spent playing Plants vs Zombies with my five year old daughter. It is a blast watching her try to different strategies at each of the levels. entertaining and educational.
Words With Friends
Does Words with Friends count?
Grow is an epic game! :)
Is it a game about a boy becoming a man? If not than it is by definition not epic.
Peggle :)
Robotek HD for the win, ” resistance is futile, all become one with the machine “
Cut the Rope… really the only one of the top games that is not slow as hell on my sprint hero
Backbreaker Football
Plants versus zombies
Fruit Ninja for me, only because I’m in competition with my friends.
Peggle for me!
My current fave is Bakery Story…
I have no idea why, buy I enjoy building my bakery.
pew pew2 is amazing
fruit ninja
Well it is kind of hard to pick between Backbreaker and Riptide GP….. but I think my favourite just has to be Riptide because playing via an HDMI out is just beautiful and fun, plus I like the effects it does with my music when in in tunnels, very clever game.
Does Trapster count?
Duck Hunter
I love Ozzy’s Odyssey.
Angry Birds
Hex Defense is kicking my butt right now ;)
Need for Speed
Order & Chaos. It’s like WoW on my phone.
Robo Defense
best game by far is need for speed!!!
Right now a toss up between Cut The Rope and Stupid Zombies
World series of poker
Game Shot Pro by Webxit
“Live Holdem Pro”, if I rank by number of hours played.
And why don’t *all* http://profiles.google.com/yourgmailaccount's — as linked in these disqus posts — redirect to Google+? Some do; some don’t. Anyway, here’s where it should redirect to: https://plus.google.com/108596272537415356460/about in the 1 in 1XXX chance I randomly win.
Stupid Zombies
I’m enjoying ShakyTower right now.
Love the immersive graphics and game play in Gangster 2 Gameloft…..
I loved RoboDefense
Angry Birds ,,,,
Dungeon Hunter 2
plants vs zombies
Still a sucker for Angry Birds Rio
Call me old fashioned, but I think BattleHeart is the perfect blend of action and role-playing. Definitely my favorite mobile entertainment source for Android.
Angry Birds. Pulls you in so much when you want to beat a hard level.
Plants vs zombies
Cut the Rope is prettty awesome!
GALAXY ON FIRE 2 THD and also 3D Ping Pong
i’m a fan of ConnecToo
Pinball HD is my favorite!!
Right now I have to go with Androminio.
Though Cut the Rope, Burn the Rope, Plants Vs. Zombies, Tower Raiders, and Tower Raiders 2 are all high on the list as well…
Has to be cut the rope.
My favorite Android game? that is a tough one. I have a couple different games in various genre’s. Majesty is a great game that passes time quickly, Cyberlord is a GREAT Cyberpunk/Shadowrun type RPG, Jet Car Stunt is intense racing action, and Plants vs Zombies is a great tower defense game. I also enjoy Shadow Era for some good old MagicTG style gaming. On the top, so far is Pocket Legends for AWESOME MMORPG action. (Wouldn’t mind jumping into Order & Chaos though)
Robo Defense
Still loving Plants vs Zombies.
Assassin’s creed great game on all platforms
Alchemy. Playing God’s assistant is fun :).
cut the rope
Plants v Zombies
gots to be angry birds!
Speedx 3d.. which would be awesome to play in 3d on the Gslate!!!
For me? Assassin’s Creed: Altair Cronicles, I love the main series and owning all collectibles, well besides first AC…
Still playin’ HexDefense :) I hope they release a tablet-optimized version.
Angry Birds is my favorite game. I know lame answer but the game is to addicting.
Right now it’s Homerun Battle HD
Robo Defence! I love that game!
Age of Zombies!!! Barry Steakfries is the best undead killer since Bruce Campbell!
Cut the Rope ^_^
Cut the Rope is awesome, just need some more levels!
I love Back Stab
I have been tearing up Cut the Rope. I like the casual gaming style, I can pick it up and put down at leisure. I need more levels now though.
Dungeon Defenders! My co-worker and I enjoy playing it at work!
Plants vs. Zombies!
Angry birds, when you get to the upper levels its very challenging and I can’t stop till I beat it.
Carcassone!! It’s an amazing board game. lot’s of fun.
I have to say Words With Friend
I’d love to get this and donate to chiefzreloaded. Hes the best dev on the Gslate forums. We really need to get him a slate so we can jumpstart the dev work on our slates! Please help us enhance the G-Slate enthusiast community! He loves Game Dev Story by the way!
Bubble breaker no question. Closest thing to meditation without having to meditate. Then again my Eris an’t really handle much live action.
Samurai II or N.O.V.A 2 both are incredibly awesome. I could think of so many games to list here.
Nano Panda!
definitely Zenonia
My favorite game is Modern Combat 2 by Gameloft, but since I only have an Evo 4G, I don’t have many high end games that I can play.
The G-slate would allow me to enjoy a lot more games, including Gangstar: Miami Vindication.
I love playing words with friends
Peggle! Love the pc version, now working on beating all the challenges
Angry Birds…oldie but goodie
Fingers crossed once again!
Herman the Hermit. It gives a console style of play.
I would say Replica Island, or maybe cordy. Those are awesome games!
Plants vs. zombies
Angry Birds or Battleheart! zoebeagle at gmail d0t com
Falling Fred
My favorite is definitely Angry Birds. Not only is it free on Android (albeit with ads) unlike iOS, but it’s an addicting game. I downloaded it the day it released for Android and played it hours that day.
Open Sudoku… I know it is simple, but when I am done playing all the other complex games, I can always rely on it to kill time and not my battery.
Peggle is my numnber 1 by far! Nothing quite as satisfying as heroin for the fingers.
Riptide for me as well. Mind- blowing graphics
Plants v Zombies.
I’ll be the 999th Angry Birds commenter
Age of Wind 2 is my favorite so far.
Angry Birds!
Baseball Superstars 2011
Samurai Vengeance 2!
Drag Racing by Creative Mobile
Hex Defense Rocks!
Fruit Ninja! great fun to slice those shiny bananas.
Texas Hold’em pro
Angry Birds ftw!
Plants Vs Zombies
Plants vs Zombies
Cut the Rope!!!
It depends on the day of the week and the time of day, lol. How about i give you my list:
Riptide GP
Modern Combat
Pinball HD
Crazy Snowboard
Fruit Ninja !
Chalk Ball or Stupid Zombies—- ADDICTIVE!
I like both modern and some retro games and for me Need For Speed is awesome and retro remake I like Tank Hero. Though the graphics and game play is rather simple sometimes simple is all you need to pass the time away and it is nice to see them bring back some classics into the modern age. Retooled a little of course. Paradise Island is rather an addicting but yet relaxing game if stressed. LOL
Cut the Rope and Fieldrunners!
Stupid Zombies!
Been addicted to Robotek HD for a few weeks now. Simple, quick to jump into a game and finish in a few minutes.
Eternal Legacy is actually really good I like it a lot.
Rocket Bunnies duuuhhh!
nes emulators. i love the classics
Apparatus is probably my favorite. Cut the Rope is a good one too!
Galaxy On Fire 2 rocks…
Drag Racing very nice game i played from the day it came out
I would definitely have to say Plants VS Zombies!
riptide gp
At the moment Galaxy on Fire 2 (transformer :) )
I’m digging Fieldrunners nowadays.
Drag Racing
Currently liking plants vs zombies but the playstation emulator has to be my favorite
Shaky Tower
Plants Vs Zombies
PewPew is still one of the most fun games on android.
Plants Vs Zombies
Easily Words With Friends (https://market.android.com/details?id=com.zynga.words)!
Cut the rope
Angry Birds and Words with Friends (got to exercise the brain somehow!). Thanks for the opportunity!!
Plants vs Zombies!
I love Zynga Poker…it’s a great time-waster!
Impossible game is my latest.
My new favorite game is Plants vs Zombies. So much fun!
Cut the Rope of course! Who can ignore the hunger of Om Nom?
Cut the Rope
Samurai II: Vengeance THD
Tank Hero is my current distraction, but really like Apparatus too.
gotta say angry birds, instant classic
Jet Car Stunts! It’s a racing game that you don’t get tired playing after a few minutes. It can be a little difficult but has a tutorial level at the beginning that shows you how to play. Also, the graphics look nice on my Evo. But on the G-Slate, I bet the graphics would be stellar because of NVIDIA and the Tegra 2 Dual-Core processor.
Words with Friends is probably what I play the most times per day.
Pinball lHD
My favorite game for Android is presently Zenonia 2. The first kicked ass, the second is even more excellent, and I’m itching to play the third.
fieldrunners, i love a good tower defense
Gun Bros and GBA emulator
Samurai Vengeance II THD
loving gun bros., especially with the new update. im in constant debate with my friends over who’s bro is the best
Cut The Rope! Cosmic Box is EPIC!
I really enjoy “Age of Zombies” but is there a way to higher the difficulty?
Love Let’s Golf2…also Angry Birds of course!
Angry Birds Rio
Right now, Alchemy
Stupid Zombies FTW
Robot Unicorn Attack= the best game ever made
Never get tired of gamedev story, Zenonia comes in a close second.
Angry Birds!!!!
words with friends and Apparatus
Drag Racing :)
it’s got to be Samurai II: Vengeance THD. That game is awesome.
The only game I play on my free time is FRUIT NINJA THD. I have other game on my android phone but FRUIT NINJA THD has become my favorite game.
Words with Friends would be my favorite game
Cut The Rope no contest…
Cut The Rope!
Cut the rope and Fieldrunners Its a toss up.
I’m addicted to Paradise Island. It isn’t even that entertaining but I’m obsessed with getting all those rewards.
FPse…that’s just a bucket full of games to enjoy :)
…not to mention re-living some great FF9 action on my phone :D
Robo Defense
Right now it’s Peggle. It reminds me of the best “Price is Right” game ever: PLINKO!!
My favorite games is still Jewels. I have had it on the phone since I got my Sprint Hero on launch day. :-)
Robo Defense
N.O.V.A 2
Love Peggle.
Angry Birds Rio Carnival Upheaval………..DUHH!!!
I like bubble blast and a mind teaser and falling fred to kill time
My fav game for Android is HexDefense! Good was to get the stress out!
good WAY to get the stress out.. Geeez cant type!
Fruit Ninja!!!
Angry Birds
Still loving Angry Birds, all these pigs later…
bang bang racing.
Plants vs Zombies
My favorite Android Game is Spectral Souls. I love the game because no game can match the content the game provides. It reminds me of Final Fantasy Tactics and with over 100 hrs of gameplay. The unique twist to the game is that you play both sides of the story: Good vs Evil…then again I wonder which is good and which is evil…
Drag Racing! Can’t stop playing online :)
I’m going to have to go with X-Plane right now…
Peggle!!! by far the best!
I would have to say Riptide is one of my favorites so far. It brings back memories of waverace64.
Definitely Cut the Rope! Until the next big thing of course!
Riptide GP
Playtime-wise, my favorite must be Slitherlink. I’ve always been a fan of that type of puzzle.
I am a big fan of Nano Panda.
Games that make me use my brain are what draw me.
As a side note, I am excited to see what NVIDIA Tegra 3 will bring to the world of gaming! :D
Cut the Rope
Galaxy on Fire 2
Angry Birds!
Fruit ninja. HIYAH! Sorry, didn’t mean to cut you with my ninja skills. :)
Zenonia 3. Reminds me of the old days staying up till 5 a.m. playing A Link to the Past. Actually thats fun to play too on SNesoid ;)
Plants vs Zombies. LOL
Game Dev Story
Pumpkins vs. Monsters FTW!!
No question about it……………Riptide GP !!!!
Plants vs Zombies
Here is to hoping. A tablet would be great!
gun brothers
Samurai 2.
I love Angry Birds Rio. I will shoot some birds your way if I don’t win. :P
Spider Man in 3D on my EVO 3D
Looks and plays great
Fruit Ninja!!
drag racing
Plants vs Zombies is my favorite!
Plants Vs Zombies, even with cute graphics, its the content that sets it above the others.
Apparatus. Tho it runs sadly laggy on my Magic.
I’m an old fogy, so I like simple games, and puzzle games… so, as lame as it is, I like Jewels.. now, with a tablet with a bigger screen, I might be able to get into more games…
Cut the Rope!
game dev story
There are so many great games to pick its hard to name just one. I would have to say there are 2 games. One for me and on for my son. I would have to say angry birds, since it does what it does best kill a few minutes (or hours).
But with my son it has to be zoodles kid mode. My son and I can sit down and play this together and he loves it and I love that he is at least learning a little something while playing. Thanks for the chance in the contest!
Game Dev Story!
Right now:
9 Innings: Pro Baseball 2011
Angry Birds
Robotek HD is a great game! Turn based strategy!!! A little luck is needed but fun overall! TRY IT OUT.
No I don’t get money for saying what I just said… Just saying
A Monster Ate My Homework. Does not get the recognition it deserves! :)
I have been loving Grand Prix Story lately, but my favorite game changes often. Android has been getting some awesome games recently.
Plants vs. Zombies!
Backbreaker HD
This is tough, there are so many great games. There’s the console emulators, field runners, plants v zombies, cough*angry birds*cough. I’ll have to go with apparatus, I’ve been obsessed with it since it hit the market. Sure would be nice to try out some of those tetra 2 optimized games too…… ;-) Thanks for the opportunity to win these awesome prizes.
Need for Speed Shift is my favorite game that takes advantage for what Tegra II can do.
My Favorite Game on Android has to be Samurai II for Tegra
Fruit Ninja THD. Much better graphics and higher frame rate than the regular version.
It’s probably boring for most of you but I can’t get enough of “wordoid”.
Angry Birds for sure. Still amazing.
My favorite game for Android is Rocket Bunnies
Cut the robe
Plants vs Zombies is my favorite
My Favorite Android game was RoboDefense for a long time, but Yu Ninja has me hooked lately.
Asphalt 6 …. having fun with it on LG G2x by connecting it to TV using HDMI.
fieldrunner hd
My favorite seems to be something different every week :).
Splode is a good way to kill some time.
Angry Birds is still my favorite.
Parallel Kingdom. Playing since G1.
Inotia 3
I find myself playing Jewels Deluxe more often than any other android phone so I’m going to have to say its the best game for me.
I would have to say without a doubt that plants vs zombies is the favorite game for the entire household.
Angry Birds
Definitely BattleHeart! ^_^. Although I would love to try sprinkle!
Andoku. Had it since G1. There is now an Andoku 2 which is also awesome.
Cut the Rope! maddogg553@aol.com
Fruit Ninja. A game with such a fun concept that Hideo Kojima felt the need to build a similar E3 demo.
Loving me some apparatus. It’s an awesome game, and makes you think outside the box quite often!
Plants vs zombies, definitely!
Played Angry birds till I could see no birds no more, played falling ball until the update ruïned the gameplay, played abduction till I could jump no more, but PvZ is a game that I still pick up to play even after I finished the game;s story-mode.
Also, it has the best credits I have seen on an android device.
p.s. If anyone here knows “Red stone” and can tell me if that game is beatable, I’d appreciate it. First levels were easy as cake, but then comes “sulphur” and my god, how much time have I wasted on that level…..the jump in difficulty is astonishing and makes me think it’s unbeatable.
Either way, if I win, contact info: roemraw at hotmail dot com
StarDunk! FTW!
i’ll have go wit angry birds
Cut The Rope, I just can’t seem to feed enough candy to that bottomless pit Om Nom
Plants vs. Zombies!
RoboDefense, Its a love hate sort of thing………………
N.O.V.A. 2 as well as most Gameloft games.
Plants vs Zombies, for sure.
Robo Defense. Classic
Pew Pew 2 is my favorite so far. Would love to have a Tegra 2 device to play Galaxy on Fire 2
Fruit ninja
Angry birds ftw!
Asphalt 6, reminds me of old Need for Speed games
Fruit Ninja!!
Random Mahjong pro. It’s kinda hard to play on a phone though, i really need a tablet.
cut the rope
Fruit ninja, simple yet addictive
I’m really liking battleheart right now!
Right now my favorite game is Doodle Fit.
Backbreaker HD, thank goodness the NFL season is back on!
Stupid Zombies!!!
Robo Defense
Angry Birds Rio added something to the original game to keep it fresh. ABR is my fave for sure.
Definitely Glow Hockey 2. Not really a point of the game, so you can just keep playing against the computer or with your friends to pass the time.
Angry Birds
Sinister Planet
Words with Friends is a good time filler for me
I think I’m going to have to go with Age of Zombies, but only because I find the game near impossible to play well and I just cant stand being bad at it.
Practice, Practice, Practice!
Riptide GP
It might not be an actual game but the ability to play more games. One of the most recent emulators, N64oid (2.0.4), has definitely shown how much the Nvidia Tegra 2 processor can dish out to play those nostalgic games on the N64 we have loved since we were adolescents. My Droid X does not even come close to how the Droid X2 handles my old console games because of the power within the Tegra 2. Even with overclocking the X to 1.35 gHz it has a hard time emulating the classics. So cheers to N64oid and the Tegra 2 to help us revive the kid in us.
Angry Birds!
Age of Zombies for sure.
plants vs. zombies!
Word Game Pro is my favorite.
I know it’s old school, but Fruit Ninja is still my favorite Android game.
Droid emulite ;)
I’m not really sure if that counts. If not, then Fruit Ninja
X Construct is awesome!
Angry Birds was a day one install on my day one purchase of HTC Droid Incredible…
fast forward to one year+ since the phone purchase and you’ll find the original game (and all its iterations) still in my phone.
I love Drag Racing, Zenonia1, 2, and 3.
Peggle is my favorite Android game, it’s perfect for bathroom breaks. :)
Hmm as of right now fav game would be cut the rope
Reckless Racing for me!
Fruit Ninja for sure. donovamb10@gmail.com
I’m gonna be boring and say Words With Friends. Sure it’s not action packed but it’s fun! My second choice is definitely fruit ninja.
Plants vs Zombies
Angry birds Rio
Pocket Soccer
Word with Friends is the BEST!!
Dungeon Defenders
Zombieville USA
Cut the Rope.
Angry Birds
Fruit Ninja
Its all about Chalk Ball
Game Dev Story is the most addictive game I have ever played!
I’m really enjoying “Inotia 3” at the moment. It seems to be one of the better RPGs available (and it’s free).
Hex Defense.
castle defenders ftw
Bang Bang Racing
Speedx 3D
Hex Defense FTW!
Stupid zombies.
Air Control!
mmmm….Fruit Ninja.
Favorite? Well this is a bit of a biased answer but, Genesis Chess Beta. :)
Some app that I don’t have ties to, would be Cut The Rope!
Robo Defense.
or a console emulator if those count..
My game of the moment, Cut the Rope.
Plants vs Zombies is my favorite even though I’ve been enjoying Cut the Rope lately.
Pokemon Tower Defense!
Jewellust is my favorite.
cut the rope – perfect poo game!
Right now my favorite is Fieldrunners!
Words With Friends!
The Moron Test
BubbleBlast (original or 2). For some reason I actually like watching bubbles pop.
Froggy jump. Definitely the best jumping game
Apparatus and Galaxy on Fire 2 THD. Both are very well designed, very polished games, leaning a bit to Apparatus for sheer creativity. GoF2THD sure is purdy, though.
Gun Bros. I like games with a multiplayer/coop option.
I’m really into Archipelago right now. Sure, it’s really simple, but totally addictive.
Gem Miner: Dig Deeper by Psym Mobile
9 innings pro baseball
Any nvidia games would do
Plants vs. Zombies!
Whatever one I am currently playing. Right now that’s Peggle, one of the recent Amazon free apps of the day.
Samurai II: Vengeance.
Return Zero
– And thanks for doing this contest!
Need for Speed
Text Messaging
Plants Vs. Zombies! Spent way too much time into that game
I’m a Peggle Fiend.
All popcap titles but plants vs zombies inparticular
Paradise Island has taken a month of my life. Yet still, I love it.
Doodlefit. Simple yet fun.
The Zenonia Trilogy. ‘Nuff said.
Order and Chaos
I like blowup
chess.com at the moment
“Zombieville” hands down
Hands down its Angry Birds Seasons :)
+1 to anyone who has ever played this
Currently cut the rope :) love that game lol
i love that game :)
Robo Defense, hands down. I can kill hours on that, and all I want to do is get to the next level!
right now, Chaos and Order Online.. but when my free premium membership expires it’ll be something else!
Plants vs Zombies!
GameBoid Emulator
Cut the rope for now.. kinda go back and forth between different games
please ignore or delete my previous post.. realized you couldn’t reach me through it
Angry Birds
I had fun with Plants vs. Zombies.
Has to be Pinball HD, classic pin ball action with new killer graphics!
I love the action of Mini-Squadron and the challenge of Cut the Rope.
Angry Birds
Definitely Game Dev Story!! Ive spent hours and hours, up all night playing that game, as soon as i start playin it again….addicted within seconds lol
Gun Brothers!
Been having a blast playing Gun Bros. on my wifi Xoom. Nice fast-paced action, smoothly rendered :-)
Dungeon Defenders first wave and Galaxy on Fire 2
I have to say that Plants vs Zombies is a great game!
Boats n Hoes
I love Samurai II: Vengeance. A 3D action game with minor RPG elements and controls that actually work on a phone. What’s not to love?
Game dev story is themost addicting game I have ever played
“They Need To Be Fed”.
Angry Birds!
Pinball Ride
My favorite game is Fieldrunner HD – it used to be RoboDefence until I snagged FRHD on Amazon for free. Something about a Tower Defense game on my happy little OG Droid is addictive and fun. Thanks!
I’ve been really into Fieldrunners HD as of lately.
Peggle by Popcap Games! :)
Field Runners
Words with friends
Fieldrunners :P
Plants vs Zombies~
Angry birds.
Angry Brids
Nova 2 would look sick on the T-Mobile G-Slate!
Robo Defense
As of this moment its Robotek
Nothing better then “UniWar” playing against my brother!!!
Nova 2 would look sick on the T-Mobile G-Slate!
Plants VS. Zombies FTW!!
Fieldrunner HD is my current game of choice.
My all time android favorite game is Lane Splitter. so simple but very addicting
plants vs zombies
Plants vs Zombies
Zenonia series.
trial extreme
Nova 2 would look sick on the T-Mobile G-Slate!
I love Solitaire Deluxe~~ kill time and brain cell at the same time!
Angry Birds
Nano panda.
Cut the Rope
Home Run Battle 3d
Fruit Ninja for sure!
Words with friends
Definitely Cut the Rope
Fieldrunners. It has taken up much of my time over the past few weeks…
Bang Bang Racing!
Angry Birds…so far
Cut The Rope
Konas Crate! Awesome graphics and gameplay, plus like angry birds you can go back and try to 3 star everything. brettm2277@gmail.com
Cut the Rope! icromaholic @ gmail dot com
robo defense
My favorite game as of right now is fruit ninja. It is just so darn addicting yet aggravating at the same time. Though this is my favorite game as of now, I would probably say my all time favorite is alchemy. It is a very simple game but you get to make some things you would never expect. For instance: bike + cancer = Lance Armstrong. Amazing! But I might be more interested in the games with better graphics and move at more fps if I had myself a beastly NVIDIA dual core beast that could pump out that kind of power. My wimpy Mytouch 3G slide can’t handle some of these amazing games that are out now. I mean it can barely handle fruit ninja. Anyway, this would be an incredible gaming device especially since I am on the go.
Peggle FTW!!!!
Angry Birds without question
Plants vs. Zombies
Speedx 3D has always had a special place in my heart (and my engineering lectures!). :)
Plants vs. Zombies
Seeing as the only Android device I have right now is the OG Droid, my favorite game is Air Control.
robo defense, even though it’s slow on my old phone.
Plants v. zombies right now!
Fruit Ninja, simple and fun :)
Bang Bang Racing. i love all type of racing games.
Ninjump is my fave, followed up by Angry Birds
I go in phases, but right now Plants Vs Zombies. Ran with Fruit Ninja for so long though.
I love Fruit Ninja!
Fruit Ninja
Zenonia 2, just been getting into it as a casual 10 min-at-a-time game :)
Star Traders RPG
Battle Bears -1
email is mecha2142@gmail.com, just in case.
Tank hero, because it’s like guitar hero but with tanks instead of guitars
Word Twist
So many choices! Of course it fluctuates. For example if I’m done with all the Angry Birds levels then I move on to another game. I would say the constant is Jewels. Yeah, I know…boring.
Fruit Ninja – every time I walk through the produce section at the grocery store, I yearn for a sharp katana. :)
Favorite game – Xcom by way of the PSX emulator :)
FRUIT NINJA!!!!!!! I’m so addicted.
Stupid Zombies
Refraction FTW!!!
Fruit Ninja, obvs
Archipelago is sick, a little short though.
Angry Birds
Hard call, but I guess I’ll say Zenonia as I spend the most time playing it atm
Currently obsessed over Angry Birds Rio.
Bang Bang is pretty sweet so I’ll go with that one
my favorite android game is nano panda.
Lots of favorites, but probably would have to go with Vendetta Online.
Fruit Ninjas
Riptide GP
Cut the Rope
Plants v Zombies
Words With Friends because of its stable programming and non need for updates.
I’m pretty sure the post I’m replying to was intended as a joke. I laughed. I cried. I choked.
Appears obvious.
Wordfeud for me too. Been playing for a long long time now.
Moon Chaser
Dungeon Defenders First wave not only is it free but its super fun game to play and the tegra extended edition would be awsome if i had a tegra based device
radiant is the most fun game i’ve played so far.
Best game on android (itching head)…I think that the best game is tank hero. Amazing time waster.
Cute The Rope
I’m diggin Star Legends, but it’s almost too much too handle for my OG Droid…hook me up please!!!!!!!!!
Pocket warriors!
Pocket Warriors!
I love Spiderman 3D.
Contract Killer is one of the best shooting games out there.
Scrabble Free
Diversion!! Best platformer on Android!!
I have to be one of the lame-o’s who say Angry Birds. But I’ll still be original and say Angry Birds Seasons.
Diversion!! Best android Platformer!!
My favorite is Alchemy. Yes, there are more popular games or more thrilling ones. Alchemy is a witty game that challenges my thinking. Plus, it’s regularly updated to make it even more fun for those of us who love the challenge.
Plants vs. Zombies
There are many great games in the android world!!! But only one survives – Angry birds:)
Plants vs Zombies. I am considering counselling.
Order and Chaos HD
Robo Defense
Imma have to go with Peggle for sure.
Cut the Rope. It’s insanely cute, and easy enough that you don’t get too frustrated. Also, they vary the gameplay with new mechanisms now and again (hint: Angry birds).
Gameboid Emulator!
I have to say that after reading all the different games up here, one stands out among the rest…we waited along time for it so….Plants vs Zombies for the win!
Plants V Zombies
the one and only Angry Birds Rio
Plants vs. Zombies. I have no idea why I can’t stop playing it, even after beating it at least 20 times now.
Super Dynamite Fishing is great!
Super Dynamite Fishing
iRunner, so simple but sooooo addicting
Cut the rope :D
Pacific Navy Fighter gets my in-between minutes lately, hard to pick a favorite tho..
cut the rope
X construction!
Hm. Either Angry Birds, Bonsai Blast, or Splinter Cell Conviction. That new Captain American is a close one, too. I might have to say Bonsai Blast, in the end. I’ve put much more time in on that one.
I have to say… Angry birds Rio!
ARCHIPELAGO!! Its a sweet game. Picked it up on the Amazon App store when it was free. Great game
I would have to say angry birds is the best…. Rio!
Robo Defense!
It’s definitely Battleheart!!
Cut the rope!
9 innings
I’ll have to go with MoonChaser for now. Great game to one up co-worker scores on.
I am currently hooked on Fruit Ninja. Nothing new but i keep coming back to it. :D
fruit ninja man
Plants vs. Zombies
My favorite Android game would definitely be Fieldrunners HD
Speedx 3D, since the update that added the “stages” concept. And if you get a pair of cheap red/blue glasses: it is retro-hi/lo-tech awsomeness!
Plants vs Zombies, PopCap games are perfect for phones and tables.
Angry birds
Stair Dismount. best game ever.
I’d have to say I still play Words the most, but the new falling fred is starting to grow on me.
Cut the Rope.
Addicted to Plants vs. Zombies!
LoFi entertaining puzzle game “Curvy” would be my quick pick up game. Redneck Racing would take a quick second as it makes me laugh every time.
Fruit Ninja!
I like my mobile games simple.
My favorite Android game is Gorilla Bob.
My favorite Android game is “Angry Birds”.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 – I spend more time in this game than in all other games together. Mastering it brings sooo much satisfaction :)
Asphalt 6 is my all time favourite :)
Gurk!!! Nothing like a good old school RPG!
angry birds
Air attack HD. Just got it and love every minute of it.
My milestone is cruel. With gingerbread, there isn’t enough RAM left over to run anything other than angry birds. So I have 3 stars in every damn level, and all the golden eggs! Angry birds is awesome, but the variety and quality on a T2 would be a breath of fresh air
Tower Raiders 2 and Zenonia 3 I’ve lost hours playing each
Galaxy on Fire 2
I would love to win this
I had lots of fun playing Majesty I got for free from Amazon apple store. Only thing I’ve played so far coming close to an RTS experience on Android with a cool twist.
Among the contenders, many have vied for the title of “best game” since my acquisition of the Xperia PLAY. If the ability to use physical touch panel joysticks, rather than on-screen is not taken into account, two stand above the rest.
Starfront: Collision – A Real-Time strategy that nearly pulls every play straight from the world of Starcraft. Keeping a fantastic frame rate in the RTS realm stands as a testimate to the game’s strong coding. Transforming what is a primarily on-keyboard experience into that of touch-only stands out as the strongest argument to this title’s success, however.
Star Legends – An MMO built on the success of the developer’s former trials. The creators of the wildly popular “Pocket Legends” step up again in this beta-version title. Taking notes from both Pocket Legends and World of Warcraft, questing in this true MMO has never been easier, allowing for “teleportation” to the quest giver for redemption. Experience the immersion of a full-on MMO with the convenience of the mobile platform.
Of these two, both stand as strong competitors for my heart. Having subscribed early to the Beta service, Star Legends has a place that is yet to be filled as the most profound, and expansive title on Android. I am HanSolo. Nothing beats firing lasers in space with your friends.
angry birds rio
Of course Angry Birds
Fruit Ninja – Keep going back to that one.
Cut the rope, only 1 box left to finish it @_@
I’d have to say Plants vs. Zombies is my #1 game… beat out even Angry Birds!
Air Control
Angry birds is the only game for androids
Grand Prix Story is a great game!
Obviously Doodle Jump.
Angry Birds!!!
Angry Birds, because it’s the only Android game I’ve played!
Plants vs. Zombies!
Fruit Ninja goat
I really like playing sudoku. I would love a tega accelerated sudoku!
Need For Speed Shift
Angry birds, that is until i get an anrdoid device and can develop games for it, then my game will be my favorite
Cut the Rope
Pew Pew 2
Angry Birds Rio.
It may not take all the graphical power that new phones have, but Alchemy is still my pick. Most original game in quite a while.
Abduction 2 World Attack
My favorite game by far is Live Holdem Poker Pro!! Love it!
Gotta go with Homerun Battle 3D, Im always playing my friends in between classes.
Gotta love Myth Defense LF.
Game Dev Story.
Favorite game of the week is Archipelago
Fruit Ninja
Plants vs Zombie
Well my favorite game is none other than the explosive, SUPER DYNAMITE FISHING!!!! Blowin’ up fish!!! Whoa!!! Lol
Bubble Blast 2 (Drives Me Crazy but I like it)
Robo Defense. Always entertaining and slightly challenging.
Robo defense. so addicting.
Angry Birds for me!
Plants vs. Zombies
I want it for Cut the Rope. Great game.
Slice it!
Star Traders RPG elite.
Tank Hero
cut the rope is good!!
Backbreaker football, the best time killer EVAR!
Gotta say Legends of Yore, love that game!
Fruit Ninja FTW!
Star Legends by Spacetime Studios. Freaking amazing game.
My favorite game for android is Cut the Rope.
9 Innings: Pro Baseball
cut the rope!!!!!!!
If is say one of the games mentioned above is my favorite, do I have a better chance of winning? If not, then Angry Birds!
Games come and go but I just can’t find it in me to leave Dropword behind. I love that game.
pocket legends ftmfw
GBcoid I can play all the Pokemon I could want.
Fieldrunners has been eating up most of my free time lately.
My favorite game at the moment is Angry Birds Rio.
PewPew 2
Gotta go with angry birds, but I like the seasons version the best
Aparatus has been consuming most of my time!
tank hero!
My favorite game is plants vs zombies
Angry Birds so far…
Angry Birds Rio
Dismount is easily my favorite Android game.
Nothing compares to Angry Birds
Have to go with Angry Birds, although my nes and snes emulators would snag a close second.
Robo Defense
I finished Big Sport Fishing, so maybe that one, although Peggle is good too
Cartoon Defense. It’s quick, easy, addictive, and feels nice when playing on my EVO.
Samurai II: Vengence !!
all about crash bandicoot on the xperia play! wish it had a dual core and nvidia chip though :( ohhh, we can all dream!
Angry Birds ftw
Fruit Ninja hands down
Homerun Battle 3d has been taking up my time. I love the multiplayer and trying to hit a perfect game
The best game Galaxy of Fire 2 for fast paced action and overall graphical prettyness!
BreakTheBlocks bar none. endless simple mindless gaming. solid app too
Lets GOLF 2, is my favorite game right now!!! Pretty good.
Caligo Chaser
I love NVIDIA!!!
tower raiders! can’t get enough tower defence games
Solitaire… xD
Cut the Rope
Words with friends
Order and Chaos is a new MMORPG for Android and what I play the most. I have a version hacked for my EVO3D, and it runs like a dream. It also ran great on my Epic4G. If you liked WoW, you have to play this game! Gameloft did a great job cloning some of the best aspects of WoW, except for the PvP. It costs 99 cents a month, 3 months free with the initial cost, or $2.99 for a 6 month subscription.
I would love to play this on a tablet with Tegra 2 awesomeness!
Angry birds
Hands down, The Impossible Game!
Drag Racing
Antibody, only because my phone sucks and I need a Tegra powered device so I can play some better ones
Angry Birds
My Favorite Game right now is Drag Racing!
Game Dev Story is the awesome-est
SpeedX 3D. Dead simple but fun.
Angry Birds Rio
Mini Squadron lol
Hextacy. It’s addictive!
I’m loving all the suggestions…but my favorite is Fieldrunners. It’s an awesome little game
Pro Evolution Soccer 20011!
Fruit Ninja – Awesome on the G2x!
Aliens Invasion, how can you not like splittin alien nugs with an axe
Currently Apparatus.
GALCON! So much fun
haloman800@yahoo.com is my email :D.
HomeRun Battle 3D at this time of year!
Fruit ninja is the best
Wild West Sheriff
Fruit Ninja
Right now, I’ve been feeling Apparatus. Awesome game.
All of them!
My favorite game is Angry Birds…keeps me on my EVO 24/7 lol.
Sudoku or Mahjong
Drag Racing
Drag Racing
Stupid Zombies
My favorite game is showing off my android phone to my friends with iPhones, and showing off all the infinite amounts of cool stuff it can do :)
FF6 using SNESOID (Does that count? if not ill go with Fight Control HD…)
May be seen as stupid but personally i don’t play many games on android – Moonchaser
Battleheart is my favorite and it works great on my phone and Tablet.
Flight Control, my son loves it also
NFS Shift
Krazy Kart Racing!
(from the Samsung App Store :) )
Words with Friends
Fruit Ninja! Great concept, fun and a great pick me up game.
Too many to say. I guess Angry Birds Rio. I love birds. Still Enjoy Sudoku takes up an inordinate amount of my time.
Love Pocket Soccer. It’s a pretty simple game, but pretty addictive.
samurai vengeance
Tank Hero.. for sure! (sgrimes1987@gmail.com)
Spectral Souls, brings me back to my final fantasy tactics days.
krazyaaron@gmail.com if I win :D
Such a hard decision, but if I had to pick, it would be Plants vs Zombies. I love that game!
Let’s Golf!
Yo, so make with giving me the tablet and such already! My favorite game is Tetris…yeah I’m old school, but it’s ironic to be old school, and ironic is hip right?
iRunner is amazing!
Stupid Zombies. It’s simple, has tactics and you can view everything at once. Much better than angry birds.
Its all about Peggle
I like Peggle. Really addicting :)
I love playing Gun Brothers right now. I just can’t figure out co op mode unless it is actually just a computer version of my friend.
Plants vs. Zombies :)
Ninjump is a great one for wasting a few minutes here and there.
Order and Chaos Online.
Contact Info: http://androidforums.com/members/spartoi.html
Samurai II Vengeance baby!
Tap sonic. (cootang2@gmail.com)
Plant vs Zombies
Field Runners HD, love it.
It’s between fruit ninja & game dev story
curvy :)
randomly generated puzzle = never ending fun :D
Gotta say it’s Plants Vs Zombies.
Plants vs Zombies
Worms for sure
Word Drop!…
Somewhere between tank hero, angry birds, and plants vs zombies.
EDIT: And in case this isnt tied to my email, claude.bingham@gmail.com
Plants vs. Zombies is my fave!
I guess I’m boring – but “Word Up!” and the concisely named “Word,” both of which are basically boggle clones, take the cake for me! If I had to pick a graphically demanding game though I guess I’d say quake 3
Angry Birds I guess
Still hooked on Angry Birds. The kids keep getting a hold of my phone. Unfortunately, they are hooked too!
Super Sudoku
Fruit Ninja is by far my favorite. Both my girlfriend and I compete back and forth seeing who can get a higher score.
I would have to say the best game out right now is the whole Angry Birds get up. I love Nvidia
Plants vs Zombies… freaking addicting
Air Attack HD
Even with all the high-tech games available, the one I go back to the most is Euchre by Jeffreys Software.
Peggle. I’m currently trying to Ace and get 100% on every level on the quick play.
Samurai II is freaking awesome
SpeedX 3D is so addicting. :D
Samurai II: Vengeance
Return Zero! Reminds me of Tron :D
I just ordered Galaxy tab 10.1 for my deployment to Afghanistan. I want to win this for my wife
Cut The Rope
Speed X 3d is the best game.
Solitare FTW!!1!11!!!
Nova 2 is the best action game for android!
moon chaser
Gun Bros
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011
My favorite game is by far plants vs zombies. As soon as they came out with it for android, I made sure I got it asap.
Contact is LPMeteoraremix@aol.com
Reckless Racing
plants vs zombies has the greatest replay value
Carcassonne (Official Version) is by far the game I spend the most time on — therefore, the best!
Samurai II: Vengance is awesome!
Cut the Rope
Have to say the game I keep coming back to on my daily commute is pewpew 2
Coin Pirates!!!
Order and Chaos has been fun! Nice seeing MMOs approaching mobile devices!
Angry Birds
Samurai 2: Vengeance is my fav game. Swords and blood. ‘Nuff said.
Pew Pew 2!
Its all about ‘Age of Zombies’.
Tough one… I think Wordsmith is my favourite Android game, overall.
Age of Zombies! fun gameplay!
I just can’t get enough of Fireball!
WORD to Words With Friends!
Galaxy on Fire II THD
angry birds!!
Galaxy on Fire 2 THD
Words With Friend
Need a tablet for work :)
Sketch The Pic. One of the few games that will run on my ol’ G1 and hold my attention.
Cut the rope
Syrious Scramble
Plants vs. Zombies
Plants vs Zombies ..
Angry Birds is the one I always go back to.
Trial Xtreme, no contest.
BackStab HD
Angry birds is still my general go to, but I’ve been enjoying the beta of Cyber Knights RPG recently.
Angry Birds
Modern Combat 2 by Gameloft.. Easy!
I have Tmobile too! :^)
It might not have a big wow factor, but I regularly play Euchre (free). The programmer did a great job with the logic behind this game!
Still love my Angry Birds.
Tile Takedown is my favorite
Words With Friends. It seems to be the only way I get to spend time with my wife. :)
I really enjoy angry birds
I love angry birds
Plants Vs Zombies
Doodle Jump
Plants vs Zombies
Plants vs Zombies
Battleheart, without question! I’ve made some purchases from the Market that I later regretted, but this one was worth every cent.
cut the rope
Right now I would have to say the Captain America game.
Angry Birds
Robo Defense
Robotek HD.
Hyper jump
Bang Bang Racing
Someone has to stand up to those green pigs!!!!! (i.e. angry birds)
Andoku, I never thought Squiggly Sudoku was this frustrating though.
I split my game playing time fairly evenly between Flood-It, Sudoku, MoonChaser, and Dismount in order of how much time I have and how private a place I’m in.
doodle jump
Tower Defense is my first love
Tower Defense. Old school
Bejeweled all day
Try and ace all the levels, i dare you.
Right now, I’m enjoying Grow. But my favorite is probably using psx4droid to play ff7… Yeah, I’m one of those…
Plants vs Zombies all the way!
Pew Pew all the way! no Q.Q
Gotta love Game Dev Story (:
SpeedX 3D
Not much of an android gamer, but I have a few games I enjoy once in awhile. Plants vs Zombies is definitely a game that makes me lose track of time and therefore is my favorite.
Plants vs. Zombies is one of my favorites among the other tons of games!
Robo Defense
I’ll definitely go for “HAWX” from Gameloft… Love simulators…
bang bang racing
Cut the rope – It ranges from very simple to hyper complex fast twitch moves.
Cut the Rope
cut the rope of course
nice prizes
ZENONIA 3 and Cut the Rope
Angry Birds Rio
Angry birds
That’s a hard question. Probably Plants vs. Zombies, but I really spread my tablet gameplay evenly among many games. My tablet has replaced my Xbox360 believe or not.
Cut the rope!
plants vs zombies
I really like a game called Doodle Fit.. games that actually make me think tend to be on the top of my list.
Fruit Ninja is the Best Game and would be 10 times better on a Tegra 2 then on my phone if it was the THD version from Tegra Zone. I would love to get a tablet but simply cant afford it. Its killing me.
samurai 2 vengence
Angry Birds
Robotek for the win!
Pew Pew 2, so hard, but so fun!
Air Attack HD!
Game Dev Story is a fun way to pass the time. I think I’d mark it as my favorite android game.
Angry birds
Speed X is one of my favorite games on android. :)
Angry Birds for now…
Gotta be Plants vs. Zombies
Hands down best game for android has to be Falling Fred
Plants Vs. Zombies hands down. Picked it up for free from the Amazon Appstore.
Plants VS Zombies!!
I can be contacted via http://sleepybear.us
Angry birds :) is the best
Galaxy On Fire 2 THD!!!!!
Thats for the chance,Good luck everyone!
I’ve definitely got to go with Pokemon on the (recently android-market deceased) Gameboid and GBCoid emulators.
*Edit* Whoops, spelled “Gameboid” wrong at first
Let’s Golf 2
I’m going “old school” and sticking with Angry Birds.
My favorite Android game is Dungeon Defenders: First Wave
these days, i’ve been enjoying peggle :)
Right now I have been playing Archipelago nonstop, so I have to go with that!
My favorite game that keeps me entertained after all this time is ROBO DEFENSE
It’s all about Snes9x EX. Nothing better than playing my favorite games of yesteryear.
Angry Birds, I keep coming back to it.
Fieldrunners is probably my favorite android game.
Riptide GP
Its kind of a Tie between Plants vs. Zombies and Angry Birds right now but Bang Bang Racing looks awesome if I had a little better hardware!
I really enjoy Inotia 3
Plants vs Zombies!
Jewels Deluxe!
Robo Defense is awesome!
My favourite game is atomic bomber by Luke Allen- it’s one of the few games that can run on my t-mobile comet :P
Fieldrunners has to be the best!
Hex Defense Ftw!
Contract Killer!
Hex Defense for me. Great for short game spurts.
Angry Birds
Plants Vs. Zombies
Plants Vs. Zombies
Angry Birds!!!
Angry Birds!!!
(please disregard the duplicate post from my husband that should have been my response from my account)
me me me!
Those games look awesome, but of course I am locked to an “old” single core fascinate, so I can’t play them!
But currently I am addicted to ‘A Monster Ate My Homework’. I may be even more addicted than I was when angry birds first came out.
Paradise Island has been quite time consuming for me
Angry Birds
I think Reckless Racing has to be my favorite.
ryan at ryan-ewen dawt comm
Love this site :)
Angry Birds. It made me waste hundreds of hours.
The android classic, the first game i ever downloaded on my g1! ROBO DEFENCE!
The game i would enjoy and play the most would almost HAVE to be angry birds rio ;D
Angry Birds!!!
I was hooked on drag racing but my new favorite is Destroy Gunners F
Samurai II: Vengeance! It was the first game I bought on my Atrix, and is still my favorite!!!
Robo defense
I spend way too much time playing Star Traders RPG.
Cut the Rope!
Plants vs Zombies
Still spend the most hours, with Angry Birds Rio.
Does Alchemist count as a game? Because that is my favorite.
My favorite game on Android is YooNinja! It’s quite fun :)
Cut the rope!!!
Apparatus is whats taking all my time..
I like Angry Birds
Due to still being on a T-Mobile G1 (htc dream) I’m fairly limited in what actually runs well enough to be considered a game, not screenshots. My hold overs have Been Alchemy and Robo Defense of the two I’d have to say more so Alchemy.
Samurai II: Vengance
I’d say I’ve spent the most time with Zenonia 1-3, but
Radiant HD is probably one of my favorites. I love the arcade…ness….
I like puzzles and logic games so my favorite game is Unblock Me.
My favorite game keeps changing as I get bored with one. I think the game I am currently having the most fun with is Archipelago.
words with friends
Office Jerk
I like Angry Birds and its siblings the best – hours of game play, incredibly frustrating, and completely pointless.
I’ve got to go with cut the rope, simple but really addictive and lots of fun (I have to say I enjoy it more than angry birds) hopefully they’ll add some new levels soon. You can pick up the free version (with adverts) from get jar if you want to give it a go.
Old school: Meganoid. ;)
Riptide GP
angry birds
love angry birds, long airplane flights just fly by, quite literally.
Samurai Vengeance II for me :).
I’m kinda partial to Robo Defense myself. Bought the game weeks ago and still haven’t got to all the levels. Great game!!
Pocket Legends FTW
Grave Defense HD
Cut the rope.
Hockey Nations
My favorite android game is Cordy, i ply it on my epic and it looks beyond sexy on there lol. but i also use it to show off to other people that dont believe that android has fun games to play,plus they keep updating it, it should be everyones favorite
Raging Thunder 2
BackBreaker Football.
Game Dev Story. I’m addicted o.o
Game Dev Story. I’m addicted o.o
Angry Birds
My favorite game so far is Robotek.
9inning baseball. Great game
not to be unoriginal, but gotta say angry birds is my favorite game. it’s incredibly frustrating and i hate it at times, but still… i love it.
Angry Birds
Angry birds
X-Men by Konami
Cut the Rope.
Pew Pew 2 all the way [:
My favorite Game is Plants VS Zombies
Don’t have a favourite game because i don’t have an android phone or tablet to begin with….
I’m not much for gaming on a small screen… but I do enjoy playing gameboid from time to time… but gaming on a tablet would be more then perfect!
I may be crazy, but I love PEGGLE!
Armored Strike (but I have no Tegra phone or tablet yet )-:
Angry Birds!
Angry Birds
Kongregate Vecor Racer
The Impossible Game
Best game right now STAIR DISMOUNT! I love throwing my brother down the stairs!
Angry Birds is my favourite android game. Best time killer ever made.
I would have to say that angry birds is the greatest mobile game ever created. Tho Live Holdem is a fantastic free poker game.
Can’t beat “Unblock Me”…soooo many levels, and really passes time any time i’m traveling.
Obviously angry birds!
Angry Birds!
Angry Birds FTW
drum roll……………………… angry birds suprise!!!!
Favorite game? Cut the Rope, just got it last week and already got 3 stars on every level, so addicting…
My favorite (and by favorite I mean “most played”) game is Words with Friends. I know, I know…it’s an iOS game and the Android version kinda blows but hey! What can I say? It’s the game I play every day, and sink a lot of time into. I just wish it was better. Or that people moved to WordFeud lol
My favorite app is Dungeon Hunter. It is a really fun game and the graphics are awesome!
Angry Birds by far!
Plants Vs. Zombies come on now what’s not to love about it?
Sorry but I like Angry Birds
all i c is angry birds but the very best game on any android devise tab or phone is Speedx 3D so dope its crazy
Geez, can I only choose one? Probably Game Dev Story… but Grow, Cut The Rope, and Angry Birds, and FieldRunners HD as close seconds. Perhaps a classic like Alchemy or Gem Miner: Dig Deeper for third.
I agree with most people on here that Angry Birds is quite a good game. Lately, however, I’ve been addicted to Baseball Superstars 09. Its a great game.
FieldRunners HD is my current favorite Android game.
Pocket Legends…Fun for a while…
Angry Birds! :)
Angry Birds!
love how this opens up a massive amount of games for everyone to look up and try out… My fav is Spectral Souls….classic
Plants vs. Zombies!
Nova, I ended up buying it…because it’s cool…
I get an opportunity to show off the power of my g2x…
Angry Birds
Plants vs. Zombies
I like GRave Defense… for me totally kewl game…
wheel of fortune!
Yay, Plants vs Zombies!!!!!!!!!
Favorite game…hmmm…..switches from time to time but right now I’m going to go with Beer Pong HD
Robotek HD
Favorite Android game… Gem miner right now.
GUN BROS!!!! best and most addictive game!!!
Minecraft for Android
My inner ninja says… Fruit Slice!!!
I’ve been addicted to Words With Friends. Great challenge.
those disgruntled birds i suppose
I love “Angry Birds” but I’ve got to where I LOVE “Plants vs Zombies” now. Both work great on my T-Mobile Sensation 4G.
Angry Birds of course
I am an old school video game guy, my favorite has been and still is Ms. Pac Man!
Replica Island
Cut the Rope is still my favorite android game. Just as fun as angry birds, but I find it to me more challenging (good for me).
Angry Birds
I’m gonna have to go with Blast Monkey. Just as simple and even more addicting than Angry Birds in my opinion.
fruit ninja is mine
Thank you Phandroid for introducing me to the best game…Coin Pirates!!!
Favorite Casual Game – BaseBall SuperStars ’09-’11/ Favorite RPG – Zenonia/Illusia/ Favorite HD Game – Shadow Guardian HD!
motris: best tetris clone i have found on android, and nothing beats tetris.
Pew Pew 2 is by far the best game. Even on my aging incredible it runs so smooth and everyone picks it up and love it
Definitely Field runners HD! I just can’t seem to beat it.
Age of Zombies.
Angry Birds
I love Cut the Rope!!!
I love Cut the Rope!!!
Been enjoying Angry Birds on my M835, my first Android device. I’m using the comments here as a kind of “Recommended games” list. :)
by a long shot, Angry Birds best game of all time
My Favorite Android Game? Gottta be Angry Birds!
Okay, no. Turbo Grannies is definitely the best game out there, no matter what anyone says. :P
What else can it be ? Angry Birds ! Hands down …
pewpew. awesome name. awesome game.
Apparatus for me!
Plants vs Zombies. It definitely was the game I’ve made the biggest point to play instead of just using it as a time killer.
Air Control has been one of the best games I’ve tried!
Galaxy On Fire 2….Mass Effect for android anyone?
Angry Birds.
My favorite game for android is robo defense
Currently my favorite game is Pocket Legends
I have got to go with Reckless Racing. Nothing like some old school top down racing!
Virtual Villagers… If it worked right some times lol.
Honestly Angry Birds is Addicting and I’ve been trapped by it for so long haha I Honestly Love this game if you don’t agree than that’s cool :) we all have our own choice But ANGRY BIRDS takes my Gold Metal Home with them :D
Spectral Souls is my Favorite, gorgeous design and I love RPGs
angry birds is nice of course
4 Player Reactor! :D
skies of glory..!!
What’s your favorite Android Game?
Fruit Ninja!
At the end of the day, doodle jump has been the most addictive for me and is also the most fun! Whilst the resolution isn’t great on my Sensation its probably the best game out there :P
Angry Birds Seasons
Angry Birds!
By far, Robo defense!
I looooove backbreaker football, it’s the perfect football game for mobile gaming on the go
got to be plants vs zombies!!!
Was the winner for this thing every actually announced?
I love age of zombies! Fun filled, action packed, and all around well developed.
It’s a difficult one, but i’d probably go with Apparatus – Can be infuriating at times but fantastic fun and looks great on a Tablet!
Otherwise – RipTide GP is great for showing off a Tegra based tablet.