
Motorola XOOM WiFi Getting Price Drops All Over the Place


Still in the market for a tablet? Our old friend, the Motorola XOOM, may be a bit more attractive now that it’s had its price dropped. It’s competing with Samsung who has their cheapest model going for $500. Motorola’s listed the XOOM WiFi for $500 on their site, a change we think may be permanent. The cellular-enabled version remains the same price. Other outlets are letting this thing go for less, too.

Staples is offering it for $450 when using this specific coupon code – 51758. Amazon has it for the same price as Motorola at $500. After a slow start and with uncertainty about its success, we’re not surprised by the move. We can’t say for sure whether or not this price drop was to help them remain competitive or to make room for a new tablet. Or both. Either way, we think its ship has long sailed in the light of newer, thinner, better and more affordable devices being on the table and we are patiently awaiting a followup. [Droid-Life]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. They are finally dropping Xooms price to equal that of the newer, better made tablets?

  2. too little, too late

  3. I don’t really see how the newer models (galaxy 10.1) are any better other than form factor, the hardware isn’t any better (same tegra 2), and will always get OS upgrades later than the Xoom.

    1. The display is much, much better on the Tab/Transformer. And that’s arguably the most important thing about a tablet.

  4. guess i shouldn’t have jumped the gun on this one and bought the vzw 3g….

  5. I won’t buy a tablet until ice cream sandwich.

    We need the source code!!!

  6. It looks like the WiFi Xoom is 32 GB,
    So the price is on par whit the asus transformer.

  7. I’m curious, which tablets are running Android 3.1 now?
    I heard the Asus Transformer had an update to it, but what about the Samsung and the Xoom?

    1. The Xoom has 3.1 but only in the US,Japan and China.
      In the UK people who buy Xooms this month are getting a free wireless keyboard and mouse. I guess it depends on whether you value that above or below timely updates.

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