
Samsung Rocks NYC with Phandroid Readers


Last night in NYC, a lucky bunch of Phandroid readers and AndroidForums members joined Samsung with an exclusively awesome event featuring the Galaxy Tab 10.1. About 500 people gathered to check out the unreleased Honeycomb Tablet, meet other Android enthusiasts, and eat some awesome food.

A HUGE line was gathered outside and this was the inside when only a few had entered. Perhaps the coolest part of the event was the fact that this was TRULY a behind the scenes look into the press world. Whenever we attend exclusive press events for device releases, we have a press conference and presentation, followed by the hands-on demonstrations in rooms decorated and filled just like this. For those who attended, they got an awesome glimpse into our world, complete with a device that hasn’t yet been released.

Above is our very own Contributing Editor, Kevin Krause, along with Steven58 and TwoSpirits – two moderators of the very best Android Forums in the world. The gentlemen on the left is Manny, an AF member who ALSO walked away with a 7-inch Galaxy Tab. BOOYAH!

There were a couple tables of delicious food and we couldn’t eat it quicker than they brought it out. It was always stacked to the brim with mouth watering treats- one of our favorite parts of attending press events! The drinks were all non-alcoholic- since anyone could sign up for the event we needed to keep it safe and sound- but MAN did they serve some amazing diet coke.

The headliner of the show was the Galaxy Tab 10.1 which will be launched on June 8th. If you weren’t at the event and want to know more, I suggest you read our full Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Review. Spoiler: our very own Quentyn Kennemer says, “the hardware is unmatched by any tablet manufacturer regardless of what operating system they use.”

We didn’t get nearly as many pictures as we would have liked, but that’s because we were busy having an awesome time and meeting the great people who read Phandroid and post (or lurk) on AndroidForums every day.

We would absolutely love to have more events like these – and we will – but PLEASE show your thanks to our partners by tweeting something like:

@SamsungMobileUS @Netshelter @Phandroid Awesome #nycGalaxyTab Event! Next time come to [Insert Your City Here]

If you’ve got pictures or videos from the event that you’d like to share with others, please post them in the comments or E-Mail them to me and I’ll add them to the bottom of this post as they come in. Thanks everyone, great meeting you all and thanks SO much for being the best readers, members and community on the planet. You guys seriously rock!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. That event was hush hush last night and probably because there was NO GALAXY S II ANNOUNCEMENT!!

  2. Any news on when the 8.9 version is coming out?

  3. I wish i could have gone, it looks like this was awesome. Too bad i live nowhere near NYC.

  4. It was awesome.  Can’t wait for the next one!

  5. Had a blast!! Great fun meeting you guys!!!

  6. I knew it it was you! Rob. I saw a video on another website of this gathering, sipping grey goose and patron….just kidding

  7. I really had a blast, winning a device made it even more baller. I am very excited for future events.

  8. It was great meeting you guys, thanks for all your hard work making this site the best!!
    Bob from NJ

  9. when is the gingerbread update for samsung galaxy s in the middle east?

  10. now if only Samsung put their own precious Exynos CPU Chips into this like in their Galaxy S II…
    only then it would be what Q said :“the hardware is unmatched by any tablet manufacturer regardless of what operating system they use.”

  11. I live in nyc and I would have attended if I had known about it. Was this for registered phandroid readers only?

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