
Logitech Revue with Google TV drops to $200 at Amazon


If you weren’t an early-adopter to Google TV, here is your chance to get in before Google launches the Android 3.1 update and all the goodies that go along with it, including apps from the Android Market. Amazon has dropped the price of the Logitech Revue (disembodied hands not included) to $199.99 for all your internet video, TV guide searching, Netflix streaming needs. Sure, new hardware is on the way with all the enhancements that will include, but you can’t beat the savings you get here. The Revue is a personal favorite of mine and it comes highly recommended.

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[via CrunchGear]

Kevin Krause
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  1. I just bought one @ Costco for $280! Luckily, I never opened it. After learning that new Google TVs will be coming out with faster processors (and ditching Intel) later this year, I am definitely driving back to Costco to return the Revue.

    1.  Whoa, slow down now. Google said nothing specifically mentioning that they were dropping Intel, thats just widely believed.

    2. @facebook-100001272551741:disqus Even if you opened it, you still have 90 days to return any technology items to Costco!

  2. The new one’s can’t come fast enough.  I’m hoping that a blue-ray version comes that is cheaper than the current Sony version, I might even get 2 if they are priced right. 

  3. Well, they did say the existing ones will be updated to 3.1. Hmmmmmmmmmm.

    1. Yeah, but a dual-core should help with the lag/stuttering issues that have been reported with the Revue.

  4.  I bought mine for $179.00 through Dish Network and i’m happy with it. Sure it lags sometimes but not to where I want to throw it out the window.

    1.  @ Nexus_S_034rocco.

      did you get the app for your phone?

      works great.

      i change channels on my wife all the time and she aint figured it out.

      1. lol!

        No, haven’t downloaded the Logitech remote app but, have done that same trick to my wife using the Sling app. which you can control the Dish receiver too. Hilarious is it not!  


  5. Why would anyone get this when they know fish tank is comming as a google experience device?

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