
Android Overload: Australia Receives Moto Xoom and Atrix, Samsung Gives Away Fascinates and More


Hola, mis amigos! Today, we have an extra spicy Cinco de Mayo edition of Android Overload and it’s muy caliente! With all the stuff going in the world of Android, we at Phandroid want to make sure we leave no man behind when it comes to the news. So in between writing up the stories that made their way to our front page, I also managed to dig up some other interesting links for you to sink your teeth into. My question to you is – how did you end up spending your Cinco de Mayo?

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal
  • Samsung celebrates the May 12th launch of the Fascinate 4G on TELUS by giving them away! [MobileSyrup]
  • TELUS didn’t want to feel left out. Releases the LG Optimus 3G in Canada.
  • Samsung shows off the SENS-240. An Android hybrid navigation/tablet device that syncs with your phone. [Electronista]
  • Australians will soon be able to grab the Motorola ATRIX 4G and XOOM for $840 each. [AusDroid]
  • The Vodafone 858 is the carrier’s next cheap Android made by Huawei. [EuroDroid]
  • Android 2.3 for the HTC Desire Z is said to be landing by the end of June.
Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

Google Is Looking Into A Joint Venture With Skype

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  1. Certainly looks overload!!..

  2. Yay! More GingerSense! The Desire Z is where alot of our Sense 2.0/2.1 ROMs are coming from, so this significantly ups our chance of seeing a GingerSense ROM on my phone of choice: the OG Incredible

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