
The Toshiba Thrive with Android 3.1 Gets A Ship Date and Pricing


I guess Toshiba was feeling left out of the tablet market and who can blame them? Just about everyone has an Android tablet these days (saw a pretty nifty one at Kohls the other day) and if its one thing that makes Android great, it’s options. Say hello to the Toshiba Thrive.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

So what exactly makes this Honeycomb tablet so special? Well, the fact that it comes in a wide array of options (there’s that word again) like an 8GB version for $430, 16GB for $480, and 32GB for $580. I personally think the 8GB version would more than do the trick seeing how it is the only tablet I’ve seen thus far offering a full sized SD card slot (no micro) and even full sized HDMI and USB connections. Wowzers.

Other notable specs include a removable battery (good for when Honeycomb freezes up on you), standard dual-core Nvida Tegra 2 processor, 5MP rear/2MP front facing cameras. Toshiba has also included some handy apps like Swype and upscaling software Resolution +.

The Toshiba Thrive will be the company’s first Honeycomb powered Android tablet to hit the U.S. and Best Buy will allow you to pre-order the device as early as June 13th with a rumored launch date of somewhere around July 10th.

This tablet sounds like a true winner to me (just hate the silver thing around the camera) hitting all the requirements I would look for in a tablet. But what about you guys? Out of all the Honeycomb tablets hitting this summer, which one will/would you pick up?

[Via Engadget]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Drop the price down to $350, we may talk

  2. still going Galaxy 10.1… and if not that, then the EEE Pad Slider

  3. 400 for 16 gig and 350 for 8 gig is the sweet spot

  4. Got a Transformer and couldn’t be happier. (Got the dock too!)

    1. Got my Tranny as well…but not a dock…yet…

  5. Agreed on all counts. This may be my tablet, because I’m all about the ports and the price, but that camera thing is ugly.

  6. Ummm, isn’t that the camera where your left thumb is supposed to go?

    And just out of curiosity, why does it matter whether the SD slot is for a full size or a micro SD card? Walmart sells them for basically the same price per gig, and the micro SD cards are usually hidden whereas the full size card normally sticks out a little. Just wondering, I prefer it the other way around.

  7. To be fair, Toshiba has shown off this tablet many times before – they’re just finally naming it and pricing it.  It sounded like Toshiba just now decided to throw a tablet together with “I guess Toshiba was feeling left out of the tablet market…”

    I’m no longer excited about Tegra 2 tablets (they have literally been available for consumers for over a year now), because they seem… so darn laggy (much less on phones with more modest resolutions) and there have been sooo many ~10″ android tablets with a Tegra 2, I feel like I’ve seen them all.  That aside, this does look nice, and I like that price tag, so this would be in the running for me if I were shopping for a Tegra 2 tablet.

    I’m interested to see how the galaxy tab 8.9 performs if it comes to my region (US of A) with the Exynos 4210, but it seems like Tegra 3 tablets will almost be here by the time the 8.9 is finally available.

    1. Not really. Some people on here really can’t grasp technology timeframe.
      By the time Galaxy Tab arrives tegra3 products will be “announced” just as the Galaxy tab was 6months ago. So for consumers like us to actually be able to buy tegra3 tablets will need to wait another 6~12months before it arrives on shelves in shops.

  8. So, it looks nearly the same as every other tegra tablet – not good. Why dont they have their name or logo on the front – who can tell I’ve got a tosh compared to something else?
    It is exactly the same spec as the others – why should I bother with this compared to the others – full sized ports is not enough. Its price is still too high for being very late to the party. Why not give us a bump in memory for free – do something different like make this one the same price and give it 1.1GHz and 64MB memory from the start – it looks good when compared then….
    I will wait until christmas when hopefully competition from other makes (MSI, Sansung, Panasonic, Sony, and updates) will bring about better hardware and cheaper pricing.

  9. Thought this was gunna be called the Toshiba Handibook…..

  10. That thing is bezeltastic!

  11. I love the USB port, and the full size SD slot is pretty nice. But check out their website, they give you six different colors to choose from. It’s the only tablet I’ve seen that gives you color choice which is kinda cool. I also like the textured look on the back, and the silver thing isnt too bad. I’d probably get this over the Transformer now, but it would most likely just come down to looks or how they feel in the hand.

  12. i don’t know why thees dum ass tablet makers are putting a camera on the back of a tab…i men think about who the hell is going to run around with a 10.1 inch+ size tablet taking pictures…..thats what my phone is for why don’t they just put it in the frunt so you can have awsum video chat quality…duua… get you head out of your asses people…thank you

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