
T-Mobile Mytouch 4G Slide Is Officially Announced


Its official. Following the tweet of their rather easy puzzle, T-Mobile is officially announcing the release of the Mytouch 4G Slide. Packing a dual-core 1.2GHz Snapdragon processor, Android 2.3 and Sense 3.0, the only thing left out was the amount of RAM installed. What’s interesting to see is the main focus of the device seems to be the inclusion of some kind of new 8MP camera and sensor capable of almost zero shutter lag and backside illuminated sensor. I guess that’s where the code name “DoubleShot” came from. Here are some more details from the press release:

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Improved low-light Performance: with a backside illuminated sensor and a wide aperture lens (f/2.2)

  • Zero shutter lag: innovative software features allow for an instantaneous shot at that precise moment
  • SweepShot: for capturing panoramic shots by sweeping across an entire scene in a single motion
  • ClearShot HDR: for capturing objects in bright settings so your photos are not affected by high-contrast lighting
  • BurstShot: for capturing multiple photos in a quick burst so you don’t miss the perfect photo

HTC is notorious for their poor camera quality and its a surprising to see this marketed as more of an “advanced camera phone.” The device will be available this July for $200 (after $50 mail-in rebate) with a 2 year agreement and comes in 2 colors, both black and khaki. T-Mobile also provided this quick promo video to get your Android juices flowing.

What do you guys think? Anyone picking this one up when it launches in July?

[Via T-Mobile]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Yes. I have been waiting for this thing.. the slightly thicker, slightly bulkier, slightly heavier build does not bother me if it is (slightly) more durable and less flimsy than the G2 hinges. 

  2. Hm. Any word on weight and thickness and ROM size? I don’t see any of those specs in the released materials.

  3. Fuck T-mobile and their crappy phone remakes. Why not just come out with a new line of phones. I yet to see one of my friends or any man with a gay ass my touch phone. Sounds like a Catholic priests favorite device. We will all soon witness the death of this company, why the fuck give them assholes anymore money. Hell I paid my $200 fairly quick and got the hell away from T-mobile as soon as they announced the merger. I moved to Sprint, nuff said.

    1. good for you?

    2. It’s called marketing stupid! Verizon=Droid, Sprint=Evo, T-Mobile=MyTouch, AT&T…nevermind AT&T lol, You=DOUCHE

  4. @Francisco, thanks man, your comment just made my day..lol
    @John its an acquisition/buy out, not a merger!..

  5. I don’t see much wrong with this phone. I never thought I’d care for a physical keyboard phone until I got the original Slide. Now I don’t think I could go back. For me it meets my requirements tech wise. I’m not a fan of large 4″ screen phones. They look like people are talking into PSPs.

  6. The cnet pics site the phone nicely I will pick this up keyboard track pad dual core the only bad thing is it looks like the mytouch 4g not that I hate it just expected something different. I wish it had an amoled screen and was 42mb 4G lol.

  7. Can’t we do this with Camera360?

  8. I am getting this phone. 

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