
Friendcaster for Honeycomb Tablets is now in Beta


Our friends at Onelouder – who were once part of Handmark and the creators of Friendcaster and Tweetcaster for Android phones – have let us know that a new version of Friendcaster for Honeycomb tablets is out in beta form. It’s one of two alternatives to the official Facebook app (which isn’t even optimized for tablets yet). It’s free, of course, and you should expect the occasional bug here and there until this thing’s out of beta. It’s worth checking out so make no delay in grabbing it here.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. speaking of android honeycomb apps, no love for hive player…idk the only third party music player on honeycomb, even has a scrollable widget for music navigation?

  2. How does this compare to FriendMe?

    1. Waaay better than FriendMe! It has pretty much all the features of Facebook. I

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