
LG Ally to Receive Android 2.2.2, Will Require Update Utility App


The LG Ally is about to receive an update to Android 2.2.2, according to a text message being sent to owners of the handset. While the update itself is mostly concerned with patching a few holes and squashing some bugs, the interesting thing to report is that in order to receive the update users will need to download the Upgrade Utility for Ally from the Android Market. There is no word on why, exactly, an application is needed to install the update, as the move from Android 2.1 to 2.2 came via a traditional over-the-air push.

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Users who have installed the app so far are reporting no update is available yet, but Verizon has posted the details of what we can expect over at their support site. Head over to the source links below for more info.

Android Market Link: Upgrade Utility for Ally

[Verizon via AndroidForums]

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  1. Suspicious, waiting for it to be integrated to the next rom.

  2. Meh

  3. this seems kind of phishy. was verizon in the epsilon breach?

  4. You can get the update using LG update tool. I did this today and don’t seem to notice any difference from 2.2.1

    I’m not rooted so don’t know if this update will effect a rooted ally or not.

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