
Android Overload: Amazon Doesn’t Want to Pay Sales Tax, Evo 3D/Sensation Find Perma-Root and More


    Happy, Monday everyone. I hope you guys had an awesome weekend but it’s time to get back to the hustle and bustle. Thankfully we have a lot of great news in our Android Overload for you tonight. This is all the Android-ish related news that didn’t make it onto our front page but we still felt like it deserved to be seen. I found more than a few articles on some smartphone statistics hitting the blogosphere today so those are definitely worth checking out. Have a great night and we’ll see you tomorrow!

    • Id Software co-founder John Carmack thinks mobile devices will be as powerful as today’s consoles in 2 years. [Engadget]
    • Amazon wants to repeal a new California state law requiring their online retailers to pay sales tax. [WSJ]
    • If you earn more than 75K a year, you probably own a smartphone. [Gizmodo]
    • More U.S. adults own a smartphone than have a college degree (guilty). [Mashable]
    • 25% of U.S. smartphones are used as main source of internet access. [Electronista]
    • The Motorola XT316 is designed for style-savvy consumers on a budget, and will launch in Asia, Latin America, and Europe later this summer.
    • When Spotify launches in the US, you better believe it will be available for your SONOS home audio system. [Gizmodo]
    • Sympatico for Android is now available.
    • The HTC Panache 4G is now available for Cincinnati Bell.
    • Here is a nice overview of the myTouch 4G Slide’s camera, the one T-Mobile continues to tout as an industry best.
    • All things considered (including 4G LTE radio), the HTC Thunderbolt costs a whopping $262 to manufacture.
    • The HTC EVO 3D and Sensation 4G still don’t have permanent root, but thanks to some new tricks a method has been developed to keep temporary root from being lost.
    Chris Chavez
    I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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    1. Wonderful effort by you buddy………..

    2. Chris doesn’t have a college degree. Ha

    3. You know what’s weird about California ? (I know a lot of things).. Californians are infamous for voting in things that cost them money.. With budget deficits, I would be surprised if they voted to take sales taxes away.

    4. the title says sensation gets perma-root, the post says no perma-root …

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