
Handcent Receives a Hefty Update, Including Ability to Fully Replace Stock SMS App


We know there are millions, nay, tens of millions of you out there who just aren’t satisfied by the SMS client on Android. You’ve moved on to Handcent and never looked back. The experience that made you flock is getting even better today, though, as they’ve released a massive upgrade. Highlights include more customizable LED options and the ability to fully replace Android’s stock SMS app.

No more double notifications (easily disabled in the messaging app depending on which phone you use) or duplicate messages in the messaging client taking up space on your phone. More of the features found in today’s update are below, but head to the Android market and grab yours for absolutely nothing. [Market]

What’s in this version:

  1. > New group sms helper plugin,we can real group sms now
  2. > Improve Mms+ feature,now you can more easy to attach and download high resolution pic/video from handcent network
  3. > New Default Messaging application option can full replace stock messaging app and work independently
  4. > Full work (SMS & MMS) with Korean SKT version of SGS and SGS2
  5. > New Led plus option for rooted phone (2.33 EVO..)
  6. > Led color for Sidekick4g
  7. > Delay sending option,you can cancel after click send
  8. > Darkness skin


Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. love handcent! 

  2. I’ve switched from Handcent to Go SMS.  I wonder if this makes it worth going back? Go SMS has been awesome…

    1. i did the same thing. i’m going to test out go a bit longer though.

      1. has handscent gotten any quicker over the months? i switched many months ago, but i’ve been teetering on whether to go back lately

        1. Handcent used to be slow for me when I was running a somewhat stock ROM on my DINC, but ever since I installed CM7, Handcent just flies through threads and menus like nobodies business! I couldn’t believe the huge difference it made! It probably had something to do with having the other (Sense) ROM’s stock messaging app on there, at least on my phone. 

    2. Wondering the same thing, only way is to test I guess :)

    3. yes Go is pretty damn nice. 
      I dont think this is a major upgrade anyway not like the article makes it seem. 

  3. I’ve been using handcent as my default forever ago, using Titanium backup to get rid of the stock app. There were some minor annoyances that this update has taken care of. Handcent is a winner!

    1. i used titanium backup to remove the stock sms app too, but then i stopped receiving mms period, so i eventually reinstalled it does this update mean i can re delete it? hmm… questions questions…

  4. Google voice compatible, by chance? Doubtful… :(

  5. Is it safe to uninstall the native SMS app?

    1. You can’t uninstal it. You can delete it if you have a rooted phone but in this case you’d beter do like me, use Titanium Backup to freeze the apps. That way when a system update is released, you un-freeze everything so that nothing goes wrong in the update :)

  6. Ugh! Still no Google Voice integration :-(

    1. That is an issue on Google Voice’s end, and not Handcent’s.

  7. i much prefer chomp sms over handcent.

  8. does handcent send that annoying “sent from HANDCENT. switch to HANDCENT today! Bob Smith is using HANDCENT to send you this sms!” along with every text?

    1. no. if it does, it can be toggled…i assure you

    2. It is off by default. However, you can change a setting to add a custom signature.

  9. UI is crap. and if its this way , i wont even bother to try.

    This is my general issue with most of the good apps in market, they have ugly crap UI. 
    For now will stick to stock SMS app on SGS

    1. Honestly, I thought the same thing, but the new darkness skin makes it look phenomenal–especially on Gingerbread!

  10. Just wish Handcent would install to SD card.  5 Mb is a chunk of internal memory I’d rather not tie up.

    1. are you really in that much of a need for more internal mem space?

      1. For users with older Android devices, yes. I have a MotoDroid and it only has 512mb of internal space. I’d kill for 16gb.

        1. aww…gotcha

  11. Go SMS all the way its supper clean

  12. I have wanting to use the group plugin app but there are 10 available in the market, any one have ideas on which to use?

  13. By the way, my favorite part of this update is the darkness skin. It’s finally the only non-ugly skin for Handcent and looks absolutely gorgeous on Gingerbread!

  14. Handcent has been pretty slow on my original Droid no matter what ROM I’m running (now Droid Concepts) and GoSMS was nice but nowhere near as customizable. I really enjoy having different backgrounds for specific contacts for one thing.

    I just hope at this point when I replace the Droid at some point this year Handcent will finally be as responsive as it was early on.

  15. I’ve been using Handcent for quite a while and think it is leaps and bounds better than the stock SMS/MMS application.  My only complaint would be that using the Premium Handcent services (paid) is a bit difficult, since you have to go online for them.  This can slow things down.  So, I choose not to use them and just use the basic services and it runs fine.

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