
Google IO Giveaway: It’s Already Yours! [CONTEST]


In 2009, Google had an “Oprah Moment” and gave all 4,000 attendees at Google IO a brand new Google Ion. In 2010, Google hooked everyone up with an HTC EVO 4G. It’s 2011, and Google IO starts on Tuesday… what will Google surprise us with this year?

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Whatever it is, YOU have the chance to win it and entering couldn’t be easier. That’s right, assuming Google includes members of the press in their giveaway (they have the past two years), whatever they give to me, I’ll be giving to one of you.


  • Sign up to the Phandroid Newsletter (look to the top right of this page)
  • Pray that we randomly select you out of all our newsletter subscribers (only 1 winner)
  • We’ll E-Mail the winner sometime on Tuesday, May 10th (so you must stay subscribed until at least then to benefit)
  • Please note: if the giveaway is of an unreleased device, we’ll be using it to conduct a review before sending to the winner


Do yourself a favor and try out a couple editions of our weekly newsletter. There is SO much Android news it can be overwhelming, but each week we’ll boil it down for you and hook you up by:

  • Summarizing the hottest news you don’t want to miss
  • Highlighting Apps & Games from the previous week that are worth downloading
  • Offering tips, tricks & tutorials to help you get the most out of your Android device
  • Exclusive offers, downloads and contests!


This is your chance to say “I told ya so”! Vote in the poll but if you’ve got a specific hunch as to what Google will be giving away at Google IO… leave a comment!

[polldaddy poll=5020403]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Very nice. as a part of a Dev team i know we would love to play with a new unreleased device..

    1. Yeah and knowing Google it will be something good. The Google Ion was the first all touchscreen Android phone in the U.S. I sold mine for $100 when the Nexus One came out, my friend still uses it. Maybe it will be a Nexus tablet.

      Edit: I own two Nexus devices so I do know that at the moment none of the tablets can truly be called a Nexus device.

  2. I’ve been a subscriber for long time n until today I recv my new email ….hope is something good n pray I win

    1. I hope being one the original Phandroid OG’s helps. ^_^

  3. For sure a tablet or maybe some stock?

  4. This would be amazing! :D

  5. Sounds awesome, i hope i win.

  6. I think they will be giving out a variety of things this year since they are spreading themselves out so much. I would love to have anything really.

  7. Google should just give away a tablet, a phone, and a chrome product. :)

  8. Awesome! Hope I win!

  9. for a second there I thought you were going to say that google had announced what they will be giving away or something.. I can’t wait for tuesday!

    also, didn’t they give out moto droids and nexus ones(depending on where you were from) last year as well as evo 4g’s?

    1. I believe they did. Phone + tablet this year?

      1. First it was one phone then two phones maybe next is two tablets.

  10. ahhh!

  11. Nothing like getting something for free – I Hope To Be One Of The Lucky Winners.!!!!

  12. What prevents people from creating multiple email adresses to sign up with?
    Well either way I hope I win (as everyone does) and I’ll be happy with a tablet, chrome OS product or Google tv (set-top box). Or if it’s a new fancy stock android phone. If it isn;t a stock android phone…..hmmm then I might consider rooting it…..since I planned on having my next phone be a nexus 3 (Yes I am assuming Google wil release a Nexus 3 somehwere at the end of 2011 or start of 2012)

    1. We’ll be looking at IP addresses and other indicators to make sure nobody is gaming the system.

      1. what if we added more then one email address ( i have 2) about 8 months ago? should i unsubscribe to one?

        1. Whatever you want to do my man. I prefer to roll the dice on the side of karma,but if you legitimately want both newsletter e-mails subscribed than its all good!

  13. i am in !!

  14. Awesome! I’m going to Google IO myself so will refrain from being a dick.

    I read this today. Rumor that we may see a Nexus Tablet which we may receive at IO

    1. Nice find.

  15. Yes I am a Google Fan boy in the highest order!

  16. I’m hoping for a tablet and am guessing that there will be a Chrome OS laptop.

    1. Im also thinking its going to be one of the chrome os laptops,google has been pretty quiet about them lately

  17. just water damaged my N1 so anything would be amazing!

  18. Is this giveaway limited by country?

  19. Here, a Google peep wants to win something.

  20. I expect it will be a tablet. HTC Flyer perhaps?

  21. Last year they gave people a droid and then either an EVO or Nexus depending on which country you were from.

    In December, they gave US attended a Google TV box.

  22. Nexus S 4G, or Galaxy S II.. something NFC equipped

  23. You know I’ve been subscribed to the newsletter since the MyTouch 3G came out and I’ve never received an e-mail from you guys.

    1. Dito

  24. I love a mystery giveaway.

  25. I don’t usually have much luck with giveaways, but hey, one never knows. Can’t win if you don’t play.

  26. im hoping it something that will compliment my atrix nicely…

  27. Just signed up from my EVO

  28. Whew..finally let me log in and I forgot what I wanted to post..Hope I win..I don’t win often at all..It’s either win this or win a Gold Wing next weekend at the moment..Last time I won something was in Jr. High…A bright yellow schwin ten speed.

  29. This is awesome. I signed up for the newsletter even before there was anything given away. I wonder what does Google have in store for everyone this year?

  30. im IN… :D

  31. I should win. My birthday is the 8th, what would make a better gift?

  32. exciting

  33. First Honeycomb phone?

  34. I hope its a tablet, and I hope I win… cuz I’ve been considering buying a tablet anyway :)

  35. Just entered, hope I am not too late!!!

  36. Tab 10.1!!! Pick me, pick me, pick me!!

  37. Was a winner picked yesterday because there was no announcement?

  38. anything would be nice! =)

  39. Woul be nice to hear an update. Is there a certain address I need to put on my whitelist so it doesn’t get sent to junkmail..should I win that is? I woudl surely hate to have lost something because f my stupid junkmail/spam box.

  40. Goooooooooooooooooooooogle

  41. Any update as to a winner?

  42. What happen with this giveaway?

  43.  I’d really love a tablet for my work these days lol

  44.  Any reason why we haven’t heard about a winner for this contest?  An update would be nice since according to the post you guys were going to pick a winner on the 10th?   

  45. What was the prize?  Who won?

  46. is there a winner yet?

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