
Android Overload: Free Netflix with LG Revolution Purchase, Android 2.3.3 for the HTC Sensation, and More

Well, that about does it for this week. The Android news has been hot, but the weather has been hotter. Below you’ll find the remnants of the week. Try to stay cool while reading and enjoy your weekend.
  • The LG Optimus 3D is now free from Three. [Unwired View]
  • Wind is releasing the Alcatel Onetouch 908. [Mobile Syrup]
  • The Android 2.3.3 update for the HTC Sensation on Virgin Mobile Canada will go live on July 25th. The Samsung Galaxy S II has its update scheduled for August.
  • Former Capcom producer Keiji Inafune is getting in on the Android action with his first game, Island of Dr. Momo. [DroidGamers]
  • As further incentive to pick up the LG Revolution, Verizon is offering a free three-month subscription to Netflix with purchase.
Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

RadioShack Taking LG Thrill 4G Pre-Orders Today for August 7 Launch

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  1. LOL at “free netflix”. the “one month free” is a standard rope in even on the PC no phone purchase required. wow I pity anyone who falls for that gimmick.

    hey, how about i offer “free air for life” to people who buy something from me..

    1. It’s three months free with the Revolution. Three times the gimmick!

    2. If you’re already buying the phone, it doesn’t hurt to get some stuff free.

    3. Best not. Apple have the MacBook air, so will probably claim invented all kinds of air and Sue you.

  2. Damnit, another weekend and we’re stuck with this as the latest article until monday….. sad

  3. I paid $32.69 for a XBOX 360 and my mom got a 17 inch Sony laptop for $94.87 being delivered to our house tomorrow by FedEX. I will never again pay expensive retail prices at stores. I even sold a 46 inch HDTV to my boss for $650 and it only cost me $51.77 to get. Here is the website we using to get all this stuff, LiveCent.com

    1. AWESOME!!! Im going to buy 100 tvs for $30.33 and then sell them on the corner of my street and make thousands!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. this really awesome…
    hey can i post this into my forum on this category


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