
Google Rolling Out New Mobile Homepage with Places Icons


Unless my eyes deceive, Google has tweaked their mobile landing page with the addition of Places icons below the search dialog. When clicked you will jump to a search for nearby businesses based on your location, meaning for the feature to work you will need location enabled in your Google Mobile settings. Restaurants, cafes, and bars are the three icons shown on the homepage, with an option to click through to see the entire list. We were alerted to the change via the above image showing Google’s German mobile site, but have been able to confirm that the US version is showing the same changes. Anyone else notice the new additions to Google’s site when accessed on your Android phone?

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  1. It is showing this page in the UK. :-)
    Good addition from google.

  2. this is also on the american mobile google page. 

  3. Yes, I saw the changes earlier this morning as well.

  4. Just got the new Google home page in Indiana. Only the location buttons on the bottom. Haven’t updated the top navigation buttons yet.

    1. click classic then mobile they should come up

  5. Showing in Sweden too

  6. i’m seeing this, NY DROID X

  7. Oh that’s nice – press the icon get a list and scrolling narrows the map down to what you’re looking at + directions button.  Nice.

    Almost removes my ‘places’ app requirements.  [though that still overlays on the map app with benefits there]

  8. showing in canada, i love it

  9. Droid X in MA.  Nice!

  10. Yep, 
    Changes are a Go in Australia
    -Galaxy S II

  11. Working here, vancouver WA. Mytouch 4g/htc glacier

  12. Showing here in the US – noticed it about 2:30AM Central or so.

  13. How come my friends iphone has the latest google browser with tabbed pages and everything and my Nexus S still does not?

    1. Same here. I do not have the newest tabbed Google Mobile Search page either.

      I have no idea why it has not rolled out to me. Maybe I need to clear the cache and cookies to get it.

      1. Hey, I tried that and it worked, thanks!  Still didn’t get the “tabbed” update, but I got the update this article talks about.

  14. Mine did this about a month ago o but then stopped so i thought it was a mistake

  15. try cilcking on classic then mobile if you don’t see it right away.

    1. your idea worked for me

  16. working in uk.

  17. Working here, eastern USA, Samsung Epic 4G

  18. showing in Portugal. Nice

  19. live in Denmark too – desire hd

  20. Showing up in India too probably 10 hours back

  21. Yes I do have it to G2 in Denver Colorado

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