
Spotify Coming to the US, Sign Up for an Invite Now


Spotify, the streaming music service those in Europe love dangling in the face of us poor Americans, is finally coming the United States, and you can sign up for an invite right now. Spotify has set up a page to allow early adopters to call dibs to be among the first to give the acclaimed music service a spin and see what they have been missing out on.

Spotify acts like a mix between today’s growing number of cloud music services and the streaming prowess of sites like Pandora and Grooveshark. Your music library is shared between the internet, your computer, and your mobile device via the Spotify app for Android. If you’re as eager as I am to try it out, head to the source link below and sign up now.

[Spotify via Gizmodo]

Kevin Krause
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  1. lol, I have used Spotify for over a year now :P
    Still have about 12 invites or so..

    1. do those invites work in the US? if so shoot one my way if your willing and able. nasmedicine @

  2. Can someone tell me why this is better than anything else out here?

    1. What he said.

  3. We “poor Americans” have had Rhapsody for over a decade now. It does the exact same thing but with a bigger catalog and a more established, time-tested product. Spotify is a me-too product.

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