
Samsung Infuse 4G Now Available for $199.99


We’re not sure what took Samsung and AT&T so long to bring this thing out, but the wait is over – the Samsung Infuse 4G is now available for $199.99 on a two-year contract. It’s a Galaxy S phone but is perhaps the most powerful of the lot. It has a 4.5 inch Super AMOLED Plus display, a 1.2GHz single-core processor, an 8 megapixel camera with HD video recording accompanied by a VGA front-facing camera, 16GB of internal storage (and that can be extended with a microSD card) and a whole lot more.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

AT&T’s offering it for $200 after a new two-year contract. Amazon has it for $150, though, so getting it from there might be your best bet if you don’t mind waiting for it to ship. Sure, it’s no Galaxy S II, but it’s still a high-end beast worth taking a look at. If you already have one or plan to get one, be sure to discuss the phone at the Infuse 4G section of AndroidForums.com.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1.  first

    1. Why disqus doesn’t have dislike button or even spam/ban button for such crappy comments and commentators…

    2. First dumbass

  2. why would anyone get this when the SGS2 is almost out….. 

      1. Not in the US. Hasn’t even been announced yet in US.

    1.  Because not everyone needs the most powerful? Most people are clueless when it comes to phones.

    2. oh god…these comments.
      The GS2 has not even been announced for the US and God knows when it will nbe,
      Besides the dualcore and probably slightly more memory, what key features does the GS2 offer that this phone doesn’t? Because this phone looks great to me :)

      1. Android 2.3.3, TouchWiz 4.0, 2 MP ffc, 1080p recording, better GPU, better browsing, more Samsung hubs, thinner and probably lighter, and much more :)

        1.  Don’t forget better battery life, faster swype, as well as eventual better dev support due to the phone being more popular. 

        2. So nothing to remarkably better is what i am saying?   

          1.  It depends on your needs.

            For the newer generation of games and apps, definitely worth waiting.

            Furthermore, NFC could be a very big deal. Well worth waiting for.

          2. NFC is not in the only GS II I think you can get in the states (the UK version) yet.  There is talk of a new UK model soon with it, and I think it is in the South Korean version (which I don’t think works on AT&T anyway, though everyone says the UK version works beautifully).  Waiting for NFC is the only thing I can think of keeping me from ordering a UK version (that and the worry of any hardware issues without warranty and the fact that AT&T doesn’t have a way like T-mobile to save money if you come with your own phone which is really really annoying).

            When and why do you see NFC being a big deal?  The roll-out to lots of stores for equipment to take the phone as credit card is going to take a few years I would think.  Exchanging files with other phones that have NFC?  That could happen right away, but I don’t see myself needing to do that.  What are your thoughts?

          3.  The GPU is one of the most remarkable things in it’s own right. Full TW4 support (which is quite nice on the Captivate) is a big plus, FFC is much better quality, recording itself is much better quality, Android  2.3.3., nothing more needed to be said. The differences are ALL remarkable.

  3.  probably the best Android phone AT&T has had. Like EVER.

    1.  Have you forgotten about the Aria (small and a bit outdated but still a powerful phone in its own right) Captivate, Inspire/Desire HD, and the Nexus One, soon the Nesux S. While AT&T lacks a great supply of quality android devices they still have some.

      1. Desire HD and inspire hd aren’t quality phones tbh…screen and camera are awful plus abysmal battery life.

        1.  Screen is just fine it surpasses the Nexus One’s. Do you actually own one? The battery life isn’t as terrible as others say. After a week the phone can make it at least a day and a  half with moderate use 

          1.  Compared to Super AMOLED it is horrendous.

          2. I’ve seen Super AMOLED and once again it’s not even that bad. Sure the colors aren’t as vibrant but it still gets the job done and looks fine. People are getting real picky these days just be happy your phone isn’t monochrome like it was a few years ago monochrome like it was a few years ago

          3.  Super Amoled isn’t really nothing to write home about itself. Yay for more vibrant over saturated colors YAY.
            Oh, and of all the AT&T Androids you neglected to mention the most powerful one available. The Atrix.

      2. Yeah, Aria with CM7 here. It’s really pretty amazing how powerful 600mhz can be when you use it right.

        1. Yeah I had an Aria, but I didn’t root (the day i was about to official Froyo came out, and I was scared about screwing up)The phone was powerful it handled pretty much everything I needed, but then the Inspire came out so I had to get it lol. Now I’m still scared to root but part of me still wants too mostly for theming reasons 

  4.  Very nice phone, if I didn’t have an imported SGS2 I would jump on it.

  5. Fail…. Ill wait for the S2 to come out or something better. Plus my captivate wasn’t every thing I expected it to be

    1. What’d you expect it to do the laundry for you? 

  6. So is this the last phone of the Galaxy S line? Because Galaxy S II is out

    1. i hope so europe already has the GS2 and were still getting the  gs1 with a bigger screen… 

  7.  AT&T gets this, and Verizon gets the Charge? Wowwwww

  8. No doubt this is the second best device on At&t I would believe the Atrix 4g should be a little better but either way you can’t go wrong. 

    1. I’ll say it’s the third best device behind the Inspire then Atrix. But again it’s all personal choice. The Inspire has the dev community behind it which makes a big difference in my book.

  9. I have the phone…it is quite fast, easy to type on and had a beautiful screen.

  10. I picked up this phone today and I love it.  It is my first Android phone…my iPhone 3G (not 3GS) was killing me.  The interface is very nice and smooth.  It’s a big phone, but that doesn’t bother me.  The screen is gorgeous :o)

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